Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: DynaBlend


DynaBlend: Revolutionizing Polymer Blending & Feeding in Environmental & Water Treatment

The ever-growing demand for efficient and sustainable water treatment solutions has led to a constant pursuit of optimized processes. One crucial element in achieving this goal is the reliable and accurate blending and feeding of polymers. Enter DynaBlend, a cutting-edge system developed by Fluid Dynamics, Inc., designed to revolutionize polymer handling in environmental and water treatment applications.

The Importance of Polymer Blending & Feeding

Polymers play a vital role in water treatment, serving as flocculants, coagulants, and dewatering agents. They facilitate the removal of suspended solids and other impurities, ultimately leading to cleaner, safer water. However, the effectiveness of these polymers depends heavily on proper blending and feeding.

Challenges with Traditional Methods

Traditional polymer blending and feeding systems often face several challenges:

  • Inconsistent Blending: Inaccurate blending can lead to inconsistent polymer performance, affecting treatment efficiency and overall water quality.
  • Clogging & Blockage: Improper feeding systems can lead to clogging and blockages, requiring frequent maintenance and downtime.
  • Waste & Inefficiency: Uneven blending and feeding can result in wasted polymers and decreased overall system efficiency.

DynaBlend: A Game-Changer

DynaBlend, developed by Fluid Dynamics, Inc., addresses these challenges head-on, offering a comprehensive solution for polymer handling in water treatment. Here's what makes DynaBlend stand out:

1. Advanced Blending Technology: DynaBlend employs a unique, patented blending technology that ensures consistent and accurate polymer mixing. This eliminates the risk of uneven distribution and ensures optimal polymer performance.

2. Precise Feeding System: The system features precise feeding mechanisms that deliver the right amount of polymer at the right time, optimizing treatment processes and reducing waste.

3. Automated Operation: DynaBlend's automation features minimize manual intervention, reducing operational costs and improving safety.

4. User-Friendly Interface: The system boasts a user-friendly interface that facilitates easy monitoring and control, allowing operators to optimize performance and troubleshoot issues efficiently.

5. Scalability & Flexibility: DynaBlend is available in various sizes and configurations, offering flexible solutions for different treatment capacities.

Benefits of DynaBlend:

  • Improved Water Quality: Consistent polymer blending and feeding leads to enhanced treatment efficiency, resulting in cleaner and safer water.
  • Increased Efficiency & Productivity: Optimized polymer handling reduces waste, minimizes downtime, and increases overall system efficiency.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: Automation features, precise feeding, and minimized waste contribute to lower operating costs.
  • Enhanced Safety: Automated operations and user-friendly interface enhance safety by minimizing manual intervention and providing better control.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Reduced waste and optimized polymer utilization contribute to a more environmentally friendly operation.


DynaBlend by Fluid Dynamics, Inc., represents a significant advancement in polymer blending and feeding technology for environmental and water treatment applications. Its innovative features address critical challenges faced by traditional systems, resulting in improved water quality, increased efficiency, and reduced operational costs. By embracing DynaBlend, water treatment facilities can achieve a more sustainable and cost-effective operation while delivering cleaner and safer water for their communities.

Test Your Knowledge

DynaBlend Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of polymers in water treatment?

a) To remove suspended solids and impurities b) To disinfect water c) To improve water taste and odor d) To add essential minerals to water


a) To remove suspended solids and impurities

2. What is a major challenge faced by traditional polymer blending and feeding systems?

a) Difficulty in obtaining polymers b) Lack of trained personnel c) Inconsistent blending leading to poor performance d) High energy consumption


c) Inconsistent blending leading to poor performance

3. What is the unique feature of DynaBlend's blending technology?

a) It uses a high-speed blender for efficient mixing b) It employs a patented technology ensuring consistent and accurate polymer mixing c) It relies on gravity to mix polymers d) It uses a specific type of polymer that mixes easily


b) It employs a patented technology ensuring consistent and accurate polymer mixing

4. What is the main benefit of DynaBlend's automated operation?

a) Faster blending process b) Reduced labor costs c) Increased polymer efficiency d) Improved water taste


b) Reduced labor costs

5. How does DynaBlend contribute to environmental sustainability?

a) By using recycled polymers b) By reducing waste and optimizing polymer utilization c) By utilizing solar energy d) By eliminating the use of chemicals


b) By reducing waste and optimizing polymer utilization

DynaBlend Exercise

Scenario: A water treatment plant is experiencing inconsistent water quality due to unreliable polymer blending. They are considering implementing DynaBlend to improve their system.


  1. Identify three specific challenges the plant might be facing due to inconsistent polymer blending.
  2. Explain how DynaBlend's features can address each of these challenges.
  3. Describe one potential positive impact on the environment as a result of using DynaBlend.

Exercice Correction

**1. Three Challenges:** * **Inconsistent Treatment Efficiency:** Uneven polymer distribution can lead to varying degrees of flocculation and sedimentation, resulting in inconsistent water quality. * **Increased Maintenance & Downtime:** Clogging and blockages caused by improper feeding can lead to frequent maintenance, disrupting operations and causing downtime. * **Waste & Increased Operating Costs:** Unnecessary polymer usage due to inconsistent blending results in waste and higher operating costs. **2. How DynaBlend Addresses the Challenges:** * **Consistent Blending:** DynaBlend's patented technology ensures accurate and uniform polymer mixing, leading to consistent treatment efficiency and improved water quality. * **Precise Feeding:** The system's precise feeding mechanisms prevent clogging and blockages, minimizing maintenance and downtime. * **Optimized Polymer Usage:** DynaBlend's accurate feeding and blending reduce waste and unnecessary polymer usage, contributing to lower operating costs. **3. Environmental Impact:** * **Reduced Chemical Waste:** By minimizing polymer waste, DynaBlend contributes to a more environmentally friendly operation, reducing the overall chemical footprint of the water treatment facility.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by Richard A. Symons (This comprehensive book covers various aspects of water treatment, including polymer handling.)
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by James A. MWH (This handbook provides detailed information about various treatment processes and equipment, including polymer usage.)
  • Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science by Mark M. Benjamin (This textbook provides a solid understanding of chemical processes involved in water treatment, including polymer chemistry.)


  • "Polymer Blending for Water Treatment: A Review" by [Author Name] (You can find articles like this in journals like "Water Research", "Environmental Science & Technology", or "Journal of Water Process Engineering" by searching for relevant keywords.)
  • "Improving Polymer Dosing Efficiency in Water Treatment Plants" by [Author Name] (Similar to the previous suggestion, search for specific keywords related to polymer dosing and efficiency.)

Online Resources

  • Fluid Dynamics, Inc. Website: (While the "DynaBlend" system may not be publicly advertised, Fluid Dynamics, Inc. website might offer general information about their products and services.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (This organization provides resources and information on various aspects of water treatment, including polymer usage. Search for their publications and databases for relevant articles and research.)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (Similar to WEF, AWWA offers resources and information on water treatment technologies and practices.)

Search Tips

  • Specific keywords: Use keywords like "polymer blending water treatment", "polymer feeding systems", "polymer dosing", "water treatment automation", and "innovative polymer handling technology" to find relevant resources.
  • Company names: Search for "Fluid Dynamics Inc. water treatment", "Fluid Dynamics Inc. polymer handling", or similar phrases to find specific information about their products.
  • Industry publications: Search for articles and white papers published by industry journals and organizations like WEF and AWWA.
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