Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: DFT


Dry Film Thickness (DFT): A Critical Parameter in Environmental & Water Treatment

Dry film thickness (DFT) plays a crucial role in the efficacy and longevity of various environmental and water treatment technologies. While seemingly simple, understanding and precisely measuring DFT is vital for ensuring optimal performance and preventing costly issues. This article delves into the significance of DFT in this field, exploring its applications and the challenges associated with its measurement.

Understanding DFT:

DFT refers to the thickness of a dry coating applied to a surface. In the context of environmental and water treatment, this coating could be a protective layer on a corrosion-prone component, an anti-fouling agent on a filtration membrane, or a specialized coating on a reactor vessel. The DFT directly impacts the effectiveness of the coating in achieving its intended purpose.

Applications of DFT in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Corrosion Protection: DFT is crucial in ensuring the long-term integrity of pipes, tanks, and other equipment used in water treatment. Coatings with sufficient DFT protect against corrosion, preventing leakage, contamination, and costly replacements.

  • Membrane Fouling Prevention: Membranes used in water filtration can be prone to fouling, a buildup of organic and inorganic materials that reduces their efficiency. Anti-fouling coatings with proper DFT help minimize this problem, ensuring smooth water flow and maximizing the membrane's lifespan.

  • Reactor Vessel Durability: Chemical reactions involved in water treatment often occur in specialized reactors. DFT plays a vital role in ensuring the durability and longevity of these reactors, protecting them from corrosion and erosion caused by aggressive chemicals.

Measuring DFT:

Precise measurement of DFT is essential for optimizing the performance of these coatings. Various techniques are employed depending on the specific application and the material properties.

  • Magnetic Thickness Gauges: These devices are ideal for measuring the thickness of ferromagnetic coatings like galvanized steel.

  • Eddy Current Gauges: These are suitable for measuring the thickness of non-ferrous coatings like aluminum or copper.

  • Ultrasonic Gauges: These provide high accuracy for measuring thicker coatings or materials with complex geometries.

  • Micrometers and Calipers: These are often used for manual measurements, particularly for verifying the thickness of flat coatings.

Challenges in Measuring DFT:

  • Substrate Complexity: Irregular surface geometries can pose a challenge for accurate DFT measurements.

  • Multiple Layer Coatings: When multiple layers of coatings are involved, measuring the total DFT can be complex.

  • Environmental Factors: Humidity, temperature, and surface contamination can affect the accuracy of DFT measurements.


Dry film thickness is a critical parameter in the field of environmental and water treatment. Ensuring precise and reliable DFT measurements is essential for optimizing the performance of coatings, preventing corrosion and fouling, and maximizing the longevity of vital equipment. By employing appropriate measurement techniques and adhering to industry standards, we can ensure the effectiveness of these technologies in safeguarding our water resources and maintaining a healthy environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Dry Film Thickness (DFT) in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does DFT stand for? a) Dry Film Thickness b) Durable Film Thickness c) Detectable Film Thickness d) Detailed Film Technology


a) Dry Film Thickness

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of proper DFT in water treatment? a) Increased corrosion resistance b) Improved water quality c) Reduced equipment maintenance costs d) Enhanced water flow rate


d) Enhanced water flow rate

3. Which measurement technique is MOST suitable for measuring the thickness of a galvanized steel coating? a) Magnetic thickness gauge b) Eddy current gauge c) Ultrasonic gauge d) Micrometer


a) Magnetic thickness gauge

4. Which of the following is a challenge associated with measuring DFT? a) The use of advanced measurement techniques b) The high cost of DFT measurement equipment c) Irregular surface geometries of the coated component d) The limited availability of DFT measurement services


c) Irregular surface geometries of the coated component

5. Why is DFT important in membrane fouling prevention? a) Anti-fouling coatings with proper DFT reduce the buildup of materials on the membrane. b) DFT helps to increase the filtration capacity of the membrane. c) DFT allows for easier cleaning of the membrane. d) DFT reduces the pressure required for water filtration.


a) Anti-fouling coatings with proper DFT reduce the buildup of materials on the membrane.

Exercise: DFT Application

Scenario: You are working on a project to install new water pipes for a residential area. The pipes are made of steel and will be coated with a protective layer to prevent corrosion.


  1. Research: Identify two different types of coatings commonly used for corrosion protection in water pipes.
  2. DFT Requirements: Determine the recommended DFT for each coating type based on industry standards and the specific environmental conditions of the project.
  3. Measurement Technique: Choose the most appropriate measurement technique for verifying the DFT of the coatings after installation. Explain your choice.

Exercice Correction

**Possible Coating Types:** * **Epoxy Coatings:** Durable, chemical-resistant, and suitable for both interior and exterior applications. * **Polyethylene (PE) Coatings:** Cost-effective, flexible, and offer good corrosion resistance. **Recommended DFT:** * **Epoxy Coatings:** DFT of 100-200 microns (4-8 mils) is commonly recommended for water pipes. * **PE Coatings:** DFT of 250-500 microns (10-20 mils) is typically recommended, depending on the pipe size and operating pressure. **Measurement Technique:** * **Magnetic Thickness Gauge:** This would be the most appropriate technique for measuring the DFT of both epoxy and PE coatings on steel pipes. It provides quick, accurate readings and is suitable for measuring the thickness of ferromagnetic coatings.


  • "Corrosion and Its Control" by Uhlig and Revie: Provides comprehensive information on corrosion, including coatings and their role in preventing corrosion in various environments.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by D. Wayne Smith: This textbook covers various aspects of water treatment, including membrane filtration and the use of coatings in protecting equipment.
  • "Handbook of Corrosion Engineering" by Pierre R. Roberge: This extensive handbook offers detailed information on corrosion mechanisms, coating technologies, and testing methods.


  • "The Role of Coating Thickness in Corrosion Protection" by NACE International: This article discusses the importance of coating thickness in corrosion prevention and outlines best practices for measuring DFT.
  • "Anti-Fouling Coatings for Membrane Water Treatment: A Review" by Elsevier: This review article explores the use of anti-fouling coatings for membrane filtration, highlighting the significance of DFT in minimizing fouling.
  • "Dry Film Thickness Measurement in Corrosion Prevention: A Comparison of Techniques" by ASTM International: This article compares different methods for measuring DFT, including their advantages and limitations.

Online Resources

  • NACE International: This organization provides a wide range of resources on corrosion prevention, including best practices for measuring and controlling DFT. (
  • ASTM International: This organization publishes standards for material testing and characterization, including methods for measuring DFT. (
  • Coatings Technology Magazine: This publication offers articles and news on coating technologies, including DFT and its relevance in various applications. (

Search Tips

  • "DFT coating thickness measurement": This search will lead you to articles and resources specifically focusing on DFT measurement techniques.
  • "DFT importance corrosion protection": This search will help you find information on how DFT impacts the effectiveness of coatings in preventing corrosion.
  • "DFT anti-fouling membrane water treatment": This search will retrieve articles discussing the role of DFT in membrane filtration and minimizing fouling.
  • "DFT standards [specific industry]": Replace "[specific industry]" with your field of interest (e.g., water treatment, chemical processing) to find industry-specific standards related to DFT.
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