Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: electrodialysis reversal (EDR)

electrodialysis reversal (EDR)

Electrodialysis Reversal: A Powerful Tool for Sustainable Water Management

Water scarcity is a pressing global issue, pushing us to explore innovative and sustainable solutions for water management. Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) stands out as a promising technology in this pursuit, offering a unique and effective way to desalinate water and recover valuable resources.

EDR: How it Works

EDR is a variation of the electrodialysis process, utilizing an electric field to separate ions from water. The core of the technology lies in a stack of alternating cation and anion exchange membranes, forming compartments. When an electric current is applied, positively charged ions (cations) migrate towards the negatively charged cathode, while negatively charged ions (anions) move towards the positively charged anode. This process effectively separates salts from the water, resulting in freshwater and a concentrated brine stream.

EDR's Key Advantage: Self-Cleaning Mechanism

What sets EDR apart is its built-in self-cleaning mechanism. Unlike traditional electrodialysis systems that require periodic chemical cleaning, EDR employs electrode polarity reversal. By periodically reversing the polarity of the electrodes, the system forces the ion flow to reverse direction. This dynamic process effectively dislodges any accumulated salts and other impurities from the membrane surface, preventing scaling and fouling.

Sustainable Water Management Applications of EDR

The self-cleaning nature of EDR makes it particularly suitable for various applications in sustainable water management:

  • Desalination: EDR is highly efficient in desalinating brackish water, offering a viable alternative to traditional desalination methods like reverse osmosis.
  • Water Reuse: By recovering valuable nutrients and minerals from wastewater, EDR promotes water reuse for agricultural or industrial purposes, reducing the strain on freshwater resources.
  • Resource Recovery: EDR can be utilized to recover valuable resources like minerals and salts from industrial wastewaters, contributing to a circular economy.

Benefits of EDR:

  • Energy Efficiency: EDR requires significantly less energy compared to other desalination technologies, making it a cost-effective solution.
  • Low Chemical Consumption: The self-cleaning mechanism eliminates the need for frequent chemical cleaning, minimizing environmental impact.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Regular chemical cleaning is minimized, resulting in less downtime and lower maintenance costs.
  • Scalability: EDR technology can be easily scaled to meet various water treatment needs, from small-scale residential applications to large-scale industrial facilities.

Future of EDR:

EDR technology is rapidly evolving, with ongoing research focusing on improving membrane materials and optimizing energy consumption. As the world grapples with water scarcity, EDR is poised to play a crucial role in sustainable water management, ensuring access to clean water while minimizing environmental impact.


Electrodialysis Reversal offers a promising solution for addressing water scarcity and fostering sustainable water management. Its unique self-cleaning mechanism, coupled with its energy efficiency and low chemical consumption, makes it an attractive technology for various applications. As research continues to enhance its capabilities, EDR is set to become an increasingly important tool in our quest for sustainable water solutions.

Test Your Knowledge

Electrodialysis Reversal Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism used in Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) to separate ions from water?

a) Reverse osmosis b) Distillation c) Electromagnetic field


c) Electromagnetic field

2. What distinguishes EDR from traditional electrodialysis?

a) Use of a different type of membrane b) Self-cleaning mechanism with electrode polarity reversal c) Ability to treat only brackish water


b) Self-cleaning mechanism with electrode polarity reversal

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of EDR?

a) High energy efficiency b) Requires frequent chemical cleaning c) Low maintenance costs


b) Requires frequent chemical cleaning

4. EDR can be used for all of the following applications EXCEPT:

a) Desalination of seawater b) Water reuse for agriculture c) Resource recovery from industrial wastewaters


a) Desalination of seawater

5. What is the primary advantage of the self-cleaning mechanism in EDR?

a) Reduces the need for chemical cleaning b) Increases the efficiency of the process c) Both a) and b)


c) Both a) and b)

Electrodialysis Reversal Exercise

Problem: A local municipality is considering using EDR to treat their wastewater for reuse in irrigation. The current wastewater treatment plant uses conventional methods that require frequent chemical cleaning and have high energy consumption.


  1. Explain how EDR would be a more sustainable solution for this municipality compared to their current wastewater treatment system.
  2. List at least three key benefits EDR would offer in this specific application.

Exercise Correction

1. **EDR would be a more sustainable solution because:** - It offers a self-cleaning mechanism, reducing the need for chemical cleaning and minimizing environmental impact. - It requires less energy compared to traditional methods, lowering operational costs and reducing carbon footprint. - It can recover valuable nutrients and minerals from wastewater, promoting a circular economy and reducing reliance on external resources. 2. **Key benefits of EDR for this application:** - **Reduced chemical usage and environmental impact:** EDR's self-cleaning mechanism eliminates the need for frequent chemical cleaning, minimizing chemical waste and reducing the risk of environmental contamination. - **Energy efficiency and cost savings:** EDR operates with significantly less energy compared to conventional methods, resulting in lower operational costs and a smaller carbon footprint. - **Resource recovery and water reuse:** EDR can extract valuable nutrients and minerals from wastewater, making it suitable for reuse in irrigation and reducing the need for fresh water resources.


  • "Electrodialysis and Electrodialysis Reversal: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications" by A.T. Çalık, A. Yüksel, and A.W. Mohammad (2017) - This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, technology, and applications of EDR, including its role in desalination and water reuse.


  • "Electrodialysis reversal (EDR) technology for desalination: A review" by J.S. Kim et al. (2019) - This review paper focuses on the application of EDR in desalination, discussing its advantages and limitations compared to other desalination methods.

Online Resources

  • International Water Association (IWA): This organization provides various resources on water treatment technologies, including EDR. Check their website for publications, events, and research related to this topic.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use keywords like "electrodialysis reversal," "EDR," "desalination," "water reuse," "resource recovery," "sustainable water management," "membrane technology," and "energy efficiency."
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