Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: heater treater

heater treater

Heater Treaters: The Workhorses of Oil Field Water Treatment

In the oil and gas industry, produced water is a significant byproduct of oil and gas extraction. This water, often contaminated with hydrocarbons, salts, and other impurities, requires extensive treatment before it can be safely discharged or reused. One key technology employed in this process is the Heater Treater, a workhorse unit designed to break water-in-oil emulsions and prepare the water for further treatment.

What is a Heater Treater?

A heater treater is essentially a vessel where produced water undergoes a combination of heat and chemical treatment to separate the oil and water phases. This process involves several key stages:

  • Heating: The water is heated to a specific temperature, often around 150-200°F (65-93°C). This weakens the emulsified droplets and reduces the viscosity of the oil, making separation easier.
  • Chemical Injection: Chemical demulsifiers are added to further destabilize the emulsion, causing the water droplets to coalesce and form a separate layer.
  • Separation: The heated water mixture is then allowed to settle in the heater treater, with the lighter oil phase rising to the top and the heavier water phase settling at the bottom.

How it Works: The Science Behind the Separation

Water-in-oil emulsions form due to the presence of surfactants and other naturally occurring compounds that prevent the water droplets from coalescing. Heater treaters address this problem in two main ways:

  • Heat: Increased temperature reduces the viscosity of the oil and weakens the bonds holding the emulsion together. This makes the water droplets less stable and more likely to merge.
  • Chemicals: Demulsifiers, usually long-chain polymers, disrupt the interfacial tension between the oil and water phases. They attach to the surface of the water droplets, causing them to coalesce and separate from the oil.

Benefits of Heater Treaters:

Heater treaters play a vital role in oil field produced water treatment, offering several benefits:

  • Efficient Oil-Water Separation: They provide a reliable method to break emulsions and achieve a higher degree of oil-water separation.
  • Improved Water Quality: The treated water is less contaminated with oil, making it suitable for further treatment and potential reuse.
  • Environmental Protection: By minimizing oil spills and discharges, heater treaters contribute to responsible environmental management in the oil and gas industry.

Challenges and Advancements:

Despite their effectiveness, heater treaters are not without challenges. Some limitations include:

  • Energy Consumption: Heating the water requires significant energy, making it a costly process.
  • Chemical Usage: Demulsifier chemicals can be expensive and may have potential environmental impacts.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Heater treaters need regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

To address these challenges, new technologies and advancements are continuously being developed. These include:

  • Energy-Efficient Heaters: Using more efficient heat exchange systems to minimize energy consumption.
  • Advanced Demulsifiers: Developing more effective and environmentally friendly demulsifiers.
  • Automated Control Systems: Implementing sophisticated control systems to optimize treatment processes and minimize operational costs.


Heater treaters remain indispensable tools in oil field produced water treatment. Their ability to efficiently separate oil and water is critical for responsible environmental practices and the recovery of valuable resources. As technology advances, we can expect to see even more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for water treatment in the oil and gas industry.

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