Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: gallons per flush

gallons per flush

Gallons Per Flush: A Crucial Metric in Water Conservation

The term "gallons per flush" (gpf) is a familiar one in the world of environmental and water treatment. It represents the volume of water used during a single toilet flush, and is a crucial factor in water conservation efforts. Understanding gpf helps us identify areas for improvement in water efficiency and ultimately, reduce our environmental impact.

Why is gpf important?

  • Water Conservation: Toilets account for a significant portion of household water usage, often making up 25-30% of indoor water use. Lowering the gpf directly translates to reduced water consumption.
  • Environmental Impact: Conserving water helps alleviate strain on freshwater resources and protects ecosystems. Reduced water usage minimizes the energy required for water treatment and distribution.
  • Cost Savings: Lower water consumption translates to lower water bills, making water conservation a financially beneficial practice.

A Brief History of gpf:

  • Old vs. New Toilets: Older toilets could use up to 5-7 gpf. Modern, high-efficiency toilets (HET) typically use 1.28 gpf or less, significantly reducing water consumption.
  • Federal Regulations: The EPA's WaterSense program promotes water-efficient fixtures, including toilets. Federal regulations have mandated gpf standards for new toilets, pushing manufacturers to innovate and develop water-saving technologies.

Understanding gpf:

  • Measuring gpf: You can calculate your toilet's gpf by filling a bucket with a known volume of water and flushing the toilet, noting the amount of water needed to refill the bucket.
  • Interpreting gpf: Lower gpf numbers indicate higher water efficiency.
  • The Importance of "Dual-flush" Toilets: Some toilets offer a "dual-flush" option, allowing for a full flush (using a higher volume of water) or a partial flush (using less water) depending on the waste type.

Taking Action:

  • Upgrade to HET: If your toilets are older, consider upgrading to water-efficient models.
  • Check for leaks: A leaky toilet can waste hundreds of gallons of water per day.
  • Use dual-flush toilets efficiently: When possible, opt for a partial flush for liquid waste.


The gpf is a simple yet impactful metric in water conservation. By understanding the importance of gpf and making informed choices about our toilet fixtures, we can significantly reduce our water footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Gallons Per Flush (gpf)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "gpf" stand for?

a) Gallons per filter b) Gallons per flush c) Gallons per foot d) Gallons per faucet


b) Gallons per flush

2. What is the primary benefit of a lower gpf?

a) Increased water pressure b) Reduced water consumption c) Lower toilet maintenance costs d) Improved toilet aesthetics


b) Reduced water consumption

3. How much water did older toilets typically use per flush?

a) 1-2 gpf b) 5-7 gpf c) 10-12 gpf d) 15-20 gpf


b) 5-7 gpf

4. What is the typical gpf for a modern high-efficiency toilet (HET)?

a) 3-4 gpf b) 2-3 gpf c) 1.28 gpf or less d) 0.5 gpf


c) 1.28 gpf or less

5. What is NOT a recommended action to conserve water through toilet usage?

a) Upgrading to a HET b) Checking for leaks c) Using a full flush for liquid waste d) Utilizing a dual-flush toilet efficiently


c) Using a full flush for liquid waste

Exercise: Toilet Efficiency Calculation


Imagine you have an old toilet that uses 5 gpf. You are considering replacing it with a HET that uses 1.28 gpf.

Calculate the following:

  1. Daily water savings: If you use the toilet 5 times per day, how many gallons of water would you save each day by switching to the HET?
  2. Yearly water savings: Based on the daily savings, how many gallons of water would you save annually?

Exercice Correction

1. **Daily water savings:** * Old toilet: 5 gpf * 5 flushes = 25 gallons per day * HET: 1.28 gpf * 5 flushes = 6.4 gallons per day * Savings: 25 gallons - 6.4 gallons = 18.6 gallons per day 2. **Yearly water savings:** * 18.6 gallons per day * 365 days = 6794 gallons per year


  • Water-Saving Plumbing: A Practical Guide to Conserving Water in Your Home by Paul Ehrlich - This book covers water-efficient plumbing practices, including details on toilets and gpf.
  • The Homeowner's Guide to Water Conservation by Bob Vila - Offers practical tips on water conservation, featuring a section on choosing water-efficient toilets.
  • Sustainable Home by John and Sarah Stegeman - Provides comprehensive information on eco-friendly home design and construction, including guidance on selecting water-efficient appliances and fixtures.


  • "The Importance of Gallons Per Flush (gpf) in Water Conservation" - This article from the EPA WaterSense program provides detailed information on the benefits of low-flow toilets and the impact of gpf on water conservation.
  • "How to Calculate Your Toilet's Gallons Per Flush (gpf)" - This article from Bob Vila explains the steps to measure your toilet's gpf and offers practical tips on upgrading to a water-efficient model.
  • "The Best Water-Saving Toilets of 2023" - Reviews of various high-efficiency toilet models with information on their gpf and other features, available from Consumer Reports or The Spruce.

Online Resources

  • EPA WaterSense Program: This website provides information on water-efficient plumbing fixtures, including toilets, and offers a searchable database of certified products.
  • Water Conservation - US EPA: This website contains comprehensive information about water conservation, including tips on saving water in the home, garden, and community.
  • Water-Saving Toilets: A Guide to Choosing the Right One: This article from The Spruce provides comprehensive information on selecting a water-efficient toilet based on your needs and preferences.

Search Tips

  • "gallons per flush toilet" - This search will yield results for toilets with different gpf ratings and help you compare models.
  • "water-efficient toilets" - This search will display articles, reviews, and resources on choosing and installing water-efficient toilets.
  • "EPA WaterSense toilet certification" - This search will lead you to EPA's list of certified water-efficient toilets.
  • "toilet gpf calculator" - This search will find online tools that help you calculate your toilet's gpf and determine your water usage.
  • "low-flow toilet vs. dual-flush toilet" - This search will provide comparisons between these types of toilets and help you decide which option is right for you.
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