Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: epidemiology


Epidemiology in Environmental & Water Treatment: Unlocking the Secrets of Waterborne Illness

Epidemiology, the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, plays a vital role in environmental and water treatment. Understanding the patterns of disease and the factors that influence them allows us to effectively prevent and control waterborne illnesses, protecting public health.

The Importance of Epidemiology in Water Treatment:

  • Identifying Sources of Contamination: Epidemiological studies help pinpoint the origins of waterborne outbreaks. This could involve analyzing the demographics of affected individuals, their water sources, and potential environmental factors like contaminated wells or sewage leaks.
  • Understanding Transmission Pathways: By tracking the spread of diseases, epidemiologists identify how waterborne pathogens are transmitted. This could be through contaminated drinking water, recreational water, or even exposure to wastewater.
  • Evaluating Treatment Effectiveness: Epidemiological studies can assess the impact of water treatment methods on disease incidence. This information guides the design and implementation of effective water treatment strategies.
  • Developing Public Health Interventions: By analyzing risk factors and population susceptibility, epidemiologists inform public health interventions, such as targeted educational campaigns or improved water sanitation practices.

Key Concepts in Environmental Epidemiology:

  • Incidence: The number of new cases of a disease occurring in a population over a specific time period.
  • Prevalence: The proportion of individuals in a population who have a particular disease at a given point in time.
  • Risk Factors: Characteristics or exposures that increase the likelihood of developing a disease.
  • Exposure Assessment: Determining the extent and duration of exposure to potential contaminants in water.
  • Outbreak Investigation: A systematic investigation of a sudden increase in disease cases to identify the cause and implement control measures.

Examples of Waterborne Diseases Studied by Epidemiologists:

  • Gastrointestinal Illnesses: These include diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps, often caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites in contaminated water.
  • Hepatitis A: A viral infection transmitted through contaminated food or water, causing liver inflammation.
  • Typhoid Fever: A bacterial infection spread through contaminated water and food, characterized by high fever and intestinal complications.
  • Cryptosporidiosis: A parasitic infection causing severe diarrhea, often associated with contaminated swimming pools or recreational water.

The Future of Epidemiology in Water Treatment:

Advances in data analysis, genomics, and molecular epidemiology are transforming the field. This includes:

  • Real-time surveillance systems: Monitoring water quality and disease incidence in near real-time to quickly identify and address potential threats.
  • Genetic analysis of pathogens: Using genetic tools to trace the source of outbreaks and identify specific strains of pathogens.
  • Predictive modeling: Using statistical models to predict future disease outbreaks and inform public health interventions.

By harnessing the power of epidemiology, we can effectively combat waterborne illnesses, protect public health, and ensure access to safe and clean water for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Epidemiology in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a key concept in environmental epidemiology?

a) Incidence b) Prevalence c) Risk Factors d) Bioaccumulation e) Exposure Assessment


The correct answer is **d) Bioaccumulation**. Bioaccumulation refers to the increasing concentration of a substance in an organism over time, and while relevant to environmental health, it's not a core concept in environmental epidemiology.

2. Epidemiological studies can help identify the sources of contamination. How is this achieved?

a) Analyzing the water treatment methods used. b) Analyzing the demographics of affected individuals and their water sources. c) Studying the physical properties of waterborne pathogens. d) Monitoring the weather patterns in the affected area.


The correct answer is **b) Analyzing the demographics of affected individuals and their water sources.** By comparing the characteristics of those who got sick and their potential water sources, epidemiologists can pinpoint the likely origin of the contamination.

3. Which of the following is an example of a waterborne disease studied by epidemiologists?

a) Malaria b) Hepatitis A c) Measles d) Tuberculosis


The correct answer is **b) Hepatitis A**. Hepatitis A is a viral infection commonly transmitted through contaminated food or water.

4. What is the main purpose of an outbreak investigation?

a) To identify the specific strain of the pathogen. b) To identify the cause of the outbreak and implement control measures. c) To determine the effectiveness of water treatment methods. d) To predict future outbreaks of the disease.


