Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide: A Versatile Tool for Environmental and Water Treatment

Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is a powerful oxidizing agent that has found widespread application in environmental and water treatment. Its versatility stems from its ability to break down organic pollutants, disinfect water sources, and control odors, making it a valuable tool for safeguarding human health and protecting the environment.

1. Odor Control:

Hydrogen peroxide effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors by oxidizing malodorous compounds, converting them into odorless products. This makes it particularly useful in treating wastewater from industrial processes, sewage treatment plants, and agricultural operations.

2. Disinfection:

H₂O₂ acts as a strong disinfectant by oxidizing bacterial, viral, and fungal cells, disrupting their cellular functions and killing them. It effectively treats drinking water, swimming pools, and wastewater, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.

3. Organic Pollutant Degradation:

Hydrogen peroxide can oxidize and degrade various organic pollutants, including pesticides, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals, transforming them into less harmful substances. This makes it valuable in cleaning contaminated soil and water, contributing to environmental remediation efforts.

4. Advantages of Using Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • Environmentally friendly: Hydrogen peroxide readily decomposes into water and oxygen, leaving no harmful residues.
  • Effective at low concentrations: It achieves excellent results even at relatively low concentrations, minimizing the risk of toxicity.
  • Non-corrosive: Unlike chlorine, it does not damage pipes or other infrastructure.
  • Safe for aquatic life: Compared to other disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide has a lower impact on aquatic ecosystems.

5. Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment:

  • Drinking water disinfection: Used to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens in municipal water supplies.
  • Wastewater treatment: Effective for odor control, disinfection, and removal of organic pollutants in wastewater treatment plants.
  • Industrial water treatment: Used to control microbial growth and eliminate organic contaminants in industrial processes.
  • Soil remediation: Used to degrade pesticides, herbicides, and other organic pollutants in contaminated soil.
  • Air purification: Employed to eliminate odors and pathogens in enclosed spaces.

6. Limitations of Hydrogen Peroxide:

While hydrogen peroxide offers numerous advantages, it also has certain limitations.

  • UV sensitivity: It degrades quickly when exposed to sunlight.
  • Storage requirements: Requires proper storage conditions to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Cost: Can be more expensive than other disinfectants, depending on the application.


Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile and powerful tool for environmental and water treatment, offering a range of benefits for human health and environmental protection. Its effectiveness in odor control, disinfection, and organic pollutant degradation makes it a valuable option for various applications. However, it is important to carefully consider its limitations and ensure appropriate storage and handling procedures to maximize its benefits.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydrogen Peroxide Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism by which hydrogen peroxide controls odors? a) It absorbs odor molecules. b) It masks odors with a pleasant scent. c) It oxidizes malodorous compounds into odorless products. d) It traps odor molecules within its chemical structure.


c) It oxidizes malodorous compounds into odorless products.

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using hydrogen peroxide in environmental and water treatment? a) Environmentally friendly decomposition into water and oxygen. b) Effective at low concentrations, minimizing toxicity. c) Non-corrosive to pipes and infrastructure. d) Highly stable and long shelf life.


d) Highly stable and long shelf life.

3. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to degrade which of the following organic pollutants? a) Pesticides b) Herbicides c) Pharmaceuticals d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which of the following is a limitation of using hydrogen peroxide? a) It is highly corrosive to pipes and infrastructure. b) It is only effective at high concentrations. c) It readily decomposes when exposed to sunlight. d) It is toxic to aquatic life.


c) It readily decomposes when exposed to sunlight.

5. In which of the following applications is hydrogen peroxide NOT typically used? a) Drinking water disinfection b) Wastewater treatment c) Soil remediation d) Paint removal


d) Paint removal

Hydrogen Peroxide Exercise:

Task: Imagine you are working at a wastewater treatment plant. The plant is experiencing a problem with foul odors emanating from the treatment process. You are tasked with investigating the use of hydrogen peroxide as a solution.

Problem: * Research the specific benefits of hydrogen peroxide in odor control within wastewater treatment. * Identify the potential challenges of implementing hydrogen peroxide for odor control in your plant, considering factors like cost, storage, and safety. * Propose a plan outlining how you would implement the use of hydrogen peroxide in your plant, addressing the challenges identified.

Exercice Correction

**Research:** * Hydrogen peroxide is highly effective at oxidizing malodorous compounds, converting them into odorless products. This makes it a suitable solution for controlling foul odors in wastewater treatment. * It is particularly effective at breaking down sulfur-containing compounds, which are often responsible for unpleasant odors. **Challenges:** * **Cost:** Hydrogen peroxide can be more expensive than other odor control methods. * **Storage:** It requires proper storage conditions to maintain its effectiveness, such as cool, dark areas away from direct sunlight. * **Safety:** Handling hydrogen peroxide requires appropriate safety protocols and training due to its oxidizing nature. **Proposed Plan:** 1. **Cost Analysis:** Conduct a cost-benefit analysis comparing hydrogen peroxide with existing odor control methods. This should factor in the cost of hydrogen peroxide, equipment, storage, and personnel training. 2. **Storage and Handling:** Develop a plan for safe storage and handling of hydrogen peroxide, including the purchase of appropriate storage tanks, safety equipment, and training for staff. 3. **Pilot Test:** Perform a pilot test to determine the optimal dosage and application method for hydrogen peroxide in your specific wastewater treatment process. 4. **Monitoring and Evaluation:** Continuously monitor the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide in reducing odors and evaluate the cost effectiveness of the solution. Make adjustments to the dosage or application method as needed.


  • "Handbook of Environmental Chemistry: Vol. 5/Part C: Wastewater Treatment: Biological and Chemical Processes" by W. J. Weber Jr. and P. M. Coughlin (Springer, 2004): Provides a comprehensive overview of wastewater treatment technologies, including hydrogen peroxide applications.
  • "Water Quality: An Introduction" by David A. M. Hillel (Elsevier, 2018): Discusses water quality issues and various treatment methods, highlighting the role of hydrogen peroxide.
  • "Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective" by A. S. Pavlostathis (Pearson Education, 2019): Covers various aspects of environmental engineering, including water and wastewater treatment with a focus on chemical processes like hydrogen peroxide oxidation.


  • "Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by A. M. Al-Degs, M. A. El-Barghouthi, and J. C. Crittenden (Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2013): Evaluates different advanced oxidation processes, including hydrogen peroxide-based methods.
  • "Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by G. P. Pizzigalli, M. A. Sarno, and A. P. Marra (Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2018): Provides a detailed analysis of hydrogen peroxide applications in wastewater treatment and its advantages.
  • "The Use of Hydrogen Peroxide for Disinfection and Oxidation in Water Treatment" by D. S. Singer and A. S. Cunningham (Water Research, 1998): Explores the use of hydrogen peroxide for disinfection and oxidation of organic matter in drinking water treatment.

Online Resources

  • EPA Technology Transfer Network: Offers information on various environmental technologies, including advanced oxidation processes using hydrogen peroxide. (
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): Provides resources and research on wastewater treatment technologies, including hydrogen peroxide applications. (
  • National Institute of Health (NIH): Offers information on hydrogen peroxide, including its safety and potential health effects. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "hydrogen peroxide," "water treatment," "wastewater treatment," "disinfection," "oxidation," "advanced oxidation processes" for targeted results.
  • Refine your search: Use operators like quotation marks (" ") for specific phrases and minus signs (-) to exclude irrelevant results.
  • Explore different sources: Include specific websites like EPA, WEF, or academic journals in your search query.
  • Focus on recent research: Use filters to narrow down your results to recent publications or research articles.
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