Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: excess lime-soda softening

excess lime-soda softening

Beyond Basic: Excess Lime-Soda Softening in Water Treatment

Water hardness, caused primarily by calcium and magnesium ions, can pose various problems for industrial and domestic uses. Lime-soda softening, a widely used process, removes these ions by precipitation with lime (calcium hydroxide) and soda ash (sodium carbonate). However, for certain applications demanding extremely low hardness levels, a further step is needed: excess lime-soda softening.

This technique, also known as "railway softening," goes beyond the basic lime-soda process by adding excess lime and soda ash. This excess ensures complete precipitation of hardness-causing ions and even removes a portion of the dissolved magnesium. The result is water with a significantly reduced hardness level, typically below 10 ppm as CaCO3, making it suitable for boiler feedwater and other highly sensitive applications.

Here's a breakdown of the process:

  • Basic Lime-Soda Softening: The initial step involves adding controlled amounts of lime and soda ash to the water. This triggers the precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). These precipitates are then removed through sedimentation and filtration.
  • Excess Lime-Soda Softening: The key difference lies in the oversupply of lime and soda ash. This surplus ensures the removal of dissolved magnesium beyond what the basic process achieves. It involves:
    • Further precipitation: The excess lime drives the precipitation of magnesium ions as magnesium hydroxide, further reducing hardness.
    • Magnesium removal: The excess soda ash promotes the formation of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3), which is also removed through sedimentation and filtration.

Benefits of Excess Lime-Soda Softening:

  • Ultra-low hardness: This process delivers water with exceptionally low hardness, ideally suited for high-pressure boilers, industrial cooling systems, and other sensitive applications where even minimal hardness can lead to scaling and operational issues.
  • Reduced maintenance: By minimizing scaling and corrosion, excess lime-soda softening reduces the frequency of boiler cleaning and equipment maintenance, leading to cost savings and increased operational efficiency.
  • Improved water quality: The process removes not only hardness-causing ions but also certain dissolved solids, further enhancing water quality and minimizing its impact on equipment.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Complexity: Excess lime-soda softening is a more complex process than basic lime-soda softening, requiring precise control over chemical dosages and careful monitoring of water quality.
  • Chemical costs: The additional chemicals required for excess softening can increase operational costs.
  • Waste generation: The process generates a significant amount of sludge, requiring proper disposal and potentially adding to environmental concerns.


While basic lime-soda softening is effective for many water treatment needs, excess lime-soda softening provides an extra layer of hardness removal for demanding applications. By reducing hardness levels to an unprecedented degree, this technique offers numerous benefits, including improved water quality, reduced maintenance, and enhanced operational efficiency. However, the complexity, chemical costs, and waste generation associated with the process must be carefully considered before implementing it.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Excess Lime-Soda Softening

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary difference between basic lime-soda softening and excess lime-soda softening? a) Excess lime-soda softening uses only lime, while basic lime-soda softening uses both lime and soda ash. b) Excess lime-soda softening removes all dissolved magnesium, while basic lime-soda softening only removes some. c) Excess lime-soda softening is used for industrial applications, while basic lime-soda softening is used for domestic applications. d) Excess lime-soda softening is a faster process than basic lime-soda softening.


b) Excess lime-soda softening removes all dissolved magnesium, while basic lime-soda softening only removes some.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of excess lime-soda softening? a) Ultra-low hardness levels. b) Reduced maintenance costs. c) Improved water quality. d) Increased water flow rate.


d) Increased water flow rate.

3. What is the main reason excess lime-soda softening is sometimes called "railway softening"? a) It was first used for treating water for railway locomotives. b) It removes iron and manganese from water, which are harmful to railway tracks. c) It produces water with a slightly salty taste, which is preferred by train passengers. d) It is a very efficient process, allowing trains to travel faster with less water consumption.


a) It was first used for treating water for railway locomotives.

4. What is a major challenge associated with excess lime-soda softening? a) The process requires highly skilled operators. b) It can lead to increased corrosion of water pipes. c) It generates a significant amount of sludge. d) It produces a high amount of greenhouse gases.


c) It generates a significant amount of sludge.

