Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Helisieve Plus

Helisieve Plus

Helisieve Plus: Revolutionizing Septage Treatment with Advanced Filtration

The management of septage, wastewater from septic systems, poses a significant environmental challenge. Traditional methods often involve costly and complex treatment processes, leading to concerns about efficiency and sustainability. However, a groundbreaking solution has emerged – the Helisieve Plus, a state-of-the-art filtration system developed by Waterlink Separations, Inc.

What is Helisieve Plus?

Helisieve Plus is a highly effective filtration system designed specifically for the treatment of septage. It utilizes a unique combination of advanced filtration technologies to remove suspended solids, grit, and other contaminants, resulting in a high-quality effluent suitable for discharge or beneficial reuse.

Key Features of Helisieve Plus:

  • High-efficiency Filtration: The system boasts a multi-stage filtration process, including screening, sedimentation, and advanced filtration using specialized media. This comprehensive approach ensures the removal of a wide range of contaminants.
  • Automatic Backwash System: The Helisieve Plus incorporates an automated backwash system that ensures continuous operation and optimal performance. This feature eliminates the need for manual cleaning and minimizes downtime.
  • Compact and Customizable Design: The system is designed to be compact and modular, allowing for flexible installation in various settings. Its adaptability makes it suitable for both small and large-scale septage treatment facilities.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: The advanced filtration capabilities and automated backwash system of Helisieve Plus lead to reduced operating costs compared to conventional septage treatment methods.

Waterlink Separations' Septage Receiving Station:

Waterlink Separations, Inc. offers a comprehensive septage receiving station solution incorporating the Helisieve Plus technology. This station features:

  • Automated Septage Reception: The station includes automated features for receiving septage, such as pump systems and flow meters, ensuring efficient and safe handling.
  • Integrated Pretreatment: Before entering the Helisieve Plus, the station features a robust pretreatment process to remove larger debris and grit, optimizing the performance of the filtration system.
  • Effluent Discharge or Reuse: The station allows for the safe discharge of treated effluent to municipal sewer systems or facilitates its beneficial reuse for irrigation or other non-potable applications.

Benefits of Using Helisieve Plus:

  • Improved Water Quality: Helisieve Plus effectively removes pollutants, ensuring the production of clean and safe effluent.
  • Environmental Protection: By reducing the environmental impact of septage, Helisieve Plus contributes to the protection of water resources and ecosystems.
  • Cost Savings: The efficient operation and reduced maintenance requirements of the system lead to significant cost savings over time.
  • Increased Sustainability: By promoting reuse and recycling, Helisieve Plus promotes a more sustainable approach to septage management.


Helisieve Plus represents a significant advancement in septage treatment technology. Its effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability make it a valuable solution for municipalities, wastewater treatment plants, and private companies managing septage. Waterlink Separations' septage receiving station further enhances the benefits of the Helisieve Plus system, offering a comprehensive and reliable solution for managing this challenging wastewater stream. Through its commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility, Waterlink Separations is helping to create a cleaner and healthier environment for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Helisieve Plus Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Helisieve Plus system? a) To treat wastewater from industrial sources b) To filter and treat septage from septic systems c) To remove heavy metals from drinking water d) To disinfect sewage before discharge


b) To filter and treat septage from septic systems

2. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of the Helisieve Plus system? a) High-efficiency filtration b) Automatic backwash system c) Manual cleaning requirement d) Compact and customizable design


c) Manual cleaning requirement

3. What is the advantage of the automated backwash system in Helisieve Plus? a) It reduces the need for manual cleaning. b) It improves the efficiency of the filtration process. c) It eliminates the need for filter replacement. d) Both a) and b)


d) Both a) and b)

4. How does Waterlink Separations' septage receiving station enhance the Helisieve Plus system? a) It provides a secure and efficient way to receive septage. b) It includes a pretreatment process to remove large debris. c) It allows for the safe discharge or reuse of treated effluent. d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using the Helisieve Plus system? a) Improved water quality b) Increased operating costs c) Environmental protection d) Increased sustainability


b) Increased operating costs

Helisieve Plus Exercise

Scenario: A small municipality is looking for a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for treating septage from its residential areas. The municipality has limited space for a treatment facility and prefers an automated system to minimize labor costs.

Task: Explain how the Helisieve Plus system would be a suitable solution for this municipality, highlighting the benefits and addressing any potential concerns.

Exercice Correction

The Helisieve Plus system would be an excellent solution for this municipality for several reasons:

  • Cost-effectiveness: The system's automated backwash system reduces labor costs and its efficient operation minimizes operational expenses compared to traditional methods.
  • Environmental Friendliness: The Helisieve Plus produces high-quality effluent, protecting water resources and promoting sustainable septage management.
  • Space Efficiency: The compact and customizable design allows for installation in limited spaces, ideal for the municipality's constraints.
  • Automation: The system's automated operation minimizes labor requirements, making it ideal for the municipality's preference.

Potential Concerns:

  • Initial Investment: The initial investment in the Helisieve Plus system might be higher than traditional methods. However, this cost is offset by long-term savings in operation and maintenance.
  • Compliance with Regulations: The municipality should ensure the system meets local regulations for effluent discharge or reuse. Waterlink Separations can provide support in navigating these regulations.

Overall, the Helisieve Plus system offers a compelling solution for the municipality by addressing its needs for cost-effectiveness, environmental responsibility, space efficiency, and automation.



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