Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: humidity


Humidity: A Key Player in Environmental & Water Treatment

Humidity, the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere, plays a critical role in various environmental and water treatment processes. Understanding humidity levels is crucial for optimizing efficiency, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring the safety of water resources.

Humidity and its impact on the environment:

  • Evaporation and Precipitation: Humidity directly influences the rate of evaporation from water bodies and soil, driving the hydrological cycle. High humidity levels can lead to increased rainfall, while low humidity contributes to drought conditions.
  • Air Quality: High humidity can trap pollutants, exacerbating air quality issues, especially in urban environments. It can also promote the formation of smog and acid rain.
  • Plant Growth: Plants require a certain level of humidity for optimal growth. High humidity can cause fungal diseases and increase the risk of pests, while low humidity can lead to wilting and stress.

Humidity and its role in water treatment:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Humidity affects the efficiency of various wastewater treatment processes. For example, high humidity can increase the rate of evaporation from wastewater ponds, leading to water loss.
  • Desalination: Desalination plants rely on controlling humidity levels to optimize the process. High humidity can increase energy consumption during the distillation process.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Humidity can influence the effectiveness of disinfectants used in drinking water treatment. Higher humidity can lead to faster evaporation of chlorine from water, potentially impacting disinfection efficiency.

Measuring Humidity:

Humidity is typically measured using a hygrometer. There are various types of hygrometers, each utilizing different principles for measuring moisture in the air:

  • Psychrometer: Compares the temperature of a wet-bulb thermometer to a dry-bulb thermometer.
  • Capacitive Hygrometer: Measures the capacitance change in a material with changing humidity.
  • Resistive Hygrometer: Measures the change in resistance of a material with changing humidity.

Controlling Humidity:

Controlling humidity is essential in various environmental and water treatment applications. Techniques for managing humidity levels include:

  • Ventilation: Increasing air circulation to reduce humidity.
  • Dehumidification: Removing moisture from the air using dehumidifiers.
  • Humidification: Adding moisture to the air using humidifiers.


Humidity is a critical factor in environmental and water treatment processes, impacting everything from evaporation and precipitation to the effectiveness of water treatment methods. Understanding and managing humidity levels is essential for ensuring environmental sustainability, optimizing water treatment processes, and safeguarding public health.

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