5. Which of the following applications would likely benefit most from excess lime-soda softening? a) A residential swimming pool. b) A household water softener. c) A high-pressure industrial boiler. d) A water fountain in a public park.


c) A high-pressure industrial boiler.

Exercise: Calculating Excess Lime and Soda Ash

Scenario: A water treatment plant is currently using basic lime-soda softening to treat water with a hardness of 200 ppm as CaCO3. They need to implement excess lime-soda softening to achieve a final hardness of 5 ppm as CaCO3.

Task: Calculate the approximate amount of excess lime and soda ash that needs to be added to the water, assuming a 1000 m3 water volume.

Hint: The excess lime and soda ash dosages will be much higher than those used in basic lime-soda softening. You might need to refer to chemical engineering resources or water treatment manuals for specific formulas and conversion factors.

Exercice Correction

The exact calculation requires detailed knowledge of the water chemistry and specific formulas. However, here's a simplified approach:

  • Determine the target reduction in hardness: 200 ppm (initial) - 5 ppm (final) = 195 ppm reduction.
  • Estimate excess lime and soda ash dosages: This requires considering the water's magnesium content, reaction stoichiometry, and efficiency factors. A general rule of thumb is to use significantly higher dosages than in basic softening, possibly 2-3 times higher.
  • Convert dosages to mass: Multiply the dosages by the water volume (1000 m3) and appropriate conversion factors (e.g., 1 ppm = 1 mg/L, 1 g = 1000 mg).

For a more accurate calculation, consult specialized literature or water treatment experts.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: This comprehensive textbook covers various water treatment processes, including lime-soda softening and excess lime-soda softening, with detailed explanations and practical applications. (Author: [Author's Name], Publisher: [Publisher's Name], Year: [Year])
  • Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science: Provides a strong foundation in the chemical principles underlying water treatment processes, including the chemistry of lime-soda softening. (Author: [Author's Name], Publisher: [Publisher's Name], Year: [Year])
  • Water Quality and Treatment: This industry standard reference offers a broad overview of various water treatment techniques, including a section on excess lime-soda softening and its advantages and limitations. (Author: [Author's Name], Publisher: [Publisher's Name], Year: [Year])


  • "Excess Lime Softening for Boiler Feedwater" - This article explores the specific application of excess lime-soda softening for treating boiler feedwater, focusing on its benefits and challenges in this context. (Journal: [Journal Name], Author: [Author's Name], Year: [Year])
  • "Optimization of Lime-Soda Softening Process for Industrial Water Treatment" - This article focuses on the optimization of both basic and excess lime-soda softening processes, considering factors such as chemical dosage, reaction time, and sludge disposal. (Journal: [Journal Name], Author: [Author's Name], Year: [Year])
  • "Comparative Study of Different Softening Methods for Drinking Water Treatment" - This article provides a comprehensive comparison of different water softening methods, including excess lime-soda softening, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages compared to other options. (Journal: [Journal Name], Author: [Author's Name], Year: [Year])

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): AWWA's website offers a vast repository of resources, including technical manuals, guidelines, and research papers related to various aspects of water treatment, including lime-soda softening. (URL: [AWWA Website])
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF provides access to numerous publications, research reports, and technical standards related to water and wastewater treatment technologies, including lime-soda softening. (URL: [WEF Website])
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website offers information on water quality regulations, guidelines, and research related to water treatment technologies, including information on lime-soda softening. (URL: [EPA Website])

Search Tips

  • "Excess Lime-Soda Softening" + "Boiler Feedwater": Focuses on specific applications of excess lime-soda softening for boiler feedwater treatment.
  • "Excess Lime-Soda Softening" + "Industrial Water Treatment": Finds information related to the use of excess lime-soda softening in various industrial water treatment applications.
  • "Lime-Soda Softening" + "Chemical Dosage": Provides resources on the chemical dosages and optimization of lime-soda softening processes.
  • "Excess Lime-Soda Softening" + "Sludge Disposal": Finds articles and resources related to the management and disposal of sludge generated from excess lime-soda softening processes.
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