Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: hydrometer


The Hydrometer: A Simple Tool for Environmental and Water Treatment Monitoring

The hydrometer, a seemingly simple instrument, plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment applications. It's a powerful tool for quickly assessing the specific gravity of liquids, a key parameter that can provide valuable insights into the composition and quality of water.

Understanding Specific Gravity and its Importance

Specific gravity (SG) represents the ratio of a substance's density to the density of a reference substance, usually water at 4°C. In the context of water treatment, SG indicates the relative density of the water sample, which can vary depending on the presence of dissolved solids, contaminants, and other factors.

Hydrometer Design and Function

A hydrometer typically consists of a sealed glass tube with a weighted bulb at the bottom and a graduated stem. When placed in a liquid, the hydrometer floats at a level that depends on the liquid's density. The reading on the stem where the liquid level intersects indicates the specific gravity.

Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment

Hydrometers are widely used in various environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Water Quality Monitoring: In wastewater treatment plants, hydrometers help assess the concentration of dissolved solids, which is crucial for monitoring treatment efficiency and ensuring compliance with discharge standards.
  • Industrial Process Control: In industries like brewing, food processing, and chemical manufacturing, hydrometers are essential for monitoring the concentration of solutions and ensuring process consistency.
  • Soil and Groundwater Assessment: Hydrometers can be used to assess the density of soil samples, providing valuable information about soil structure, compaction, and potential contamination.
  • Aquaculture: In fish farming, hydrometers help monitor the salinity levels of water, ensuring optimal conditions for fish health and growth.
  • Battery Maintenance: Hydrometers are used to determine the specific gravity of battery acid, indicating the battery's charge level.

Advantages and Limitations

Hydrometers offer several advantages:

  • Simplicity and Affordability: They are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, requiring minimal training.
  • Direct Measurement: Hydrometers provide a direct, real-time measurement of specific gravity.
  • Portability: They are compact and portable, making them suitable for field measurements.

However, hydrometers also have limitations:

  • Accuracy: They are generally less accurate than other methods like density meters.
  • Limited Range: They have a limited range of measurement, suitable only for certain types of liquids and specific gravity values.
  • Temperature Sensitivity: Readings can be affected by temperature variations, requiring temperature correction for accurate results.


Despite its simplicity, the hydrometer remains a valuable tool for monitoring and assessing the quality of water and other liquids in various environmental and water treatment applications. Its affordability, ease of use, and ability to provide real-time readings make it a practical choice for a wide range of applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydrometer Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the hydrometer measure? a) Temperature b) pH c) Specific gravity d) Conductivity


c) Specific gravity

2. What is the reference substance used to determine specific gravity? a) Air b) Water at 4°C c) Ethanol d) Mercury


b) Water at 4°C

3. Which of the following is NOT a typical application of a hydrometer? a) Monitoring the concentration of dissolved solids in wastewater b) Assessing the salinity levels in aquaculture c) Measuring the viscosity of oil d) Determining the charge level of a battery


c) Measuring the viscosity of oil

4. What is a major advantage of using a hydrometer? a) High accuracy b) Wide measurement range c) Simplicity and affordability d) Resistance to temperature variations


c) Simplicity and affordability

5. What is a limitation of hydrometers? a) They are not portable b) They require extensive training to use c) They can be influenced by temperature changes d) They are not suitable for liquids with high specific gravity


c) They can be influenced by temperature changes

Hydrometer Exercise:


Imagine you are working in a wastewater treatment plant. You need to monitor the specific gravity of the treated wastewater before it is discharged. You have a hydrometer calibrated for a range of 1.000 to 1.050 SG.

You take a sample of the treated wastewater and place it in a container. You carefully lower the hydrometer into the sample and observe that it floats at a level of 1.025.


  1. What is the specific gravity of the treated wastewater?
  2. Based on the specific gravity reading, what can you infer about the water quality?
  3. What are some potential consequences if the specific gravity reading is consistently higher than the acceptable limit?

Exercice Correction

1. The specific gravity of the treated wastewater is 1.025.

2. A specific gravity of 1.025 indicates that the wastewater contains a moderate amount of dissolved solids. This could be due to various factors like organic matter, salts, or other contaminants. Further investigation may be needed to determine the specific composition.

3. If the specific gravity reading is consistently higher than the acceptable limit, it may indicate: * **Inefficient treatment:** The treatment process is not effectively removing dissolved solids. * **Excessive discharge:** The plant is discharging too much concentrated wastewater, exceeding regulatory limits. * **Environmental impact:** High specific gravity wastewater can negatively impact receiving water bodies, affecting aquatic life and ecosystem health.


  • "Water Quality: Examination and Interpretation" by T.D. Downing & M.D. Lefor - Provides a comprehensive overview of water quality parameters and methods of analysis, including hydrometry.
  • "Environmental Chemistry" by Stanley E. Manahan - A textbook covering the chemistry of environmental systems, including the use of hydrometers for specific gravity determination.
  • "Analytical Chemistry" by Gary D. Christian - Discusses various analytical techniques, including hydrometry and its applications in environmental and industrial settings.


  • "Hydrometers: A Simple Tool for Determining Specific Gravity" by ScienceDirect - This article offers an overview of hydrometers, their design, and their applications in various industries.
  • "Specific Gravity Measurements in Water and Wastewater Treatment" by Water Environment & Technology - A technical article focusing on the importance of specific gravity measurements in wastewater treatment processes.
  • "Hydrometer Calibration and Use in the Laboratory" by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - Provides detailed guidelines on calibrating and using hydrometers in laboratory settings.

Online Resources

  • "Hydrometer" on Wikipedia - A comprehensive overview of hydrometers, their history, types, and applications.
  • "Hydrometer Guide: How to Use a Hydrometer" by The Homebrewer - This guide offers practical instructions on using hydrometers for brewing and other applications.
  • "Specific Gravity Calculator" by Engineering Toolbox - This online calculator allows you to convert specific gravity to other density units and vice versa.

Search Tips

  • "Hydrometer types" - To learn about different types of hydrometers, their design, and their applications.
  • "Hydrometer calibration" - To find information on calibrating hydrometers for accurate measurements.
  • "Hydrometer applications" - To discover specific uses of hydrometers in various industries and fields.
  • "Hydrometer specific gravity table" - To access tables that correlate specific gravity readings with the concentration of dissolved substances.
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