Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Densludge


Densludge: A Key Component of Wastewater Treatment and the Role of GL&V/Dorr-Oliver Digestion Systems

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, "densludge" refers to the concentrated, thickened sludge produced during wastewater treatment processes. It's a critical component in the overall efficiency and sustainability of these systems, and its management requires careful consideration. This article delves into the nature of densludge and explores the role of a specific digestion system, the GL&V/Dorr-Oliver system, in its handling and processing.

What is Densludge?

Densludge is the outcome of sludge thickening, a process that removes excess water from the raw sludge generated during wastewater treatment. This thickening step is crucial for several reasons:

  • Reduced volume: Thicker sludge occupies less space, making it easier and more cost-effective to transport and store.
  • Improved digester performance: Concentrated sludge provides a higher solids content, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced biogas production time in anaerobic digesters.
  • Enhanced dewatering: Densludge is easier to dewater, reducing the volume of final waste material and enabling potential reuse or disposal.

The GL&V/Dorr-Oliver Digestion System: A Comprehensive Solution

The GL&V/Dorr-Oliver system offers a complete solution for handling densludge, incorporating a primary thickening unit for initial sludge concentration and a high-performance digester for further treatment.

1. Primary Thickening Unit:

The primary thickening unit employs a unique design that utilizes gravity sedimentation to separate the solids from the wastewater. This process:

  • Reduces water content: The thickened sludge typically contains a solids concentration of 4-6%, making it ideal for further processing.
  • Minimizes energy consumption: The gravity-based system requires minimal energy input, making it an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution.
  • Increases digester efficiency: The thickened sludge provides a higher solids concentration, improving the overall performance of the anaerobic digester.

2. High-Performance Digester:

The GL&V/Dorr-Oliver system employs a variety of high-performance digesters, including:

  • High-rate digesters: These systems are designed for rapid biogas production and efficient treatment of thickened sludge.
  • Covered digesters: These systems incorporate a cover to capture biogas, which can be used for energy generation.
  • Mesophilic and thermophilic digesters: The system can accommodate both mesophilic and thermophilic digestion processes, depending on the desired treatment outcome.

Benefits of the GL&V/Dorr-Oliver System:

  • Reduced sludge volume: The combined effect of thickening and digestion significantly reduces the overall volume of sludge, minimizing disposal requirements.
  • Enhanced resource recovery: The system promotes biogas production, offering a renewable energy source.
  • Environmental sustainability: The system reduces reliance on landfill disposal and promotes sustainable waste management practices.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The efficient and reliable performance of the system translates to significant cost savings in the long run.


Densludge management is a critical aspect of wastewater treatment, and the GL&V/Dorr-Oliver digestion system offers a comprehensive and efficient solution. By combining a primary thickening unit with a high-performance digester, the system effectively reduces sludge volume, enhances resource recovery, and promotes sustainable waste management practices. This approach ultimately contributes to a cleaner environment and more efficient resource utilization.

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