Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Envirovalve


Envirovalve: A Key Component in Environmental and Water Treatment

The term "Envirovalve" often refers to a specific type of valve used in environmental and water treatment applications. This article will delve into the Envirovalve, focusing on the telescopic valve manufactured by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group, a leading provider of water treatment solutions.

What is an Envirovalve?

An Envirovalve, in a broad sense, is a valve specifically designed for use in challenging environmental and water treatment applications. These valves often feature unique characteristics like corrosion resistance, high-pressure tolerance, and ability to handle abrasive or corrosive media. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Handling sludge, biosolids, and other wastewater byproducts.
  • Industrial Water Treatment: Managing various industrial wastewater streams and providing reliable control for water purification processes.
  • Potable Water Treatment: Ensuring the safe and efficient delivery of clean drinking water.

The Telescopic Valve by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group

The Telescopic Envirovalve by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group is a specialized type of valve designed to handle both high-pressure and high-flow applications. Here's what makes it unique:

  • Telescopic Design: The valve's body incorporates a telescopic feature, allowing the valve to extend or retract to accommodate varying pipe diameters. This flexibility allows for installation in a variety of configurations and simplifies maintenance.
  • Durable Construction: The telescopic Envirovalve is built with robust materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions and resist corrosion. This ensures long-term performance and minimal maintenance requirements.
  • Pressure and Flow Capacity: These valves are capable of handling high-pressure and high-flow demands, making them ideal for demanding water treatment applications.
  • Precise Control: The Envirovalve offers precise control over the flow of fluids, allowing for optimal performance in various water treatment processes.
  • Applications: The telescopic Envirovalve finds applications in various water treatment processes such as:
    • Diffused aeration systems: Controlling the flow of air to optimize oxygen transfer in wastewater treatment.
    • Filtration systems: Regulating the flow of water and backwash cycles in filtration systems.
    • Chemical feed systems: Precisely controlling the injection of chemicals during water treatment.

Benefits of using a Telescopic Envirovalve:

  • Cost-effective: The telescopic design reduces the need for multiple valves, saving on installation and maintenance costs.
  • Versatility: Adaptable to varying pipe sizes and configurations.
  • Durability: Long-lasting performance, minimizing downtime and maintenance needs.
  • Reliable operation: Ensures consistent and accurate control over fluid flow.


The Telescopic Envirovalve by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group is a valuable component in environmental and water treatment systems. Its unique design, robust construction, and adaptability make it an essential choice for various applications. As a crucial element in water treatment infrastructure, the Envirovalve plays a vital role in ensuring the safe, efficient, and sustainable management of our water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Envirovalve Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of an Envirovalve in water treatment applications?

a) To regulate the flow of water and other fluids. b) To filter impurities from water. c) To disinfect water. d) To add chemicals to water.


a) To regulate the flow of water and other fluids.

2. Which of the following is a unique feature of the Telescopic Envirovalve by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group?

a) Its ability to filter out heavy metals. b) Its automatic self-cleaning mechanism. c) Its telescopic design that allows for varying pipe diameters. d) Its ability to generate electricity from water flow.


c) Its telescopic design that allows for varying pipe diameters.

3. What type of construction material is typically used for the Telescopic Envirovalve to ensure durability?

a) Plastic b) Wood c) Glass d) Robust materials like stainless steel


d) Robust materials like stainless steel

4. In which water treatment system would the Telescopic Envirovalve find an application?

a) Water filtration systems b) Water heating systems c) Water desalination systems d) Water cooling systems


a) Water filtration systems

5. What is one of the major benefits of using a Telescopic Envirovalve in water treatment?

a) It reduces the need for multiple valves, saving on installation and maintenance costs. b) It increases the water flow rate significantly. c) It reduces the energy consumption of water treatment plants. d) It eliminates the need for regular maintenance.


a) It reduces the need for multiple valves, saving on installation and maintenance costs.

Envirovalve Exercise

Problem: You are tasked with designing a water filtration system for a small industrial plant. The system will require a valve to control the flow of water through a filter bed and during backwash cycles. The plant uses pipes with varying diameters for different sections of the system.

Task: Explain why a Telescopic Envirovalve would be a suitable choice for this application and list at least three benefits of using it compared to a standard valve.

Exercice Correction

A Telescopic Envirovalve would be suitable for this application because: * **Telescopic Design:** The valve's ability to adjust to different pipe diameters eliminates the need for multiple valves, simplifying installation and reducing costs. * **Durable Construction:** It can handle the pressures and flows required for a filtration system, ensuring long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance. * **Precise Control:** It provides precise flow control, ensuring optimal performance during both filtration and backwash cycles. **Benefits compared to a standard valve:** * **Cost-effective:** Requires fewer valves, reducing installation and material costs. * **Versatility:** Adaptable to various pipe sizes without needing additional fittings. * **Durability:** Built to withstand harsh conditions, minimizing downtime and repair costs.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by M.J. Hammer and M.J. Hammer Jr. (This comprehensive book covers all aspects of water treatment plant design, including valves and control systems. You might find sections discussing Envirovalves or similar valves used in various applications.)
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This book is a standard reference for wastewater treatment practices. It includes information on valve selection and their application in wastewater treatment processes, which could include Envirovalves.)


  • "Telescopic Envirovalve: A Solution for Challenging Applications" by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group (This article is likely to be a technical document focusing on the features, benefits, and applications of their Telescopic Envirovalve. You may find this on their website or through industry publications.)
  • "Innovative Valve Solutions for Water Treatment" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] (Search industry journals like Water Environment & Technology, Journal of Environmental Engineering, or similar publications for articles discussing innovative valve technology for water treatment applications, which may mention Envirovalves.)

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group Website: ( - Their website would likely have detailed information about their products, including the Envirovalve, along with technical specifications, applications, and case studies.
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Industry Websites: Search websites of organizations like the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the American Water Works Association (AWWA). These websites often feature industry news, technical articles, and product information that may include Envirovalves.
  • Technical Documentation Platforms: Explore online platforms like Engineering360, GlobalSpec, or ThomasNet, which provide access to technical documents, product specifications, and case studies from various manufacturers, including those specializing in valve technology.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "Envirovalve," try more specific searches like "Envirovalve telescopic valve," "Envirovalve water treatment," or "Envirovalve USFilter."
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Search for "Envirovalve diffused aeration," "Envirovalve filtration," or "Envirovalve chemical feed" to focus your search on specific applications.
  • Include technical specifications: If you know the valve's pressure rating, flow rate, or material, include those in your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Using quotation marks around a phrase will help Google find exact matches, which can be helpful when searching for specific product names or technical terms.
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