Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: GasLifter


GasLifter: A Powerful Tool for Anaerobic Digester Circulation and Mixing

In the world of environmental and water treatment, anaerobic digestion plays a crucial role in breaking down organic waste and producing valuable biogas. For this process to run efficiently, a robust circulation and mixing system is vital. One innovative technology that stands out in this area is the GasLifter, developed by Walker Process Equipment.

What is a GasLifter?

The GasLifter is a specialized system that utilizes the biogas produced within the digester itself to drive circulation and mixing. It works by strategically placing a series of vertical pipes, known as risers, within the digester. These risers are connected to a header pipe that runs along the top of the digester. As biogas is generated, it rises through the risers and enters the header pipe, creating a pressure difference that draws digester liquid upwards.

How GasLifter Improves Anaerobic Digestion:

  • Enhanced Mixing: The GasLifter system creates a powerful, natural upflow of digester liquid, resulting in superior mixing. This mixing ensures a uniform distribution of solids and nutrients, preventing settling and promoting optimal microbial activity.
  • Improved Solids Handling: By circulating the digester contents, the GasLifter effectively suspends solids, preventing them from settling and creating a "dead zone" at the bottom of the digester. This enhances digester performance and reduces the risk of clogging.
  • Increased Biogas Production: The efficient mixing provided by the GasLifter results in a more homogeneous digester environment, maximizing contact between microbes and substrates. This, in turn, leads to increased biogas production.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: Since the GasLifter utilizes the biogas itself as the driving force, it eliminates the need for external energy sources for circulation. This significantly reduces operational costs and contributes to a more sustainable system.

Walker Process Equipment: A Leader in Anaerobic Digester Technology

Walker Process Equipment is a leading manufacturer of anaerobic digester systems and equipment, with a rich history of innovation. Their GasLifter technology is a testament to their commitment to providing reliable and efficient solutions for waste treatment.

Key Features of Walker Process Equipment GasLifter Systems:

  • Customizable Design: Walker Process Equipment designs GasLifter systems to meet specific digester requirements, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Durable Construction: Their systems are built with robust materials, ensuring long-lasting reliability.
  • Experienced Support: Walker Process Equipment provides comprehensive technical support, from design and installation to operation and maintenance.

The GasLifter: A Proven Solution for Anaerobic Digestion

The GasLifter system has proven its effectiveness in various applications, including municipal wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, and agricultural waste management. Its ability to efficiently mix, circulate, and handle solids makes it an invaluable asset for maximizing biogas production and optimizing anaerobic digester performance.

In conclusion, the GasLifter, developed by Walker Process Equipment, is a powerful and efficient tool for anaerobic digester circulation and mixing. By leveraging biogas as the driving force, this innovative system enhances digester performance, reduces operational costs, and promotes a more sustainable approach to waste treatment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: GasLifter Technology

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a GasLifter system?

a) To remove biogas from the digester. b) To heat the digester contents. c) To circulate and mix digester contents. d) To filter out solids from the digester.


c) To circulate and mix digester contents.

2. How does a GasLifter utilize biogas to drive circulation?

a) By burning biogas to create heat. b) By using biogas to power a pump. c) By creating a pressure difference using biogas. d) By injecting biogas directly into the digester.


c) By creating a pressure difference using biogas.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a GasLifter system?

a) Improved solids handling. b) Increased biogas production. c) Reduced energy consumption. d) Increased digester volume.


d) Increased digester volume.

4. What is the key feature that makes Walker Process Equipment's GasLifter systems customizable?

a) The use of different types of biogas. b) The ability to adjust the size and number of risers. c) The use of various pump technologies. d) The availability of different filtration systems.


b) The ability to adjust the size and number of risers.

5. What type of waste can be treated using a GasLifter system?

a) Only industrial wastewater. b) Only municipal wastewater. c) Only agricultural waste. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.


Scenario: You are a consultant working with a wastewater treatment plant that is considering implementing a GasLifter system to improve their anaerobic digester performance. The plant manager expresses concern about the initial investment cost and wants to know how long it will take for the energy savings to recoup the cost.


  1. Research and gather information about the average cost of installing a GasLifter system.
  2. Find data on the typical energy savings achieved by using a GasLifter compared to traditional mixing methods.
  3. Calculate the approximate payback period for the GasLifter system based on the gathered information.

Exercice Correction

The correction for this exercise will depend on the specific information you gather during your research. However, the general steps involved are:

  1. **Find the cost of a GasLifter System:** You can find this information through Walker Process Equipment's website or by contacting them directly. The cost will vary depending on the size and specific requirements of the digester.
  2. **Research energy savings:** Look for case studies or technical documents from Walker Process Equipment or other sources that show the energy savings achieved using a GasLifter compared to traditional mixing methods. This will give you an average energy saving percentage.
  3. **Calculate payback period:** * Determine the current energy cost for the digester's mixing system. * Multiply the energy cost by the energy saving percentage to find the annual energy savings. * Divide the cost of the GasLifter system by the annual energy savings to find the payback period in years.
  4. For example, if the GasLifter system costs $100,000 and the annual energy savings are $20,000, the payback period would be 5 years ($100,000 / $20,000 = 5 years).


  • Anaerobic Digestion: A Global Perspective by John R. Angelidaki (Editor) - This comprehensive book covers all aspects of anaerobic digestion, including technologies like GasLifter.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy - This classic textbook discusses various wastewater treatment methods, including anaerobic digestion, and may contain information on GasLifter systems.
  • Biogas: Production, Purification and Applications by B.K. Dutta - A detailed exploration of biogas technology, including digester design and operational aspects, potentially featuring GasLifter systems.


  • "GasLifter® System: A Powerful, Biogas-Driven Circulation System for Anaerobic Digesters" - This article, likely published by Walker Process Equipment, would provide technical details on the GasLifter and its advantages.
  • "Optimization of Anaerobic Digestion Process Using GasLifter System" - Articles published in research journals like Water Research, Bioresource Technology, or Environmental Science & Technology could analyze the effectiveness of GasLifter systems in different digester applications.
  • "Comparison of Different Mixing Techniques in Anaerobic Digestion" - Articles comparing different mixing methods, including GasLifter, with traditional approaches, would be valuable for understanding the benefits and limitations of each.

Online Resources

  • Walker Process Equipment website: This website likely has dedicated pages for the GasLifter system, with detailed information on its features, applications, and technical specifications.
  • Google Scholar: Search for "GasLifter" and "anaerobic digestion" to find academic research papers, conference proceedings, and other scholarly resources related to the technology.
  • Anaerobic Digestion Technology Databases: Explore online databases maintained by organizations like the Water Environment Federation (WEF) or the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) to find relevant publications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "GasLifter", "anaerobic digester", "circulation", "mixing", and "Walker Process Equipment".
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms like "case study", "application", "efficiency", "cost-effectiveness", or "environmental impact".
  • Use quotation marks around phrases like "GasLifter system" to search for exact matches.
  • Add specific keywords like "journal articles", "technical reports", or "white papers" to refine your search results.
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