Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: ETV


ETV: Accelerating the Adoption of Clean Technologies for a Healthier Planet

In the ongoing fight against pollution and environmental degradation, innovation plays a vital role. Emerging technologies hold immense promise in cleaning up our air, water, and soil, but convincing industry to adopt them can be a hurdle. That's where the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program comes in, spearheaded by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What is ETV?

The ETV program is a valuable tool for both innovators and industries. It serves as a rigorous, independent evaluation system that assesses the performance and environmental benefits of promising pollution prevention technologies. This program focuses on technologies that are commercially ready, meaning they are demonstrably effective and ready for widespread adoption.

How does ETV work?

The ETV process involves a multi-step evaluation that scrutinizes the technology's:

  • Performance: Does the technology meet its stated claims in real-world conditions?
  • Environmental benefits: Does it truly reduce pollution and protect our environment?
  • Cost-effectiveness: Is it economically feasible for businesses to adopt?

Independent experts rigorously test and analyze the technology, ensuring a thorough and impartial assessment. The EPA then publishes the results, providing a transparent and credible evaluation for stakeholders.

Benefits of ETV:

  • Increased credibility: ETV certification provides a valuable stamp of approval, boosting the technology's credibility and fostering trust among potential adopters.
  • Accelerated adoption: ETV helps overcome the barrier of uncertainty, making it easier for businesses to confidently invest in and implement these technologies.
  • Market growth: The program fosters a competitive market for innovative environmental solutions, encouraging the development and deployment of cleaner technologies.
  • Reduced environmental impact: By promoting the adoption of proven pollution prevention technologies, ETV contributes to a healthier planet and sustainable development.

Examples of ETV-verified technologies:

The ETV program has certified a wide range of technologies, including:

  • Wastewater treatment systems: Innovative technologies for treating wastewater from industrial and municipal sources, reducing pollution and promoting water reuse.
  • Air pollution control devices: Solutions for capturing and removing harmful pollutants from industrial emissions, improving air quality and public health.
  • Soil remediation technologies: Innovative methods for cleaning up contaminated soil, restoring land for productive use.

Looking forward:

The ETV program plays a vital role in accelerating the adoption of clean technologies, paving the way for a more sustainable future. As new challenges arise, such as climate change and resource scarcity, the program will continue to evolve and adapt, ensuring that innovation remains a key driver in protecting our environment for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

ETV Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program? a) To develop new environmental technologies. b) To fund research on environmental technologies. c) To promote the adoption of proven clean technologies. d) To regulate the use of environmental technologies.


c) To promote the adoption of proven clean technologies.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered during the ETV evaluation process? a) Performance b) Environmental benefits c) Cost-effectiveness d) Technology's popularity


d) Technology's popularity

3. How does ETV certification benefit businesses? a) It guarantees a return on investment for adopting the technology. b) It provides a credible assessment of the technology's performance and benefits. c) It ensures the technology meets all legal requirements. d) It grants the technology a patent.


b) It provides a credible assessment of the technology's performance and benefits.

4. Which of the following is an example of an ETV-verified technology? a) Solar panels b) Electric cars c) Wastewater treatment systems d) All of the above


c) Wastewater treatment systems

5. How does the ETV program contribute to a healthier planet? a) By promoting the use of technologies that reduce pollution and protect the environment. b) By funding research into new environmental technologies. c) By regulating the use of environmentally harmful technologies. d) By educating the public about environmental issues.


a) By promoting the use of technologies that reduce pollution and protect the environment.

ETV Exercise:

Scenario: You are a representative of a small manufacturing company that produces chemicals. You are looking to improve your wastewater treatment process and reduce your environmental impact.

Task: Research and identify two ETV-verified wastewater treatment technologies that could be suitable for your company. For each technology, briefly describe its features, benefits, and potential costs.

Consider factors like the size of your operation, the type of wastewater you produce, and your budget constraints. Present your findings to your company's management team, highlighting the advantages of adopting ETV-verified technologies.

Exercice Correction

Here's an example of how to approach the exercise, using hypothetical ETV-verified technologies:

Technology 1: Advanced Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) - Features: Combines biological treatment with membrane filtration for efficient removal of pollutants. - Benefits: High-quality effluent, reduced energy consumption, smaller footprint than traditional methods. - Potential Costs: Initial investment can be high, but long-term operational costs may be lower.

Technology 2: Electrochemical Oxidation for Wastewater Treatment - Features: Uses an electrochemical process to degrade pollutants and disinfect wastewater. - Benefits: Effective for treating complex wastewater streams, reduces sludge production. - Potential Costs: Higher initial investment than some conventional methods.

Presentation to Management:

  • Emphasize the credibility of ETV verification.
  • Explain the environmental benefits of adopting these technologies.
  • Discuss the potential cost savings and improved efficiency.
  • Highlight how the chosen technology aligns with the company's sustainability goals.

Remember: Actual ETV-verified technologies available may vary, and you should consult the EPA's ETV website for the latest information.


  • None directly on ETV; however, books on environmental technology, innovation, and policy may offer insights.
  • "Environmental Technology: A Textbook for Engineers" by R.K. Trivedi and P.K. Goel: Provides a comprehensive overview of environmental technology.
  • "Green Technology" by G.S. Reddy: Explores various green technologies and their applications.


  • "Environmental Technology Verification: A Catalyst for Innovation and Environmental Protection" by EPA: A comprehensive overview of the ETV program, its history, and impact.
  • "The Role of Environmental Technology Verification in Accelerating the Adoption of Clean Technologies" by David J. Pellow: Discusses the benefits and limitations of ETV in promoting cleaner technologies.
  • "Environmental Technology Verification: A Global Perspective" by International Environmental Technology Verification Programme (IETVP): Explores the role of ETV internationally and its potential to address global environmental challenges.

Online Resources

  • EPA Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program Website: Offers detailed information about the program, including a database of verified technologies, FAQs, and case studies.
  • International Environmental Technology Verification Programme (IETVP): Provides information about the international ETV program and its activities.
  • World Bank Clean Technology Database: A resource for information about various clean technologies, including their potential impact and market trends.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Environmental Technology Verification," "ETV program," "EPA ETV," "clean technologies," "pollution prevention technologies."
  • Include relevant search operators: " ETV," ""
  • Use advanced search filters: Filter by filetype (pdf, doc) for more targeted results.
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