Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Duriron


Duriron: A Durable Solution for Environmental & Water Treatment

Duriron, a trademarked name for a high-silicon iron alloy, has been a cornerstone of the environmental and water treatment industries for over a century. Its exceptional resistance to corrosion and abrasion makes it ideal for handling harsh chemicals and abrasive slurries, often encountered in wastewater treatment and industrial applications.

From Aqua Care Systems to Duriron:

Previously known as Aqua Care Systems, the company behind this innovative material has a long history of providing reliable and sustainable solutions. Their expertise in manufacturing high-quality Duriron components has earned them a reputation for excellence in the industry.

Key Benefits of Duriron in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Exceptional Corrosion Resistance: Duriron's high silicon content gives it outstanding resistance to a wide range of acids, alkalis, and salts. This makes it ideal for handling corrosive wastewater streams, chemicals used in treatment processes, and even seawater applications.
  • Abrasion Resistance: Duriron is extremely durable and can withstand the abrasive wear and tear often encountered in water treatment systems, particularly in applications involving solids or slurries.
  • Low Maintenance: Due to its inherent resistance to corrosion and abrasion, Duriron components require minimal maintenance, ensuring long-term performance and reduced operational costs.
  • Versatility: Duriron can be used to manufacture a wide range of components, including pumps, valves, pipes, tanks, and even specialized equipment for specific treatment processes.

Applications of Duriron in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Duriron finds numerous applications in various environmental and water treatment sectors, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Duriron is commonly used for handling wastewater streams, chemical dosing systems, and sludge handling equipment. Its resistance to corrosive chemicals and abrasives ensures reliable operation and extended equipment lifespan.
  • Industrial Water Treatment: Duriron components are essential in industrial processes involving water purification, chemical handling, and cooling water systems. Its durability and corrosion resistance make it suitable for harsh environments.
  • Seawater Applications: Duriron's resistance to seawater corrosion makes it ideal for desalination plants, marine water treatment systems, and other applications involving saltwater.
  • Chemical Processing: Duriron is used extensively in chemical processing plants for handling corrosive chemicals, storage tanks, and various processing equipment.


Duriron, formerly known as Aqua Care Systems, remains a trusted name in the environmental and water treatment industries. Its exceptional corrosion and abrasion resistance, coupled with its versatility, makes it a reliable and sustainable solution for handling demanding applications. As the world faces increasing challenges in water management and environmental protection, Duriron continues to play a vital role in providing innovative and long-lasting solutions for a cleaner and healthier future.

Test Your Knowledge

Duriron Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main advantage of Duriron in environmental and water treatment applications?

a) Its lightweight construction



b) Its ability to withstand high temperatures



c) Its exceptional corrosion and abrasion resistance



d) Its low cost compared to other materials



2. What is the chemical composition of Duriron?

a) A high-carbon steel alloy



b) A high-silicon iron alloy



c) A high-nickel stainless steel alloy



d) A high-aluminum bronze alloy



3. In which of the following applications is Duriron NOT commonly used?

a) Wastewater treatment



b) Industrial water treatment



c) Food processing



d) Chemical processing



4. What is the main reason why Duriron requires minimal maintenance?

a) It is self-cleaning.



b) Its corrosion and abrasion resistance.



c) It is made from a renewable resource.



d) It is easy to repair.



5. What was the former name of the company that manufactures Duriron?

a) Aqua Care Systems



b) Water Treatment Solutions



c) Environmental Protection Agency



d) Chemical Industries Association



Duriron Exercise


Imagine you are a water treatment engineer working on a project to upgrade a wastewater treatment plant. You need to choose a material for the new pumps that will handle highly corrosive wastewater and abrasive sludge.


  • You are considering Duriron and another material, stainless steel.
  • Duriron is more expensive, but offers superior corrosion and abrasion resistance.
  • Stainless steel is more affordable, but may require more frequent maintenance and replacement.

Choose the best material for the pumps, explaining your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The best material for the pumps in this case is Duriron.

While Duriron is more expensive, its superior corrosion and abrasion resistance will outweigh the initial cost. The highly corrosive wastewater and abrasive sludge will quickly degrade stainless steel, leading to frequent repairs, maintenance, and potentially premature replacement.

In the long run, Duriron's durability will save the plant money on maintenance and downtime, making it the more cost-effective option despite the initial investment.


  • Corrosion Resistance of Metals and Alloys by L.L. Shreir, R.A. Jarman, and G.T. Burstein: This comprehensive book covers corrosion mechanisms and resistance properties of various metals and alloys, including high-silicon iron alloys like Duriron.
  • Handbook of Corrosion Engineering by Pierre R. Roberge: This reference book provides detailed information on corrosion prevention and control, including specific chapters on corrosion-resistant alloys like Duriron.


  • "High Silicon Iron: A Durable Material for the Chemical Industry" by The American Foundrymen's Society: This article explores the properties and applications of high-silicon iron alloys, including Duriron, in chemical processing industries.
  • "Duriron: A Durable Solution for Wastewater Treatment" by Aqua Care Systems (or a similar article from a reputable water treatment supplier): This kind of article would focus specifically on the use of Duriron in wastewater treatment and highlight its benefits in this context.

Online Resources

  • Aqua Care Systems Website: While the company has changed names, their website might still have useful information on Duriron's applications and properties.
  • The Duriron Company Website: Look for a website that focuses on the Duriron alloy, which is likely to be produced by a specialized company.
  • Corrosion Resistance Data Sheets: Search for data sheets from Duriron manufacturers that provide details on its corrosion resistance in specific environments, including those relevant to water treatment.
  • NACE International: This organization dedicated to corrosion control offers resources and information on corrosion resistance of various materials, including Duriron.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "Duriron," "high-silicon iron," "corrosion resistance," "wastewater treatment," and "water treatment."
  • Refine your search with operators: Use "AND" or "+" to combine keywords, for example: "Duriron + wastewater treatment."
  • Use quotes for specific phrases: Enclose exact phrases in quotes to find them in the exact order, like "Duriron applications in water treatment."
  • Filter your results: Utilize Google's advanced search filters to specify your search to specific websites, file types, or timeframes.
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