Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: DynaFloc Feedwell

DynaFloc Feedwell

Optimizing Flocculation: DynaFloc Feedwell and Clarifier Design

The efficient removal of suspended solids from water and wastewater treatment is crucial for maintaining water quality and environmental protection. Flocculation, a key process in water treatment, utilizes chemicals called flocculants to bind together smaller particles, forming larger, easier-to-settle flocs. Optimizing flocculation requires careful design of the feedwell, the point where flocculants are introduced into the water stream.

DynaFloc Feedwell, a design developed by GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc., offers a proven solution for promoting efficient flocculant mixing and ensuring optimal floc formation.

How it works:

The DynaFloc Feedwell utilizes a multi-stage mixing concept to effectively disperse the flocculant throughout the water stream.

  1. Initial Mixing: The flocculant is introduced through a carefully designed nozzle, creating a high-velocity jet that rapidly mixes the chemical with the incoming water.
  2. Turbulent Mixing: The high-velocity jet then enters a specially designed chamber with baffles and deflectors, promoting turbulence and further dispersing the flocculant.
  3. Gentle Mixing: After initial mixing, the flow transitions to a gentler, more controlled mixing zone, ensuring optimal floc formation without disrupting already formed flocs.

Benefits of the DynaFloc Feedwell:

  • Improved Flocculation Efficiency: The multi-stage mixing process ensures uniform distribution of flocculants, promoting optimal floc formation and maximizing solid removal.
  • Reduced Chemical Dosage: More efficient flocculation allows for lower chemical dosages, minimizing treatment costs and reducing environmental impact.
  • Enhanced Settling: Larger, denser flocs created by the DynaFloc Feedwell settle more rapidly, minimizing sludge volume and improving overall clarification efficiency.
  • Durable Construction: The feedwell is constructed from corrosion-resistant materials, ensuring long-term durability and reliability in challenging environments.

Clarifier Design Considerations:

The DynaFloc Feedwell is seamlessly integrated into clarifier design by GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc. This integrated approach optimizes the entire treatment process, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness.

Key clarifier design features:

  • Proper Inlet Design: The clarifier inlet should be carefully designed to minimize short-circuiting and ensure uniform distribution of the water stream.
  • Optimized Hydraulic Conditions: The flow velocity and residence time within the clarifier are critical for effective floc formation and settling.
  • Efficient Sludge Removal: The clarifier must efficiently remove settled sludge to prevent build-up and ensure ongoing treatment performance.


The DynaFloc Feedwell, combined with carefully designed clarifiers, provides a robust solution for maximizing flocculation efficiency in water and wastewater treatment. Its multi-stage mixing process ensures optimal floc formation, reducing chemical dosages, minimizing sludge volume, and enhancing overall treatment performance. By optimizing this critical step in the treatment process, GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc. empowers its clients to achieve high-quality water purification, protect the environment, and maximize operational efficiency.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Optimizing Flocculation: DynaFloc Feedwell and Clarifier Design

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a flocculant in water treatment? a) To remove dissolved organic matter b) To kill bacteria and viruses c) To bind smaller particles together into larger flocs d) To neutralize pH levels


c) To bind smaller particles together into larger flocs

2. What is the key feature of the DynaFloc Feedwell that distinguishes it from other designs? a) Its ability to remove dissolved solids b) Its use of a single-stage mixing process c) Its ability to produce a high-velocity jet d) Its multi-stage mixing concept


d) Its multi-stage mixing concept

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a DynaFloc Feedwell? a) Improved flocculation efficiency b) Increased chemical dosage requirements c) Enhanced settling of flocs d) Reduced sludge volume


b) Increased chemical dosage requirements

4. What is a crucial factor in the design of a clarifier to ensure optimal floc formation and settling? a) Minimizing the residence time of the water stream b) Optimizing the hydraulic conditions within the clarifier c) Reducing the flow velocity of the water stream d) Maximizing the sludge volume


b) Optimizing the hydraulic conditions within the clarifier

5. Which company developed the DynaFloc Feedwell? a) GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc. b) GE Water & Process Technologies c) Siemens Water Technologies d) Evoqua Water Technologies


a) GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc.

Exercise: Designing a Clarifier

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a clarifier for a municipal water treatment plant using a DynaFloc Feedwell. The plant processes 10,000 m3/day of raw water with a high suspended solids concentration.


  1. Identify three key design considerations for the clarifier to ensure optimal flocculation and settling.
  2. Briefly explain how the DynaFloc Feedwell would be integrated into your design to maximize treatment efficiency.

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible answers for the design considerations:

  1. **Proper Inlet Design:** The inlet should be designed to distribute the incoming water stream evenly across the clarifier, minimizing short-circuiting, which could lead to uneven flocculation and settling. A diffuser or baffle system at the inlet can help with this.
  2. **Optimized Hydraulic Conditions:** The flow velocity and residence time within the clarifier need to be carefully controlled. The velocity should be slow enough to allow floc formation but fast enough to prevent sludge accumulation. A longer residence time will provide more opportunity for flocs to settle. The clarifier's dimensions and the flow rate need to be carefully calculated.
  3. **Efficient Sludge Removal:** A mechanism for removing settled sludge is essential. This could involve a sludge scraper system or a continuous discharge mechanism to prevent sludge build-up and maintain efficient treatment.

**Integrating the DynaFloc Feedwell:**

The DynaFloc Feedwell would be positioned upstream of the clarifier inlet. Its multi-stage mixing system would ensure rapid and efficient flocculation of the incoming raw water. The larger, denser flocs produced by the DynaFloc Feedwell would settle more quickly in the clarifier, minimizing sludge volume and improving overall treatment efficiency.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: While not explicitly mentioning DynaFloc Feedwell, this book provides comprehensive information on water treatment plant design, including flocculation and clarifier design. Several authors have published works on this topic, including Metcalf & Eddy, AWWA, and others.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse: This book covers wastewater treatment technologies, including flocculation and clarifier design. It might offer insights into the principles behind DynaFloc Feedwell and its application in wastewater treatment.


  • "Optimizing Flocculation for Enhanced Water Treatment" - Search for articles focusing on flocculation optimization techniques. These might discuss different feedwell designs and their impact on flocculation efficiency.
  • "Clarifier Design and Performance: A Review" - Look for articles reviewing clarifier design principles and factors affecting their performance. This might provide context for the role of the DynaFloc Feedwell in clarifier optimization.

Online Resources

  • GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc. Website: Visit the official website of GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc. to access technical documents, brochures, and case studies related to DynaFloc Feedwell and their clarifier designs.
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Industry Publications: Explore online publications such as Water Technology, Water Environment & Technology, and other industry magazines for articles and technical papers discussing flocculation and clarifier design.

Search Tips

  • "DynaFloc Feedwell" + "Clarifier Design" - Combine these terms to find specific information on the feedwell's application and integration in clarifiers.
  • "Flocculation Optimization" + "Feedwell Design" - Use these terms to explore general principles of flocculation and the role of feedwell design.
  • "GL&V/Dorr-Oliver" + "Technical Papers" - Search for technical papers and publications released by GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc. to find information on their specific technologies.
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