Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Cyclo-Hearth


Cyclo-Hearth: A Revolution in Environmental & Water Treatment

The term "Cyclo-Hearth" refers to a specific type of multiple hearth furnace, a technology used for various environmental and water treatment applications. This innovative furnace design, developed by USFilter/Zimpro (now part of Veolia Water Technologies), has become a staple in industries ranging from wastewater treatment to hazardous waste management.

Understanding the Cyclo-Hearth Furnace

The Cyclo-Hearth furnace is a robust and efficient system that utilizes a series of circular hearths stacked vertically. Each hearth is equipped with a rotating arm that distributes material evenly throughout the furnace. As the material progresses through the furnace, it encounters different temperature zones and is subjected to various treatment processes.

Key Features and Advantages of the Cyclo-Hearth Design:

  • Enhanced Mixing and Heat Transfer: The rotating arms ensure constant mixing of the material, maximizing heat transfer and promoting uniform treatment.
  • Controlled Atmosphere: The furnace's design allows for precise control of the atmosphere within each hearth, enabling optimal treatment for specific applications.
  • Efficient Energy Consumption: The Cyclo-Hearth furnace utilizes the heat generated from the combustion process to preheat incoming materials, resulting in reduced energy consumption.
  • Reduced Emission Levels: The system's enclosed design minimizes emissions and ensures compliance with stringent environmental regulations.
  • Versatile Applications: The Cyclo-Hearth furnace is adaptable to a wide range of materials, including sludge, waste solids, and hazardous materials.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

The Cyclo-Hearth furnace finds widespread application in various environmental and water treatment processes, including:

  • Sludge Drying and Incineration: Dehydrating and incinerating sewage sludge and industrial sludge, reducing their volume and eliminating harmful pathogens.
  • Hazardous Waste Treatment: Processing and destroying various hazardous wastes, such as pharmaceutical residues and chemical byproducts.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Treating industrial wastewater to remove organic pollutants and contaminants, improving water quality.
  • Metal Recovery: Recovering valuable metals from industrial byproducts and wastes.

Advantages over Conventional Incinerators:

The Cyclo-Hearth furnace offers several advantages over conventional incinerators, including:

  • Higher Efficiency: The rotating hearths and controlled atmosphere ensure optimal combustion and efficient waste processing.
  • Lower Emissions: The system's design minimizes emissions of harmful pollutants, meeting strict environmental regulations.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The durable construction and efficient operation minimize downtime and maintenance requirements.


The Cyclo-Hearth furnace by USFilter/Zimpro has revolutionized environmental and water treatment, offering a reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible solution for a wide range of applications. Its innovative design, versatility, and advanced features make it an indispensable tool for industries seeking to manage waste responsibly and ensure a sustainable future.

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