Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Evap-O-Dry


Evap-O-Dry: A Powerful Tool for Wastewater Evaporation and Treatment


Wastewater treatment is a critical aspect of environmental sustainability. With increasing pressure to manage water resources effectively, innovative solutions are essential. One such solution is the use of evaporation systems – technologies that remove water from wastewater, concentrating pollutants and leaving behind a dry, manageable residue. Evap-O-Dry, a system developed by Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc., stands out as a robust and efficient option for diverse applications.

What is Evap-O-Dry?

Evap-O-Dry is a wastewater evaporation system that utilizes a combination of heat and advanced engineering to evaporate water from contaminated streams. This process leaves behind a concentrated residue, known as "sludge," which can be easily disposed of or further processed. The evaporated water is often clean enough to be discharged safely back into the environment or used for other purposes.

Benefits of Evap-O-Dry:

  • Environmentally friendly: Evap-O-Dry significantly reduces the volume of wastewater, minimizing the environmental burden associated with disposal.
  • High efficiency: The system boasts an impressive water evaporation rate, offering a cost-effective solution for managing large wastewater volumes.
  • Versatile: Evap-O-Dry can handle various types of wastewater, including industrial wastewater, brine, and sewage sludge.
  • Reduced chemical usage: The process minimizes the need for traditional chemical treatment, leading to cost savings and reduced environmental impact.
  • Reduced energy consumption: Evap-O-Dry systems are designed for energy efficiency, minimizing operational costs.
  • Reduced disposal costs: The system reduces the amount of wastewater requiring traditional disposal methods, resulting in significant cost savings.

Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc. - A Leader in Wastewater Treatment:

Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc. is a leading provider of innovative and sustainable wastewater treatment solutions. The company specializes in developing and implementing cutting-edge technologies, such as the Evap-O-Dry system. Their commitment to environmental stewardship is evident in their rigorous quality standards and dedication to customer satisfaction.

Applications of Evap-O-Dry:

Evap-O-Dry systems find application in various industries and sectors, including:

  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Eliminating pollutants from industrial processes like metal plating, chemical manufacturing, and food processing.
  • Municipal wastewater treatment: Reducing the volume of sludge generated from sewage treatment plants.
  • Oil and gas production: Treating produced water and brine, minimizing the environmental impact of oil and gas operations.
  • Agriculture: Managing wastewater from livestock farms and agricultural operations.


Evap-O-Dry is a powerful tool in the arsenal of wastewater treatment solutions. It offers a sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing wastewater, reducing environmental impact and ensuring responsible water resource management. As the demand for efficient wastewater treatment technologies continues to rise, Evap-O-Dry and other innovative solutions from companies like Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc., will play a vital role in shaping a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Evap-O-Dry Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of Evap-O-Dry? a) To filter out solid waste from wastewater. b) To chemically neutralize harmful substances in wastewater.

Answerc) To evaporate water from wastewater, concentrating pollutants.
d) To sterilize wastewater using UV light.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Evap-O-Dry? a) Reduced chemical usage. b) Reduced energy consumption. c) Increased production of hazardous waste.

Answerd) Reduced disposal costs.

3. Evap-O-Dry is particularly effective in treating: a) Only highly contaminated industrial wastewater.

Answerb) Various types of wastewater, including industrial, municipal, and agricultural.
c) Primarily wastewater from residential areas. d) Only water contaminated with heavy metals.

4. What is the residue left behind after water is evaporated using Evap-O-Dry called? a) Filtrate b) Condensate

Answerc) Sludge
d) Effluent

5. Which company developed the Evap-O-Dry system? a) Water Technologies International

Answerb) Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc.
c) Aqua Solutions d) Wastewater Management Group

Evap-O-Dry Exercise

Scenario: A large manufacturing company produces wastewater containing high levels of heavy metals. They are currently using a traditional chemical treatment method, but it's costly and generates a significant amount of hazardous waste.

Task: Explain how implementing an Evap-O-Dry system could benefit this company, addressing the following points:

  • Environmental impact: How would using Evap-O-Dry reduce the environmental impact compared to their current method?
  • Cost savings: What potential cost savings could they realize by switching to Evap-O-Dry?
  • Other potential benefits: List any other potential benefits the company could experience.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution:

Environmental impact:

  • Reduced hazardous waste: Evap-O-Dry significantly reduces the volume of wastewater, minimizing the amount of hazardous waste generated. This means less waste to dispose of, reducing environmental risks.
  • Clean water discharge: The evaporated water from the Evap-O-Dry system is often clean enough to be discharged safely back into the environment.

Cost savings:

  • Reduced chemical usage: Evap-O-Dry minimizes the need for traditional chemical treatment, leading to significant cost savings on chemicals and disposal fees.
  • Reduced disposal costs: The reduced volume of wastewater requiring traditional disposal methods results in substantial cost savings.

Other potential benefits:

  • Energy efficiency: Evap-O-Dry systems are designed for energy efficiency, further reducing operating costs.
  • Improved process efficiency: By efficiently treating wastewater, the system can help improve the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process.
  • Reduced risk of compliance issues: The system helps reduce the risk of environmental compliance issues associated with wastewater disposal.


  • Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Design by Metcalf & Eddy (This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of wastewater treatment processes, including evaporation systems.)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Frank Kreith (This handbook covers various environmental engineering topics, including wastewater treatment technologies.)
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Text by Tchobanoglous, Burton, and Stensel (This textbook offers a global perspective on environmental engineering, including wastewater treatment principles.)


  • "Evaporative Treatment of Wastewater" by the Water Environment Federation (This article provides a general overview of wastewater evaporation technologies and their applications.)
  • "Thermal Evaporation for Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by Shaheen et al. (This journal article reviews the principles and applications of thermal evaporation in wastewater treatment.)
  • "Evap-O-Dry: A Sustainable Solution for Wastewater Treatment" by Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc. (This article showcases the specific features and benefits of the Evap-O-Dry system.)

Online Resources

  • Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc. website: ( - This website offers detailed information about the company, their products, and case studies on Evap-O-Dry implementations.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: ( - WEF is a leading organization in the field of water quality and wastewater treatment. Their website provides access to technical resources, articles, and publications.
  • US EPA website: ( - The EPA website provides information about regulations, best practices, and resources related to wastewater treatment and environmental protection.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "Evap-O-Dry," "wastewater evaporation," "thermal evaporation," and "wastewater treatment."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks (e.g., "Evap-O-Dry system") to find exact matches.
  • Refine your search: Use search operators like "+" (and) or "-" (exclude) to narrow down your results.
  • Explore related terms: Search for synonyms and related concepts like "evaporative concentration," "wastewater management," or "industrial wastewater treatment."
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