Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: dealkalization


Dealkalization: Keeping Water Pure and Preventing Problems

Dealkalization, in the context of environmental and water treatment, refers to any process that removes or reduces the alkalinity of water. Alkalinity, a measure of water's ability to neutralize acids, is primarily caused by the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate, and hydroxide ions. While a certain level of alkalinity is beneficial for maintaining a stable pH, excessive alkalinity can lead to several problems, making dealkalization a crucial step in water treatment.

Why Dealkalization is Important:

  • Corrosion Prevention: High alkalinity can cause scaling, a buildup of mineral deposits, in pipes and equipment, leading to corrosion and decreased efficiency.
  • Improved Water Quality: High alkalinity can contribute to a bitter taste and unpleasant odor in drinking water, making it undesirable for consumption.
  • Effective Chemical Treatment: Dealkalization is often a prerequisite for other water treatment processes, such as softening and disinfection, as high alkalinity can interfere with their effectiveness.
  • Environmental Protection: In industrial processes, dealkalization can help mitigate the environmental impact of wastewater discharge by reducing the alkalinity of effluent.

Common Dealkalization Methods:

  1. Lime Softening: This method involves adding calcium hydroxide (lime) to the water, which reacts with carbonates and bicarbonates to form insoluble calcium carbonate, which can then be removed through sedimentation and filtration.
  2. Soda Ash Treatment: Sodium carbonate (soda ash) is added to the water, reacting with calcium and magnesium ions to form insoluble carbonates, which are then removed.
  3. Acid Neutralization: Strong acids, such as sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid, are added to the water to neutralize the alkalinity by converting bicarbonates and carbonates into carbon dioxide, which is then released from the water.
  4. Ion Exchange: This method uses specialized resins to remove calcium, magnesium, and other ions responsible for alkalinity, replacing them with other ions like sodium.

Choosing the Right Dealkalization Method:

The most appropriate method for dealkalization depends on factors like:

  • Desired level of alkalinity: Different methods have different levels of effectiveness in reducing alkalinity.
  • Water composition: The presence of other minerals and contaminants can influence the choice of method.
  • Cost and efficiency: Each method has different costs associated with chemicals, equipment, and maintenance.


Dealkalization is a vital process in water treatment, ensuring that water is safe and suitable for various applications. By removing or reducing alkalinity, we can prevent corrosion, improve water quality, enhance the effectiveness of other treatment processes, and protect the environment. Understanding the different dealkalization methods and their applications allows for informed decision-making in selecting the most appropriate approach for any given water treatment scenario.

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