Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: free available chlorine residual

free available chlorine residual

Understanding Free Available Chlorine Residual: A Crucial Metric in Water Treatment

Maintaining safe and drinkable water requires a thorough understanding of various chemical parameters, with one of the most critical being Free Available Chlorine Residual (FACR). FACR represents the concentration of chlorine remaining in water after a specific contact time, which is readily available to disinfect and control microbial growth.

What is FACR?

FACR is the amount of chlorine present in water that is actively available to kill harmful microorganisms. This available chlorine exists in three primary forms:

  • Dissolved Chlorine Gas (Cl2): This is the most potent form of chlorine but is highly reactive and quickly converts into other forms.
  • Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl): The most effective disinfecting agent, HOCl is highly reactive and readily penetrates cell membranes of microorganisms.
  • Hypochlorite Ion (OCl-): Less effective than HOCL, OCl- is still a disinfectant but is less reactive.

Why is FACR Important?

FACR plays a crucial role in water treatment due to its direct impact on:

  • Disinfection: FACR ensures the elimination of harmful bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, rendering the water safe for consumption.
  • Control of Microbial Growth: By maintaining a sufficient FACR, the growth of microorganisms in the distribution system is prevented, ensuring water quality throughout the system.
  • Prevention of Waterborne Diseases: Adequate FACR significantly reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, safeguarding public health.

Factors Influencing FACR:

Several factors affect the available chlorine residual in water:

  • Contact Time: The longer chlorine remains in contact with water, the more effective it is at disinfection.
  • pH: The acidity or alkalinity of the water influences the balance between HOCl and OCl-. Optimal FACR is achieved in a slightly acidic pH range.
  • Water Temperature: Higher temperatures enhance chlorine's reactivity, resulting in a faster depletion of FACR.
  • Organic Matter: The presence of organic matter in water consumes chlorine, reducing the available residual.
  • Ammonia: Ammonia reacts with chlorine to form chloramines, a less effective disinfectant, reducing FACR.

Measurement of FACR:

FACR is measured using a variety of methods, including:

  • Titration: This involves reacting the water sample with a known solution of a reducing agent, allowing for precise quantification of chlorine.
  • Colorimetric Methods: These methods use chemical reagents that produce a color change proportional to the chlorine concentration.
  • Electrochemical Sensors: These sensors use electrical conductivity to measure chlorine levels in real-time.

Maintaining Optimal FACR:

To ensure water safety, it is essential to maintain adequate FACR throughout the water treatment and distribution system. This involves:

  • Proper Chlorination: Adding the correct amount of chlorine to achieve the desired FACR.
  • Monitoring and Control: Regularly monitoring FACR levels to ensure they remain within safe limits.
  • Treatment Optimization: Adjusting treatment processes to account for factors influencing FACR.


Understanding and managing FACR is crucial for providing safe and healthy drinking water. By employing appropriate techniques for monitoring and controlling this parameter, water treatment facilities can effectively protect public health and ensure the delivery of high-quality water to consumers.

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