Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Hubert


The Legacy of Hubert: From Water Treatment Pioneer to Global Leader

The name "Hubert" might not be instantly recognizable to the general public, but within the world of environmental and water treatment, it holds a significant place in history. Once a respected brand name, Hubert was the former moniker of USFilter, a company that played a pivotal role in shaping the industry's landscape.

The Birth of a Water Treatment Icon:

Hubert's roots trace back to the early 20th century, when the company specialized in manufacturing filters and other water treatment equipment. Their innovation and dedication to quality soon garnered them a reputation for excellence, attracting customers across diverse industries.

Expansion and Innovation:

Over the decades, Hubert expanded its product portfolio to encompass a wider range of water treatment solutions. This included:

  • Filtration systems: From sand filters to membrane filtration technologies, Hubert offered solutions for removing impurities, contaminants, and other unwanted substances from water.
  • Disinfection systems: Recognizing the importance of microbial control, Hubert developed UV disinfection systems and other technologies to ensure water safety.
  • Softening and demineralization systems: To address hardness and mineral content issues, Hubert provided solutions for softening and demineralizing water.

The USFilter Era:

In 1997, Hubert merged with another leading water treatment company, USFilter. This merger created a global powerhouse in the industry, consolidating resources and expertise under the USFilter banner.

A Legacy of Expertise:

Although the Hubert name is no longer used, the company's legacy continues to live on through USFilter's commitment to innovation and customer service. The experience and expertise garnered under the Hubert brand have contributed significantly to USFilter's success, making it a trusted name in environmental and water treatment.

Looking Forward:

The water treatment industry faces new challenges, such as climate change, population growth, and emerging contaminants. USFilter, building upon the foundation laid by Hubert, continues to develop cutting-edge solutions to address these challenges, ensuring access to clean and safe water for generations to come.

In Conclusion:

The name "Hubert" may be a relic of the past, but its impact on the environmental and water treatment industry is undeniable. The company's pioneering spirit, innovative solutions, and commitment to quality have paved the way for a future where clean water is accessible to all. USFilter, carrying the torch of Hubert's legacy, continues to shape the industry, ensuring a sustainable and healthy future for our planet.

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