Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Dynasieve


Dynasieve: A Powerful Tool for Environmental & Water Treatment

Dynasieve is a term widely used in environmental and water treatment to refer to a specific type of filtration technology known as self-cleaning rotary fine screens. These screens play a crucial role in separating solids from liquids, ensuring efficient and reliable treatment processes. Among the leading providers of Dynasieve technology is *Andritz-Ruthner, Inc. *, a company renowned for its innovative and high-performance solutions.

Understanding Dynasieve Technology

Dynasieve systems employ a rotating, perforated drum or cylinder to filter out suspended solids from liquids. The key features that differentiate Dynasieve from traditional screens are:

  • Self-cleaning mechanism: The screen constantly rotates, and a built-in cleaning system removes the accumulated solids, ensuring continuous operation and preventing clogging.
  • Fine filtration: Dynasieve screens can achieve very fine filtration levels, ranging from a few micrometers to several millimeters, depending on the application.
  • High flow rates: Due to their continuous operation and efficient cleaning mechanism, Dynasieve screens can handle large volumes of liquid.

Andritz-Ruthner's Dynasieve Solutions

Andritz-Ruthner, Inc. offers a comprehensive range of Dynasieve solutions tailored to various environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Wastewater treatment: Removal of suspended solids from municipal and industrial wastewater, improving effluent quality.
  • Drinking water treatment: Pre-filtration for raw water, ensuring the removal of debris and improving the efficiency of subsequent treatment stages.
  • Industrial process water: Cleaning and filtering process water for various industrial applications, optimizing efficiency and reducing downtime.
  • Surface water treatment: Removal of debris and contaminants from surface water sources, enhancing water quality and protecting downstream infrastructure.

Benefits of Andritz-Ruthner Dynasieve Systems

Choosing Andritz-Ruthner's Dynasieve systems brings numerous benefits to environmental and water treatment operations, such as:

  • High efficiency and reliability: Continuous operation, efficient cleaning, and robust design ensure optimal performance and minimize downtime.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Reduced maintenance and operating costs due to efficient cleaning and long-term durability.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Efficient separation of solids and liquids minimizes waste generation and promotes sustainable practices.
  • Customization: Andritz-Ruthner offers tailor-made solutions to meet specific requirements and optimize system performance.


Dynasieve technology, particularly Andritz-Ruthner's innovative solutions, plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient and reliable environmental and water treatment processes. Its self-cleaning mechanism, fine filtration capabilities, and high flow rates make it a powerful tool for separating solids from liquids, optimizing treatment operations, and promoting sustainability. As the demand for clean water and environmental protection continues to grow, Dynasieve systems will remain a valuable asset for industries and communities worldwide.

Test Your Knowledge

Dynasieve Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What type of technology does Dynasieve refer to?

a) Membrane filtration b) Self-cleaning rotary fine screens c) UV disinfection d) Coagulation and flocculation


b) Self-cleaning rotary fine screens

2. Which company is a leading provider of Dynasieve technology?

a) Siemens b) Veolia c) Andritz-Ruthner d) GE Water


c) Andritz-Ruthner

3. What is the primary function of Dynasieve systems?

a) To disinfect water b) To remove dissolved chemicals c) To separate solids from liquids d) To adjust water pH


c) To separate solids from liquids

4. What is one key advantage of Dynasieve over traditional screens?

a) It can handle higher pressures b) It requires less maintenance c) It uses less energy d) It can achieve finer filtration


b) It requires less maintenance

5. Which of these is NOT a typical application of Dynasieve systems?

a) Wastewater treatment b) Drinking water treatment c) Industrial process water d) Water desalination


d) Water desalination

Dynasieve Exercise:


You are working for a water treatment plant that needs to upgrade its filtration system to handle increased water flow and improve effluent quality. You are considering implementing Dynasieve technology.


  1. Research and identify: List at least three specific benefits of using Andritz-Ruthner Dynasieve systems for your water treatment plant.
  2. Compare and contrast: Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of Dynasieve technology compared to a traditional sand filtration system.

Exercice Correction

**1. Benefits of Andritz-Ruthner Dynasieve for Water Treatment Plant:** * **Increased Flow Capacity:** Dynasieve systems can handle higher flow rates than traditional screens, allowing for greater efficiency and processing of larger volumes of water. * **Improved Effluent Quality:** Dynasieve's fine filtration capabilities ensure the removal of smaller particles, resulting in cleaner and safer water discharge. * **Reduced Maintenance Costs:** The self-cleaning mechanism reduces the need for manual cleaning and maintenance, lowering operational costs. **2. Comparison with Traditional Sand Filtration:** **Dynasieve:** * **Advantages:** Higher flow rate, continuous operation, self-cleaning, finer filtration, less maintenance. * **Disadvantages:** Higher initial investment cost, potentially more complex operation. **Traditional Sand Filtration:** * **Advantages:** Lower initial investment cost, simple operation. * **Disadvantages:** Lower flow rate, requires regular backwashing and maintenance, limited filtration capability.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by A.K. Biswas and R.L. D'Arcy (2nd Edition): This book covers various water treatment technologies, including filtration, and offers a comprehensive overview of principles and design considerations.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies by D.W. Smith and D.A. Thomas (2nd Edition): This handbook provides detailed insights into diverse water and wastewater treatment technologies, including mechanical filtration.
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by P.N. Cheremisinoff (4th Edition): This book is a valuable resource for environmental engineers, covering various topics, including solid-liquid separation processes like filtration.


  • Self-Cleaning Rotary Fine Screens: An Overview of Technology and Applications by P.M. Vigneswaran and S.K. Ong (2004): This article provides a comprehensive review of self-cleaning rotary fine screens (Dynasieve), exploring their features, applications, and benefits.
  • The Impact of Fine Screens in Wastewater Treatment by S.A. Khan and M.A. Gondal (2015): This article discusses the role of fine screens, including Dynasieve, in wastewater treatment, highlighting their significance in removing suspended solids and improving effluent quality.
  • Andritz-Ruthner Dynasieve Technology: A Powerful Tool for Water Treatment by Andritz-Ruthner, Inc. (2020): This article, published by Andritz-Ruthner, provides detailed information about their Dynasieve technology, its features, and applications in water treatment.

Online Resources

  • Andritz-Ruthner Website:
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: : The WEF provides information about various aspects of water and wastewater treatment, including filtration technologies.
  • The American Water Works Association (AWWA) website: : The AWWA offers resources and information about drinking water treatment, including filtration technologies.

Search Tips

  • "Dynasieve" + "wastewater treatment": This search will help you find articles and websites specifically related to Dynasieve's use in wastewater treatment.
  • "Dynasieve" + "drinking water treatment": This search will provide information about Dynasieve's role in drinking water treatment applications.
  • "self-cleaning rotary fine screens" + "environmental engineering": This search will provide broader insights into the technology and its applications in environmental engineering.
  • "Andritz-Ruthner" + "Dynasieve": This search will specifically focus on Andritz-Ruthner's Dynasieve solutions and their features.
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