Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: DuoTherm


DuoTherm: Optimizing Biosolids Treatment with USFilter/Envirex Technology

DuoTherm, a key technology developed by USFilter/Envirex, revolutionizes the treatment of biosolids, the organic solids produced during wastewater treatment. This innovative system leverages the power of thermal drying and aerobic digestion to create a safe, beneficial, and valuable end product.

Biosolids Treatment: A Vital Step in Water Sustainability

Biosolids, while often viewed as waste, hold significant potential as a sustainable resource. They are rich in nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, which are essential for plant growth. However, untreated biosolids pose environmental risks due to their potential to contain pathogens and heavy metals. This is where DuoTherm technology comes into play.

DuoTherm: A Two-Step Approach to Efficient Biosolids Treatment

1. Aerobic Digestion: The first stage of the DuoTherm process involves aerobic digestion. This controlled biological process breaks down organic matter in the biosolids, reducing the volume and pathogen content. The process is enhanced by the addition of oxygen, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria.

2. Thermal Drying: The second stage utilizes a patented thermal drying technology. This process removes moisture from the digested biosolids, resulting in a stable, easy-to-handle, and nutrient-rich product. The heat used in the drying process is generated through the combustion of the biosolids themselves, making the process energy-efficient.

Benefits of DuoTherm Technology

  • Reduced Volume and Pathogen Content: DuoTherm significantly reduces the volume of biosolids, making their disposal more manageable. It also effectively eliminates harmful pathogens, ensuring the safety of the final product.
  • Nutrient Recovery: The nutrient-rich end product from DuoTherm can be used as a valuable fertilizer in agriculture and horticulture, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Energy Efficiency: The use of biosolids as fuel for the thermal drying process makes DuoTherm a highly energy-efficient system.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: DuoTherm technology minimizes the environmental impact of biosolids disposal by reducing landfill requirements and promoting resource recovery.

USFilter/Envirex: Pioneers in Biosolids Treatment

USFilter/Envirex is a leading provider of biosolids treatment solutions, with DuoTherm as a flagship technology. Their commitment to innovation and environmental sustainability is reflected in the development and continuous improvement of their technologies, ensuring efficient and environmentally friendly biosolids management.


DuoTherm technology represents a significant step forward in biosolids treatment, offering a safe, efficient, and sustainable solution for managing these valuable resources. USFilter/Envirex, through its continuous advancements in this field, plays a vital role in promoting a circular economy by turning what was once viewed as waste into a valuable resource, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

DuoTherm Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are biosolids? a) Solid waste from industrial processes b) Organic solids produced during wastewater treatment c) Inorganic residues from water purification d) Sludge from agricultural runoff


b) Organic solids produced during wastewater treatment

2. Which two key processes are involved in DuoTherm technology? a) Anaerobic digestion and thermal drying b) Aerobic digestion and thermal drying c) Chemical treatment and filtration d) Composting and incineration


b) Aerobic digestion and thermal drying

3. What is the main benefit of the aerobic digestion stage in DuoTherm? a) It reduces the volume of biosolids. b) It removes heavy metals from biosolids. c) It converts biosolids into a usable fertilizer. d) It reduces the pathogen content in biosolids.


d) It reduces the pathogen content in biosolids.

4. How does DuoTherm technology achieve energy efficiency? a) By using solar power for drying. b) By using the biosolids themselves as fuel for drying. c) By utilizing wind energy to power the process. d) By relying on natural evaporation for moisture removal.


b) By using the biosolids themselves as fuel for drying.

5. What is the main benefit of using DuoTherm-treated biosolids as fertilizer? a) It reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers. b) It adds color and texture to soil. c) It provides a source of nitrogen for plants. d) Both a) and c).


d) Both a) and c).

DuoTherm Exercise

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant processes 100,000 gallons of wastewater per day. The plant generates 5 tons of biosolids per day before treatment. After DuoTherm processing, the biosolids volume is reduced by 75%.

Task: Calculate the daily volume of biosolids after DuoTherm treatment.

Exercice Correction

The daily volume of biosolids after DuoTherm treatment is 1.25 tons. Here's how:
- Reduction in volume: 5 tons * 0.75 = 3.75 tons
- Volume after treatment: 5 tons - 3.75 tons = 1.25 tons


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (latest edition) - Provides comprehensive coverage of wastewater treatment processes, including biosolids management.
  • Biosolids Management and Beneficial Use by James A. Smith - Focuses on the technical aspects of biosolids treatment, disposal, and beneficial use.
  • Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design by Davis & Masten - Offers a broad overview of environmental engineering principles, including biosolids treatment and resource recovery.


  • "Thermal Drying of Biosolids: A Review" by A.K. Chakrabarti et al., in Journal of Environmental Management (2012) - Discusses various thermal drying technologies for biosolids treatment, including DuoTherm.
  • "The Role of Aerobic Digestion in Biosolids Treatment: A Critical Review" by R.L. Irvine et al., in Water Environment Research (2009) - Examines the importance of aerobic digestion in biosolids management.
  • "Biosolids Management: A Sustainable Approach" by J.C. Tchobanoglous et al., in Water Science and Technology (2003) - Presents a comprehensive overview of biosolids management principles and practices.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Envirex Website: - Explore their range of biosolids treatment solutions, including DuoTherm technology.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - Provides resources on wastewater treatment, biosolids management, and related topics.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - Offers guidance and regulations on biosolids treatment and disposal.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "DuoTherm biosolids," "USFilter/Envirex biosolids," "thermal drying biosolids," "aerobic digestion biosolids," and "biosolids beneficial use."
  • Combine keywords with relevant phrases like "case studies," "technology," "benefits," "environmental impact," and "sustainability."
  • Include location-specific keywords (e.g., "DuoTherm California") to find resources relevant to your region.
  • Use advanced search operators like "" to restrict searches to specific websites.
  • Employ quotation marks for precise keyword matching.
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