Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Great Lakes

Great Lakes

The Great Lakes: A Vital Resource Facing Environmental Challenges

The Great Lakes, a vast network of freshwater ecosystems shared by Canada and the United States, are a treasure trove of ecological and economic importance. These interconnected bodies of water, boasting 20% of the world’s fresh surface water, are a vital source of drinking water for millions, support a thriving fishing industry, and contribute significantly to regional tourism. However, the Great Lakes face a multitude of environmental challenges, ranging from invasive species and pollution to climate change and habitat loss.

Instruments: A Legacy of Innovation in Great Lakes Water Treatment

One key element in safeguarding the Great Lakes' health is advanced water treatment technology. Instruments, formerly known as GLI International, has been at the forefront of this field for over 40 years. As a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions, Instruments plays a vital role in ensuring the purity and safety of Great Lakes water.

Instruments' Services for the Great Lakes:

  • Water Treatment Systems: Instruments offers a diverse range of treatment systems for municipal, industrial, and agricultural applications. These systems remove contaminants like algae, bacteria, and heavy metals, ensuring clean and safe drinking water for communities around the Great Lakes.
  • Monitoring and Control: Instruments provides advanced monitoring and control systems that enable real-time tracking of water quality parameters. This allows operators to proactively respond to potential issues, preventing environmental damage and ensuring the long-term health of the Great Lakes ecosystem.
  • Research and Development: Instruments is committed to ongoing innovation in water treatment technologies. Their research and development efforts focus on finding sustainable solutions to address emerging challenges, such as microplastic pollution and the impact of climate change on water quality.

The Importance of Continued Investment:

As the Great Lakes face increasing environmental pressure, the need for advanced water treatment technologies is more critical than ever. Instruments, with its commitment to innovation and sustainable solutions, is playing a significant role in protecting this vital resource. By supporting companies like Instruments, we can ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy the benefits of these magnificent freshwater ecosystems.


The Great Lakes are a vital resource facing a multitude of environmental challenges. Instruments, with its legacy of innovation in water treatment, is a crucial partner in safeguarding these precious ecosystems. By continuing to invest in advanced technology and sustainable solutions, we can ensure that the Great Lakes remain a source of clean water, thriving ecosystems, and economic prosperity for generations to come.

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