Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: daily cover

daily cover

Daily Cover: The Unsung Hero of Landfill Management

Landfills, often seen as unsightly and odorous eyesores, are an essential part of our waste management infrastructure. But beneath the surface lies a complex system designed to protect the environment and public health. One key element in this system is daily cover, a seemingly simple practice with a surprisingly significant impact.

Daily cover refers to the layer of material spread and compacted on top of and along the sides of compacted solid waste at the end of each day. This seemingly mundane action serves a crucial role in landfill management, effectively addressing several critical issues:

1. Fire Prevention: Landfills are susceptible to spontaneous combustion, especially with organic materials like food waste and yard debris. Daily cover acts as a barrier, cutting off oxygen supply and reducing the risk of fire outbreaks.

2. Moisture Control: Moisture is a catalyst for decomposition and can lead to leachate formation, a hazardous liquid that can contaminate groundwater. Daily cover minimizes moisture penetration, preventing the formation of harmful leachate.

3. Erosion Control: Uncovered waste is vulnerable to erosion by wind and rain, potentially scattering debris and contaminating surrounding areas. Daily cover provides a protective layer, safeguarding the landfill and preventing environmental damage.

4. Aesthetics: Daily cover improves the landfill's appearance by concealing the waste, reducing unpleasant odors and creating a more aesthetically pleasing environment.

Cover Material Options:

The choice of cover material is crucial and depends on local regulations and resource availability. Common options include:

  • Soil: A readily available and effective material, offering good moisture control and erosion resistance.
  • Clay: Excellent at preventing moisture infiltration due to its low permeability.
  • Recycled materials: Incorporating materials like shredded tires or construction debris can offer cost savings and reduce waste.

Benefits of Daily Cover:

The benefits of daily cover extend beyond the immediate site. By preventing fires, minimizing leachate formation, and controlling erosion, daily cover contributes to:

  • Public safety: Reduced fire risk and minimized air and water pollution.
  • Environmental protection: Protection of groundwater resources and the surrounding ecosystem.
  • Long-term sustainability: Ensuring the long-term stability and safety of the landfill.


While often overlooked, daily cover plays a crucial role in responsible landfill management. This seemingly simple practice offers significant benefits in terms of fire prevention, moisture control, erosion mitigation, and aesthetics, ultimately contributing to a safer and more sustainable environment. By understanding and embracing this crucial aspect of waste management, we can ensure that landfills remain effective and environmentally responsible components of our waste disposal infrastructure.

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