Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: El Tor

El Tor

El Tor: A Legacy of Cholera and Its Implications for Water Treatment

The term "El Tor" evokes a chilling history. It refers to a specific biotype of the Vibrio cholerae bacterium, notorious for causing cholera, a severe diarrheal disease. The name itself carries the weight of its origins, traced back to the El Tor quarantine camp in Sinai, Egypt, where it was first isolated in 1906. This discovery marked a turning point in our understanding of cholera and its impact on public health, with lasting implications for environmental and water treatment practices.

From Quarantine Camp to Global Threat:

The El Tor biotype, distinct from the classic Vibrio cholerae strain, quickly spread globally, becoming the dominant cause of cholera outbreaks in the 20th century. Its ability to persist in the environment, even at low temperatures, and its greater resistance to disinfectants made it a formidable challenge. The El Tor biotype also exhibited a higher rate of transmission, making control and prevention efforts more complex.

Understanding the El Tor Threat:

Cholera outbreaks linked to the El Tor biotype are often associated with contaminated water sources, particularly in regions with inadequate sanitation and water treatment facilities. The bacterium thrives in freshwater and brackish environments, readily multiplying in the presence of organic matter.

El Tor and Water Treatment:

The El Tor biotype's resilience highlights the crucial role of water treatment in preventing cholera outbreaks. Effective water treatment systems, including:

  • Chlorination: While El Tor exhibits some resistance to chlorine, proper chlorination levels can significantly reduce bacterial populations in water.
  • Filtration: Removing particulate matter and other contaminants can prevent the spread of Vibrio cholerae.
  • Boiling: Heating water to a rolling boil for one minute effectively kills the bacteria.
  • Safe Sanitation: Implementing sanitation measures like proper waste disposal and hygiene practices minimizes the risk of fecal-oral transmission, a key route for cholera spread.

The Ongoing Battle:

Despite advances in water treatment and sanitation, cholera remains a significant public health threat. The emergence of new, more virulent strains, such as the "7th pandemic" strain, underscores the need for continuous vigilance and adaptation.

Moving Forward:

Understanding the legacy of El Tor is essential for developing comprehensive strategies to combat cholera. This includes:

  • Strengthening Water Treatment Systems: Investing in robust water treatment infrastructure, especially in vulnerable communities, is paramount.
  • Promoting Sanitation and Hygiene: Public health campaigns promoting handwashing, safe water storage, and proper sanitation practices are vital for preventing outbreaks.
  • Research and Development: Continued research into the biology of Vibrio cholerae, including the El Tor biotype, is crucial for developing new preventive measures and treatment options.

The El Tor story reminds us of the ongoing struggle against waterborne diseases. By learning from the past and investing in modern solutions, we can better safeguard our communities from this deadly threat.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: El Tor and Cholera

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the significance of "El Tor" in relation to cholera?

a) It is a common symptom of cholera. b) It refers to a specific biotype of the Vibrio cholerae bacterium. c) It is a type of medication used to treat cholera. d) It is a region where cholera outbreaks are most frequent.


b) It refers to a specific biotype of the Vibrio cholerae bacterium.

2. How did the El Tor biotype differ from the classic Vibrio cholerae strain?

a) It was less virulent and caused milder symptoms. b) It was more easily treatable with antibiotics. c) It was more resistant to disinfectants and persisted longer in the environment. d) It was only found in specific geographical regions.


c) It was more resistant to disinfectants and persisted longer in the environment.

3. Which of the following is NOT a key factor in the spread of cholera outbreaks linked to the El Tor biotype?

a) Contaminated water sources. b) Inadequate sanitation facilities. c) High temperatures and humid environments. d) Lack of access to clean water.


c) High temperatures and humid environments. While cholera thrives in warm climates, it is not the defining factor in its spread.

4. Which water treatment method is LEAST effective against the El Tor biotype?

a) Chlorination. b) Filtration. c) Boiling. d) UV radiation.


a) Chlorination. El Tor exhibits some resistance to chlorine, making it less effective than other methods.

5. What is the primary message conveyed by the El Tor story?

a) Cholera is a disease of the past, effectively eradicated by modern medicine. b) The El Tor biotype is no longer a threat due to improved water treatment. c) Continuous vigilance and adaptation are crucial to combatting waterborne diseases. d) Cholera is primarily a problem in developing countries, not a concern for developed nations.


c) Continuous vigilance and adaptation are crucial to combatting waterborne diseases.

Exercise: Cholera Outbreak in a Village

Scenario: A village in a developing country experiences an outbreak of cholera. The village has limited access to clean water and sanitation facilities.

Task: Propose a plan to address this outbreak, focusing on:

  • Immediate Actions: What steps should be taken to control the outbreak and prevent further spread?
  • Long-Term Solutions: What measures can be implemented to improve water treatment and sanitation in the village, making it more resilient to future outbreaks?

Exercise Correction

A comprehensive plan would include the following:

Immediate Actions:

  • Isolate infected individuals: Separate infected individuals from the healthy population to prevent further transmission.
  • Provide rehydration therapy: Offer oral rehydration solutions (ORS) to combat dehydration caused by diarrhea.
  • Improve sanitation: Encourage handwashing with soap and water, proper waste disposal, and safe food handling practices.
  • Treat contaminated water sources: Boil water for consumption, disinfect water sources using chlorine or other safe methods.
  • Educate villagers: Spread awareness about cholera symptoms, transmission, and preventive measures.

Long-Term Solutions:

  • Invest in water treatment infrastructure: Construct or improve existing water treatment facilities to provide safe drinking water.
  • Improve sanitation facilities: Build and maintain latrines and septic systems to prevent fecal-oral transmission.
  • Promote community involvement: Encourage community participation in sanitation and hygiene practices.
  • Develop sustainable water management systems: Implement strategies for rainwater harvesting, well maintenance, and efficient water use.
  • Support public health programs: Provide training and resources for local healthcare workers to manage future outbreaks effectively.


  • "Cholera: A History of the Disease in India" by J.B. Grant (1931): This historical account provides insight into the early days of cholera and its impact in India.
  • "Vibrio cholerae" by Rita R. Colwell (2004): A comprehensive book exploring the biology, epidemiology, and control of cholera.
  • "The Cholera Years: The United States in 1832, 1849, and 1866" by Charles E. Rosenberg (1962): This book examines cholera outbreaks in the United States and their impact on society.


  • "The El Tor biotype of Vibrio cholerae: a historical review" by A.N. Islam et al. (1999): This review article examines the origins and evolution of the El Tor biotype.
  • "The 7th cholera pandemic: a global threat" by B.L. Seidler et al. (2003): This article discusses the emergence of the current cholera pandemic and its global implications.
  • "Cholera in the 21st century: a global health emergency" by D.A. Sack et al. (2004): This article examines the current state of cholera and its ongoing challenges.

Online Resources

  • World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO provides comprehensive information on cholera, including prevention, treatment, and current outbreaks.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The CDC offers resources on cholera, including travel advisories and prevention tips.
  • International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b): icddr,b is a leading research institution dedicated to combating cholera and other diarrheal diseases.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords, such as "El Tor cholera history," "El Tor biotype characteristics," or "cholera water treatment."
  • Combine keywords with relevant search operators like "AND" or "OR" to refine your search.
  • Explore academic databases like PubMed or Google Scholar to access scientific articles and research reports.
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