Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: hogging ejector

hogging ejector

Hogging Ejectors: A Powerful Tool for Environmental & Water Treatment


Hogging ejectors, a type of steam jet ejector, are essential tools in various environmental and water treatment applications. Their ability to generate a vacuum in a vessel by evacuating its contents in a single stage to the atmosphere makes them ideal for tasks such as degassing, evaporation, and filtration. This article explores the workings, advantages, and applications of hogging ejectors in the realm of environmental and water treatment.

Understanding the Mechanism

Hogging ejectors leverage the principle of momentum transfer. High-pressure steam, injected into the ejector, accelerates through a converging-diverging nozzle, creating a high-velocity jet. This jet entrains the gas or liquid present in the vessel, creating a vacuum. The combined steam and evacuated material then exit the ejector through a diffuser, where the velocity decreases, increasing pressure and allowing for discharge into the atmosphere.

Advantages of Hogging Ejectors

  1. Single-Stage Operation: Hogging ejectors efficiently evacuate vessels in a single stage, eliminating the need for complex multi-stage systems. This simplifies design and reduces operational costs.

  2. Reliability and Robustness: Their simple construction, consisting of only a few moving parts, ensures high reliability and minimal maintenance requirements.

  3. Versatile Applications: Hogging ejectors can handle a wide range of gases, vapors, and liquids, making them suitable for diverse environmental and water treatment processes.

  4. Energy Efficiency: While steam consumption is inherent to their operation, modern designs optimize steam usage, leading to relatively high energy efficiency.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment

Hogging ejectors find wide application in various environmental and water treatment processes, including:

  • Degassing: Removing dissolved gases from water, which can cause corrosion or affect treatment processes, is crucial in many applications. Hogging ejectors create a vacuum, promoting the release and removal of dissolved gases.

  • Evaporation: Concentrating solutions or removing unwanted volatile components from water is achieved by evaporating the liquid under vacuum. Hogging ejectors create the required vacuum, facilitating efficient evaporation.

  • Filtration: Hogging ejectors are used in conjunction with filters to enhance their performance. By generating a vacuum, they facilitate faster and more efficient filtration, particularly in applications with high viscosity or low pressure.

  • Wastewater Treatment: They play a role in removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from wastewater, promoting odor control and reducing air pollution.


Hogging ejectors are a vital tool in environmental and water treatment, offering a reliable and efficient solution for vacuum generation. Their versatility, ease of maintenance, and energy efficiency make them a valuable asset for a wide range of applications, contributing to cleaner and more sustainable environmental practices.

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