Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: equalization (EQ)

equalization (EQ)

Equalization: Smoothing Out the Flow in Environmental and Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, equalization is a crucial process that acts like a smoothing agent, mitigating the erratic fluctuations in flow rates and concentrations of pollutants. By creating a more consistent and predictable environment, equalization helps optimize treatment processes, improve efficiency, and minimize environmental impact.

Two Main Types of Equalization:

  1. Hydraulic Equalization: This focuses on smoothing out the flow rate variations. In wastewater treatment, for instance, peak flows during periods of high water usage can overwhelm the treatment plant, leading to inefficient processing and potential overflows. Hydraulic equalization addresses this by temporarily storing excess water during peak periods and releasing it gradually, ensuring a steady flow into the treatment system.

  2. Organic Equalization: This focuses on stabilizing the concentration of pollutants in the influent stream. Industrial wastewater, for example, often experiences unpredictable variations in chemical composition, making treatment challenging. Organic equalization tackles this by creating a buffer tank where incoming wastewater is mixed, resulting in a more consistent concentration of pollutants entering the treatment system.

Benefits of Equalization:

  • Improved Treatment Efficiency: Consistent flow rates and pollutant concentrations allow for more efficient operation of treatment processes, maximizing removal rates and minimizing by-product formation.
  • Enhanced Process Control: Predictable influent conditions facilitate precise control of treatment parameters, ensuring optimal performance and minimizing the risk of operational upsets.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: By minimizing peak flows and stabilizing pollutant concentrations, equalization reduces the likelihood of spills, discharges, and other environmental incidents.
  • Increased Plant Capacity: By smoothing out flow variations, equalization effectively increases the capacity of existing treatment infrastructure, enabling it to handle higher peak loads.

Implementation and Technologies:

Equalization systems can be implemented using various technologies, including:

  • Holding Tanks: Simple and cost-effective, holding tanks store excess water or wastewater, providing a buffer for flow rate variations.
  • Mixing Basins: Used for organic equalization, mixing basins blend incoming wastewater to homogenize pollutant concentrations.
  • Control Valves: Automated valves control flow rates, ensuring a steady flow into the treatment system.
  • Pumping Systems: Pumps can be employed to regulate flow rates and manage water levels in equalization tanks.


Equalization plays a crucial role in modern environmental and water treatment, enhancing efficiency, reliability, and environmental protection. By mitigating flow rate and pollutant concentration fluctuations, equalization creates a stable and predictable environment for treatment processes, ultimately leading to cleaner water and a healthier environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Equalization Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of equalization in environmental and water treatment? a) To remove pollutants from wastewater. b) To increase the efficiency of treatment processes. c) To monitor the quality of treated water. d) To reduce the cost of water treatment.


b) To increase the efficiency of treatment processes.

2. What are the two main types of equalization? a) Hydraulic and Mechanical b) Hydraulic and Organic c) Organic and Chemical d) Chemical and Physical


b) Hydraulic and Organic

3. Which type of equalization focuses on stabilizing the concentration of pollutants? a) Hydraulic Equalization b) Organic Equalization c) Both Hydraulic and Organic Equalization d) None of the above


b) Organic Equalization

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of equalization? a) Improved treatment efficiency b) Increased plant capacity c) Reduced environmental impact d) Increased cost of treatment


d) Increased cost of treatment

5. What technology is commonly used for hydraulic equalization? a) Mixing basins b) Control valves c) Holding tanks d) Pumping systems


c) Holding tanks

Equalization Exercise:

Scenario: A small wastewater treatment plant experiences significant flow rate fluctuations due to varying water usage patterns in the community. During peak hours, the influent flow rate exceeds the plant's capacity, leading to inefficient treatment and potential overflows.

Task: Propose a solution using equalization to address the flow rate fluctuations and improve the plant's performance. Briefly explain the type of equalization you recommend and the technology you would utilize. Justify your choice.

Exercise Correction

To address the flow rate fluctuations, the plant should implement **Hydraulic Equalization**. This will help buffer the peak flow rates and ensure a more consistent flow into the treatment system.

The recommended technology is a **Holding Tank**. This would be a large reservoir where excess wastewater can be temporarily stored during peak flow periods. During periods of low flow, the stored water can be released gradually, ensuring a consistent flow rate into the treatment plant. This approach provides a cost-effective and reliable solution for managing flow rate variations.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (This comprehensive text covers various aspects of wastewater treatment, including equalization)
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Davis and Cornwell (This book provides a detailed overview of water treatment technologies, including equalization)
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Text by Tchobanoglous, Burton, and Stensel (This book addresses various environmental engineering topics, including equalization)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Biswas and Ghoshal (This handbook covers a wide range of environmental engineering topics, including equalization)


  • "Equalization in Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by A.K. Jain et al. (This article provides a comprehensive review of different types of equalization and their applications)
  • "The Role of Equalization in Optimizing Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance" by S.M. Ali et al. (This article discusses the benefits of equalization in improving treatment efficiency)
  • "Hydraulic Equalization for Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Design and Operational Considerations" by M.A. Khan et al. (This article focuses on hydraulic equalization in industrial wastewater treatment)
  • "Organic Equalization in Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study" by J.P. Smith et al. (This article presents a case study on the implementation of organic equalization)

Online Resources

  • EPA Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Equalization (
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website ( Search for "Equalization" in their resources section.
  • Water Research Foundation (WRF) website ( Explore their research projects and publications related to equalization.
  • Google Scholar: Use keywords like "equalization wastewater treatment", "hydraulic equalization", "organic equalization" to find relevant research papers.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "equalization wastewater treatment", "hydraulic equalization", "organic equalization", "equalization tank design", "equalization benefits", "equalization technologies"
  • Combine keywords with location: "equalization wastewater treatment in [your location]"
  • Use quotation marks for specific phrases: "hydraulic equalization in industrial wastewater treatment"
  • Filter by publication date: Find recent research and articles on equalization
  • Explore related searches: Google will suggest other relevant terms and resources based on your initial search
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