Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Hydrocleaner


Hydrocleaners: A Powerful Tool for Environmental and Water Treatment

The term "hydrocleaner" encompasses a variety of technologies used in environmental and water treatment, all aimed at removing impurities and contaminants from water sources. One prominent example is the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) system, a highly effective process employed in a wide range of applications, from municipal wastewater treatment to industrial effluent cleanup.

Baker Hughes Process Systems, a leading provider of environmental solutions, offers a sophisticated DAF system known for its efficiency and reliability.

Understanding Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

DAF utilizes the principle of air flotation to remove suspended solids and other impurities from water. The process involves saturating a pressurized water stream with air, forming tiny air bubbles. When the pressure is released, the dissolved air forms microbubbles that attach to the particles in the water, making them buoyant and allowing them to float to the surface. A skimming mechanism then removes the concentrated solids, leaving a cleaner water stream.

Baker Hughes Process Systems' DAF System

Baker Hughes Process Systems' DAF system boasts a number of key advantages:

  • High Efficiency: The system's innovative design maximizes air-water contact, resulting in efficient microbubble formation and effective particle removal.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The DAF system's robust construction and low operating costs make it a highly economical choice for various water treatment applications.
  • Flexibility: The system can be customized to meet specific flow rates and treatment requirements, catering to diverse needs.
  • Sustainability: Baker Hughes' DAF system utilizes a minimal amount of chemicals and energy, promoting environmentally conscious water treatment.

Applications of DAF Systems

DAF systems find wide-ranging applications in various industries:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Removing suspended solids, oils, and greases from wastewater before discharge.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Treating effluent from industries like food processing, manufacturing, and chemical production.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Removing turbidity, algae, and other contaminants to produce safe and palatable drinking water.
  • Oil and Gas: Removing suspended solids and emulsified oil from produced water.
  • Mining: Treating wastewater from mining operations to remove heavy metals and suspended solids.

The Future of Hydrocleaners

As the demand for clean water grows, hydrocleaning technologies like DAF systems are poised to play a crucial role in addressing global water challenges. Their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability make them an attractive solution for a wide range of water treatment needs.

Baker Hughes Process Systems, with its commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility, is actively developing and refining its DAF system to meet the evolving demands of the water treatment industry. By leveraging technology and expertise, the company continues to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydrocleaners Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)?

a) Using chemicals to break down contaminants.


Incorrect. DAF uses air flotation, not chemical breakdown.

b) Using air bubbles to make contaminants float to the surface.


Correct! This is the core principle of DAF.

c) Filtering water through a series of membranes.


Incorrect. This describes a different water treatment method.

d) Using heat to evaporate contaminants.


Incorrect. This describes a different water treatment method.

2. Which company is mentioned as a leading provider of DAF systems?

a) Siemens


Incorrect. While Siemens offers environmental solutions, they are not specifically mentioned for DAF systems.

b) Baker Hughes Process Systems


Correct! Baker Hughes is highlighted as a leading provider of DAF systems.

c) GE Water


Incorrect. While GE Water is involved in water treatment, they are not specifically mentioned for DAF systems.

d) Veolia


Incorrect. While Veolia is a major player in water treatment, they are not specifically mentioned for DAF systems.

3. What is a key advantage of Baker Hughes' DAF system?

a) High cost-effectiveness.


Correct! The text highlights the system's low operating costs.

b) Dependence on a high level of chemicals for treatment.


Incorrect. The system is mentioned to utilize minimal chemicals.

c) Inability to be customized for different flow rates.


Incorrect. The text explicitly mentions the system's flexibility in customization.

d) Low efficiency in removing contaminants.


Incorrect. The text highlights the system's high efficiency.

4. In which of the following industries is DAF NOT typically used?

a) Municipal Wastewater Treatment


Incorrect. DAF is commonly used in municipal wastewater treatment.

b) Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


Incorrect. DAF can be used to treat wastewater from pharmaceutical manufacturing.

c) Agriculture


Correct! While DAF can be used in some agricultural applications, it is not a typical or widespread use.

d) Oil and Gas


Incorrect. DAF is used to treat produced water in the oil and gas industry.

5. What is a key factor driving the growth of hydrocleaning technologies like DAF?

a) Increasing demand for clean water.


Correct! The text highlights the increasing demand for clean water as a driver for hydrocleaning technologies.

b) Decreasing awareness of environmental concerns.


Incorrect. The text emphasizes the environmental benefits of hydrocleaning technologies.

c) Reduction in the cost of traditional water treatment methods.


Incorrect. The text highlights the cost-effectiveness of DAF systems.

d) A decrease in the number of water-intensive industries.


Incorrect. The text indicates a broad range of applications across many industries.


Scenario: A local municipality is facing challenges in treating wastewater effectively due to increasing levels of suspended solids and oils. They are considering implementing a DAF system to improve their water treatment capabilities.


  1. Briefly explain the benefits of a DAF system for this municipality.
  2. Identify two specific aspects of the DAF system that would likely be of particular interest to the municipality, given their wastewater treatment challenges.
  3. Discuss one potential drawback that the municipality might consider before implementing a DAF system.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

Benefits for the Municipality: - **Efficient Removal of Suspended Solids and Oils:** DAF systems are specifically designed to remove these types of contaminants, effectively addressing the municipality's primary challenge. - **Improved Water Quality:** By removing contaminants, the DAF system would help ensure cleaner and safer wastewater discharge, benefiting the environment and local waterways. - **Cost-Effectiveness:** The system's low operating costs would make it a financially viable solution for the municipality. Specific Aspects of Interest: - **High Efficiency:** The municipality would likely be interested in the system's high efficiency in removing suspended solids and oils, ensuring effective treatment. - **Flexibility:** The ability to customize the DAF system to meet the specific flow rate and treatment requirements of the municipality would be a crucial advantage. Potential Drawback: - **Initial Installation Cost:** While DAF systems offer cost-effectiveness in the long run, the initial installation costs might be a significant consideration for the municipality. They need to weigh the initial expense against the long-term benefits and cost savings.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer (This comprehensive textbook covers various water treatment technologies including DAF.)
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (Explores different wastewater treatment methods, including DAF.)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering edited by Richard A. Conway (A wide-ranging resource with sections on water treatment and air flotation.)


  • "Dissolved Air Flotation: A Review" by J.A. Greminger and R.L. Droste (A thorough overview of DAF technology and its applications.)
  • "Dissolved Air Flotation for Wastewater Treatment" by K.J. Li et al. (Focuses on DAF in the context of wastewater treatment.)
  • "Application of Dissolved Air Flotation in the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater" by M.S. Islam and M.A. Malek (Specific application of DAF for municipal wastewater.)

Online Resources

  • Baker Hughes Process Systems Website: (Provides information on their DAF system and related services.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (A leading organization for water professionals, offering resources on water treatment technologies.)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (Focuses on drinking water treatment, with resources on DAF and other technologies.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Dissolved Air Flotation", "DAF", "Hydrocleaner", "Water Treatment", "Wastewater Treatment" in your searches.
  • Combine keywords with specific applications, like "DAF industrial wastewater treatment".
  • Use quotation marks around specific terms for precise matches, e.g., "Dissolved Air Flotation"
  • Explore related terms like "air flotation", "micro-bubble", "suspended solids removal".
  • Look for scientific journals, technical publications, and industry websites for in-depth information.
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