The correct answer is **b) To identify the cause of the outbreak and implement control measures.** Outbreak investigations are crucial for quickly addressing the root of a disease outbreak and preventing further spread.

5. Which of the following is an emerging trend in environmental epidemiology?

a) Real-time surveillance systems for water quality and disease incidence. b) Utilizing traditional methods like questionnaires and interviews for data collection. c) Focusing solely on bacterial pathogens, as they are the most prevalent. d) Relying on anecdotal evidence to inform public health interventions.


The correct answer is **a) Real-time surveillance systems for water quality and disease incidence.** Real-time monitoring allows for immediate detection and response to potential threats.


Scenario: You are an epidemiologist investigating an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness in a small town. The symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. You have gathered data on the affected individuals, their water sources, and their potential exposures.


  1. Analyze the data: Look for patterns in the demographics of affected individuals, their water sources, and their potential exposures.
  2. Develop a hypothesis: Formulate a hypothesis about the likely cause of the outbreak based on your data analysis.
  3. Suggest interventions: Recommend specific actions to be taken to control the outbreak and prevent future cases.

Example of data:

  • 80% of affected individuals drank water from a specific well.
  • 50% of affected individuals reported swimming in a local lake.
  • 20% of affected individuals ate at a specific restaurant the week before the outbreak.

Exercice Correction

Here is an example of how you could analyze the data and propose interventions:


  • Water source: The high percentage of affected individuals drinking water from the specific well is a strong indicator.
  • Swimming: Swimming in the lake could be a potential route of exposure, especially if the lake water is contaminated.
  • Restaurant: While a smaller percentage reported eating at the restaurant, it's still worth investigating potential food-borne contamination.


  • Contaminated well water: The well water is the most likely source of the gastrointestinal illness outbreak.


  1. Isolate the well: Immediately shut down the well and advise residents not to use its water for drinking, cooking, or hygiene.
  2. Sample well water: Collect samples of well water for testing to confirm the presence of pathogens.
  3. Sample lake water: Collect samples of lake water to determine if it is also contaminated.
  4. Investigate the restaurant: Inspect the restaurant's kitchen and food preparation practices to identify any potential contamination.
  5. Public health education: Inform residents about the outbreak, its potential cause, and how to protect themselves.
  6. Treatment: Provide guidance on how to manage symptoms and recommend seeking medical attention when needed.


  • Environmental Epidemiology by John M. Last (2001) - A comprehensive overview of environmental epidemiology, covering its principles, methods, and applications.
  • Principles of Epidemiology by Last JM, (2001) - An essential text for understanding the core principles of epidemiology.
  • Epidemiology and Public Health by Porta M. (2008) - A detailed exploration of epidemiology in the context of public health.
  • Waterborne Diseases by Rose JB, (2006) - A focused resource dedicated to waterborne diseases, their epidemiology, and control.


  • "The role of epidemiology in waterborne disease surveillance" by Bartlett JG, (2004) - An overview of how epidemiology informs waterborne disease surveillance systems.
  • "Epidemiological methods for waterborne disease surveillance" by Bartlett JG, (2005) - Delves into specific epidemiological methods used in waterborne disease surveillance.
  • "Cryptosporidiosis outbreaks associated with recreational water: A review of the literature" by Gerba CP, (2004) - A case study demonstrating the use of epidemiology to understand and control outbreaks of waterborne illness.

Online Resources

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): - The CDC provides a wealth of information on waterborne diseases, public health, and epidemiological research.
  • World Health Organization (WHO): - The WHO offers global perspectives on waterborne diseases, environmental health, and epidemiology.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - The EPA focuses on environmental health and safety, including water quality and epidemiology.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching, be precise with your keywords, such as "waterborne disease epidemiology," "environmental epidemiology," or "water treatment epidemiology."
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations of keywords, such as "outbreak investigation AND waterborne disease," or "risk factors AND waterborne illness."
  • Explore advanced search operators: Use advanced search operators like quotation marks (" ") to search for exact phrases, or the minus sign (-) to exclude specific words from your results.
  • Filter results by date: Restrict your search to more recent publications by using the date filters in Google search.
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