Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: enterovirus


Enteroviruses: A Silent Threat to Sustainable Water Management

Enteroviruses, a group of highly contagious viruses, pose a significant threat to sustainable water management. These tiny pathogens, including notorious culprits like polio and hepatitis A, primarily target the human gastrointestinal tract, causing a range of illnesses. Their prevalence in water sources, particularly in developing countries with inadequate sanitation, highlights the critical link between water quality and public health.

The Enteric Connection:

The term "enterovirus" itself is a clue to their mode of transmission. These viruses replicate within the cells of the intestinal tract, often entering the body through contaminated water or food. This makes them particularly insidious, as they can spread silently, often with no outward symptoms, through fecal-oral transmission.

Beyond Polio and Hepatitis A:

While polio and hepatitis A are the most well-known enteroviruses, the group comprises over 100 distinct viruses, each with its own characteristics and potential to cause disease. These include:

  • Coxsackieviruses: Responsible for hand-foot-and-mouth disease, a common childhood illness.
  • Echoviruses: Can cause a variety of illnesses, including fever, rash, and meningitis.
  • Enteroviruses 68 and 71: Emerging threats linked to outbreaks of severe respiratory illness, especially in children.

The Impact on Sustainable Water Management:

Enteroviruses directly impact sustainable water management in several ways:

  • Public health burden: Enterovirus infections can cause a range of debilitating illnesses, requiring healthcare resources and disrupting daily life.
  • Economic impact: Outbreaks can lead to lost productivity, school closures, and increased healthcare costs, hindering socioeconomic development.
  • Water treatment challenges: Conventional water treatment methods may not be effective against all enteroviruses, necessitating advanced technologies.
  • Water scarcity: Contamination can force communities to rely on unsafe water sources, exacerbating water scarcity issues.

Addressing the Enterovirus Threat:

Sustainable water management strategies must proactively address the enterovirus threat:

  • Improved sanitation: Implementing proper sanitation practices, including safe waste disposal and handwashing, can prevent the spread of these viruses.
  • Safe water supply: Ensuring access to safe and clean drinking water through effective treatment and distribution systems is crucial.
  • Early detection and surveillance: Robust surveillance systems and timely diagnosis are essential for managing outbreaks and preventing widespread illness.
  • Vaccine development: Research and development of vaccines against various enteroviruses is crucial for providing long-term protection.


Enteroviruses represent a significant threat to human health and sustainable water management. By implementing comprehensive approaches that address sanitation, water quality, and healthcare, we can mitigate the risks posed by these silent invaders and secure a healthier future for all.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Enteroviruses: Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis" by Johannes S. G. van den Hurk, Paul J. Horne (Editors)
  • "Waterborne Diseases: A Global Perspective" by A. D. K. Sinha (Editor)
  • "Environmental Virology" by Frederick A. Raoult, Dimitri Raoult, Patrick Parola (Editors)
  • "Public Health Microbiology" by Kenneth Todar


  • "Enteroviruses in Water: A Review of Occurrence, Detection, and Control" by A. M. K. A. Al-Ghamdi, R. A. S. Al-Assiri (2019)
  • "Enteroviruses and Human Health: A Review of the Emerging Threat" by S. Kumar, A. Kumar, N. Singh (2017)
  • "The Role of Water Quality in Enterovirus Transmission: A Review" by B. M. C. de Oliveira, A. R. P. Macedo (2021)
  • "Enterovirus Surveillance: A Global Perspective" by J. L. P. Nascimento, S. M. R. de Oliveira, J. M. de Morais, J. A. R. de Oliveira (2022)

Online Resources

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
  • World Health Organization (WHO):
  • Waterborne Diseases and Outbreaks: National Institute of Health:
  • Enterovirus Resources: NCBI:
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

Search Tips

  • "Enteroviruses water contamination"
  • "Enteroviruses public health"
  • "Enterovirus surveillance"
  • "Water treatment enterovirus removal"
  • "Sustainable water management enterovirus"
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