Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: hydraulic jump

hydraulic jump

The Hydraulic Jump: A Forceful Feature in Environmental and Water Treatment

Imagine water flowing rapidly through a channel, its energy concentrated in a swift current. Suddenly, the water encounters an obstacle, forcing it to slow down. This abrupt change in velocity creates a dramatic phenomenon known as a hydraulic jump, a sudden and significant rise in water surface level.

Understanding the Phenomenon

A hydraulic jump occurs when high-velocity water flowing in an open channel encounters a change in its flow conditions. This change can be caused by:

  • An abrupt decrease in channel slope: Water flowing downhill suddenly encounters a flatter section, causing a reduction in velocity.
  • An obstacle in the flow path: A dam, weir, or even a change in channel shape can act as an obstruction, forcing the water to slow down.
  • Increased flow discharge: An increase in the volume of water flowing through the channel can also trigger a hydraulic jump.

As the water decelerates, it loses its kinetic energy, which is converted into potential energy. This manifests as a dramatic rise in the water surface level, creating a turbulent, often choppy, region.

Importance in Environmental and Water Treatment

Hydraulic jumps play a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Energy dissipation: Hydraulic jumps are highly effective in dissipating energy from flowing water. This is particularly important for protecting structures downstream from the jump, such as bridges, weirs, and dams.
  • Flow control: By creating a sudden rise in water level, hydraulic jumps can be used to control flow rates and prevent erosion in channels.
  • Sedimentation: The turbulent flow within a hydraulic jump can effectively settle out suspended particles, making it a useful tool for sedimentation basins and settling tanks.
  • Mixing: The intense mixing that occurs within a jump can be used to enhance chemical reactions and improve mixing efficiency in wastewater treatment processes.
  • Aeration: The turbulence created by a hydraulic jump can increase oxygen transfer into the water, which is beneficial in many water treatment applications.

Practical Applications

Here are some practical examples of hydraulic jumps in action:

  • Wastewater treatment: Hydraulic jumps are commonly used in sedimentation tanks and settling basins to remove suspended solids.
  • Dam spillways: Hydraulic jumps help dissipate the energy of water flowing over spillways, preventing damage to the dam structure.
  • Irrigation canals: Hydraulic jumps can be used to control water flow and prevent erosion in irrigation canals.
  • Fish passage: In some cases, hydraulic jumps can be used to create a "jump" for fish to bypass obstacles like dams.


The hydraulic jump is a fascinating phenomenon with significant applications in environmental and water treatment. Its ability to dissipate energy, control flow, and enhance mixing makes it an invaluable tool for engineers and scientists working to manage and treat water resources effectively.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydraulic Jump Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What causes a hydraulic jump to occur? a) An increase in water temperature. b) A sudden decrease in water velocity. c) A decrease in water pressure. d) An increase in water salinity.


b) A sudden decrease in water velocity.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of hydraulic jumps in environmental and water treatment? a) Energy dissipation. b) Increased water temperature. c) Flow control. d) Sedimentation.


b) Increased water temperature.

3. How can a hydraulic jump be used for sedimentation? a) By creating a smooth flow that allows particles to settle slowly. b) By using the jump's turbulence to settle suspended particles. c) By creating a vortex that traps particles at the bottom. d) By using the jump's energy to filter out particles.


b) By using the jump's turbulence to settle suspended particles.

4. In which of the following applications are hydraulic jumps NOT commonly used? a) Wastewater treatment. b) Dam spillways. c) Irrigation canals. d) Power generation.


d) Power generation.

5. What is the primary reason hydraulic jumps are used on dam spillways? a) To increase the flow rate over the spillway. b) To prevent erosion of the dam structure. c) To create a recreational area for visitors. d) To aerate the water flowing over the spillway.


b) To prevent erosion of the dam structure.

Hydraulic Jump Exercise:

Scenario: You are designing a sedimentation basin for a wastewater treatment plant. The basin will be rectangular with a width of 10 meters. The incoming flow has a velocity of 2 meters per second and a depth of 0.5 meters. You want to use a hydraulic jump to settle out suspended solids in the basin.

Task: Determine the approximate length of the sedimentation basin needed to create a hydraulic jump, considering the following:

  • Froude Number (Fr): The Froude number is a dimensionless parameter that describes the ratio of inertial forces to gravitational forces. It helps determine whether the flow is subcritical (Fr < 1) or supercritical (Fr > 1). For a hydraulic jump to occur, the flow must transition from supercritical to subcritical.
  • Froude Number Equation: Fr = V / (gD)^0.5
    • V = velocity (m/s)
    • g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²)
    • D = depth (m)
  • Hydraulic Jump Length (Lj): Lj = (5/3) * D * (Fr2 - 1) / Fr2


  1. Calculate the Froude number for the incoming flow.
  2. Determine the Froude number needed for the flow after the jump to be subcritical (Fr < 1).
  3. Use the Hydraulic Jump Length equation to estimate the length of the basin needed to create the jump.

Exercice Correction

1. **Froude number for the incoming flow:** Fr = V / (gD)^0.5 = 2 / (9.81 * 0.5)^0.5 ≈ 0.90 (supercritical) 2. **Froude number after the jump (subcritical):** We need Fr < 1. Let's assume a Froude number of 0.5 after the jump. 3. **Hydraulic Jump Length:** Lj = (5/3) * D * (Fr2 - 1) / Fr2 = (5/3) * 0.5 * (0.9² - 1) / 0.9² ≈ -0.28 meters * The calculated length is negative. This indicates that the flow is already subcritical, and a hydraulic jump might not be necessary. However, this is a simplified calculation, and other factors (like friction and turbulence) could influence the jump's formation. In practice, you would need to consider additional factors and potentially conduct further analysis or modeling.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White: A classic textbook covering fluid mechanics principles, including the hydraulic jump.
  • Open Channel Hydraulics by Ven Te Chow: A comprehensive text on open channel flow, with a dedicated section on hydraulic jumps.
  • Hydraulic Structures by R.C. Hibbeler: Explores the design and applications of hydraulic structures, including those incorporating hydraulic jumps.


  • "Hydraulic Jump: A Review" by A.K. Jain & D.K. Jain: A comprehensive review of the hydraulic jump phenomenon, its characteristics, and applications.
  • "Hydraulic Jumps: Their Role in Environmental and Water Treatment Applications" by M.K. Sharma & A.K. Sharma: An article focusing on the use of hydraulic jumps in water treatment processes.
  • "Modeling of Hydraulic Jumps in Open Channels" by J.H. Lee & S.Y. Lee: A research article exploring different numerical models for simulating hydraulic jumps.

Online Resources

  • National Research Council of Canada: Provides research and educational resources on hydraulic jumps and other open channel flow phenomena.
  • Hydraulic Jump Calculator: Offers online tools for calculating parameters related to hydraulic jumps, such as the jump height and energy dissipation.
  • Wikipedia: Hydraulic Jump: A good starting point for a basic overview of the phenomenon.

Search Tips

  • "Hydraulic jump" + "applications": Find articles and resources focusing on practical applications of hydraulic jumps.
  • "Hydraulic jump" + "energy dissipation": Search for information on how hydraulic jumps can be used to reduce energy in water flows.
  • "Hydraulic jump" + "wastewater treatment": Explore the specific applications of hydraulic jumps in wastewater treatment.
  • "Hydraulic jump" + "numerical simulation": Discover research articles and software packages for modeling hydraulic jumps.
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