Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: hypochlorite


Hypochlorite: A Powerful Ally in Environmental & Water Treatment

Hypochlorite, a chlorine anion (OCl-), has become a mainstay in environmental and water treatment due to its potent disinfectant properties. It offers a safer and more convenient alternative to chlorine gas, which can be hazardous to handle. This article delves into the applications and mechanisms of hypochlorite, highlighting its importance in safeguarding our water resources.

Hypochlorite: An Effective Disinfectant

Hypochlorite's effectiveness as a disinfectant stems from its ability to generate free chlorine, a highly reactive species that effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. This process occurs through oxidation, where the hypochlorite ion disrupts the cellular structures of pathogens, rendering them inactive.

Applications in Water Treatment:

  • Municipal Water Treatment: Hypochlorite is a key component in municipal water treatment plants, ensuring the safety of drinking water supplies. It is added to water to eliminate harmful pathogens, safeguarding public health.
  • Swimming Pool Disinfection: Hypochlorite is widely used in swimming pools to maintain water hygiene. It prevents the growth of bacteria and algae, making the pool safe and enjoyable for swimmers.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Hypochlorite plays a crucial role in wastewater treatment by eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses before wastewater is discharged into the environment.

Benefits of Hypochlorite:

  • Safety: Hypochlorite solutions are safer to handle than chlorine gas, reducing the risk of accidents and leaks.
  • Convenience: Hypochlorite is readily available in various forms, including liquid and granular, making it easy to use and store.
  • Effectiveness: Hypochlorite effectively eliminates a wide range of pathogens, ensuring comprehensive water disinfection.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared to other disinfection methods, hypochlorite is a cost-effective solution for water treatment.

Challenges Associated with Hypochlorite:

  • Formation of disinfection byproducts: Hypochlorite can react with organic matter in water, forming disinfection byproducts (DBPs), some of which can be harmful to human health.
  • Corrosion: Hypochlorite can be corrosive to metal pipes and equipment, necessitating careful handling and monitoring.


Hypochlorite is a valuable tool in environmental and water treatment, providing an effective and safe way to eliminate harmful pathogens. Its versatility, convenience, and effectiveness have solidified its position as a critical element in safeguarding water quality and public health. However, it's essential to manage the potential risks associated with its use, such as DBP formation and corrosion, to ensure safe and sustainable water treatment practices.

Test Your Knowledge

Hypochlorite Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the chemical formula for hypochlorite?

a) ClO



b) ClO2


c) ClO3


d) ClO4


2. Hypochlorite is effective as a disinfectant because it:

a) Releases oxygen into the water.



b) Generates free chlorine, which is highly reactive.


c) Lowers the pH of the water.


d) Absorbs harmful pathogens.


3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using hypochlorite?

a) Safety in handling.



b) Convenience of storage and use.


c) Cost-effectiveness compared to other disinfection methods.


d) Ability to completely eliminate all organic matter in water.


4. What is a potential risk associated with using hypochlorite?

a) It can increase the pH of the water.



b) It can form disinfection byproducts (DBPs).


c) It can make the water taste salty.


d) It can cause the water to become radioactive.


5. In which of the following applications is hypochlorite NOT commonly used?

a) Municipal water treatment.



b) Swimming pool disinfection.


c) Wastewater treatment.


d) Medical sterilization.


Hypochlorite Exercise

Scenario: You are a water treatment plant operator. You have been instructed to add a specific amount of hypochlorite to the incoming water supply to ensure proper disinfection. The instructions state that you need to achieve a free chlorine concentration of 1 ppm (parts per million). However, you have been provided with hypochlorite solution that has a concentration of 10% available chlorine.

Task: Calculate the amount of hypochlorite solution (in milliliters) that you need to add per liter of water to achieve the desired free chlorine concentration of 1 ppm.

Hint: You can use the formula:

Volume of hypochlorite solution (mL) = (Desired free chlorine concentration (ppm) * Volume of water (L)) / (Hypochlorite concentration (%) * 10)

Exercise Correction

Here's how to solve the problem: 1. **Identify the given values:** - Desired free chlorine concentration = 1 ppm - Volume of water = 1 L - Hypochlorite concentration = 10% 2. **Apply the formula:** ``` Volume of hypochlorite solution (mL) = (1 ppm * 1 L) / (10% * 10) ``` 3. **Simplify the equation:** ``` Volume of hypochlorite solution (mL) = 1 / 100 ``` 4. **Calculate the result:** ``` Volume of hypochlorite solution (mL) = 0.01 mL ``` **Therefore, you need to add 0.01 mL of the 10% hypochlorite solution per liter of water to achieve a free chlorine concentration of 1 ppm.** **Important Note:** This calculation is a simplified example. In real-world scenarios, you should consider factors like the water's pH, temperature, and the presence of organic matter, which can influence the effectiveness of disinfection and the formation of DBPs.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by AWWA (American Water Works Association) - A comprehensive guide covering various water treatment processes, including disinfection with hypochlorite.
  • Chemistry of Water Treatment by A.T. Davison - Provides in-depth analysis of chemical processes involved in water treatment, including the chemistry of hypochlorite.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies edited by R.A. Clark - A collection of chapters on various water and wastewater treatment technologies, with sections dedicated to disinfection and the use of hypochlorite.


  • "Disinfection Byproducts" by **WHO (World Health Organization) - Provides a comprehensive overview of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formed during water treatment, including those related to hypochlorite.
  • "Hypochlorite: A review of its applications in water treatment" by S.K. Gupta and V.K. Jain (Published in Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering) - This article focuses on the various applications of hypochlorite in water treatment, including municipal water and swimming pool disinfection.
  • "The Role of Hypochlorite in Wastewater Treatment" by W.T. Davis (Published in Water Environment Research) - This article explores the effectiveness of hypochlorite in treating wastewater and removing pathogens before discharge.

Online Resources

  • US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): Provides information on various aspects of water treatment, including disinfection and the use of hypochlorite. Search keywords like "hypochlorite", "disinfection byproducts", or "water treatment".
  • AWWA (American Water Works Association): Offers resources and publications on water treatment technologies, including the use of hypochlorite.
  • WHO (World Health Organization): Provides guidelines and information on safe water management, including drinking water disinfection and DBPs.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: For example, "hypochlorite water treatment", "hypochlorite disinfection", "hypochlorite DBPs".
  • Combine keywords with operators: "hypochlorite AND swimming pools", "hypochlorite OR chlorine gas"
  • Use quotation marks: "hypochlorite disinfection byproducts" to find exact phrases.
  • Filter search results by date: To find recent articles and research on the topic.
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