Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: critical temperature

critical temperature

The Critical Temperature: A Key Concept in Environmental & Water Treatment

The critical temperature of a substance is a fascinating concept with significant implications in various fields, particularly in environmental and water treatment. It represents the temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied solely by an increase in pressure. This critical threshold plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of gases and their potential for condensation.

Understanding the Concept:

Imagine a gas trapped in a container. As pressure is applied, the molecules are squeezed closer together. Below the critical temperature, increasing pressure will eventually force the gas to condense into a liquid. However, above the critical temperature, no matter how much pressure is applied, the gas will remain in a gaseous state.

Relevance to Environmental & Water Treatment:

The critical temperature is crucial for numerous applications in environmental and water treatment:

  • Refrigeration: Refrigerants exploit this principle by operating below their critical temperatures. This allows for efficient heat transfer and cooling, essential in processes like air conditioning and industrial refrigeration.
  • Gas Separation: The critical temperature influences the separation of different gases. For example, in air separation plants, nitrogen and oxygen are separated based on their critical temperatures, allowing for the efficient production of industrial gases.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Understanding critical temperatures is vital in treating wastewater containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Certain VOCs have low critical temperatures, making them more difficult to remove through conventional methods. Processes like activated carbon adsorption or biofiltration must be carefully designed to account for their behavior above the critical temperature.
  • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: The critical temperature of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, influences their atmospheric lifetime and potential for global warming. Understanding this threshold is crucial for developing effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Water: The critical temperature of water is 374 °C (705 °F). This means that water, in its gaseous form (steam), cannot be liquefied solely by increasing pressure at temperatures above this threshold.
  • Carbon Dioxide: The critical temperature of carbon dioxide is 31 °C (88 °F). This explains why carbon dioxide can be liquefied at room temperature under high pressure, allowing for its storage and transportation in pressurized containers.


The critical temperature is a fundamental concept in environmental and water treatment, influencing various processes and technologies. By understanding this threshold, researchers and engineers can optimize processes, improve efficiency, and develop new solutions to address environmental challenges. Further research into the critical temperature of various substances will continue to enhance our understanding of their behavior and pave the way for new advancements in environmental and water treatment technologies.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Critical Temperature in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the definition of the critical temperature of a substance?

a) The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid. b) The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied solely by an increase in pressure. c) The temperature at which a substance boils. d) The temperature at which a substance freezes.


b) The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied solely by an increase in pressure.

2. How does the critical temperature influence refrigeration processes?

a) It determines the efficiency of heat transfer in refrigeration systems. b) It determines the type of refrigerant used. c) It determines the amount of energy required for refrigeration. d) It determines the temperature at which the refrigerant changes state.


a) It determines the efficiency of heat transfer in refrigeration systems.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the critical temperature of water?

a) Water can be liquefied at any temperature by applying enough pressure. b) Water cannot be liquefied at temperatures above 374 °C (705 °F), regardless of pressure. c) Water has a higher critical temperature than carbon dioxide. d) The critical temperature of water is irrelevant for environmental and water treatment.


b) Water cannot be liquefied at temperatures above 374 °C (705 °F), regardless of pressure.

4. How does the critical temperature affect the treatment of wastewater containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs)?

a) VOCs with low critical temperatures are easier to remove. b) VOCs with high critical temperatures are easier to remove. c) The critical temperature of VOCs is irrelevant in wastewater treatment. d) The critical temperature affects the choice of treatment methods.


d) The critical temperature affects the choice of treatment methods.

5. Which of the following is NOT an application of the critical temperature concept in environmental and water treatment?

a) Gas separation in air separation plants. b) Designing efficient refrigeration systems. c) Predicting the rate of evaporation of water. d) Developing strategies for greenhouse gas mitigation.


c) Predicting the rate of evaporation of water.


Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is struggling to remove a volatile organic compound (VOC) from wastewater. The VOC has a critical temperature of 25 °C (77 °F). The plant currently uses a conventional activated carbon adsorption system.


  1. Explain why the current treatment method may not be effective in removing the VOC.
  2. Suggest a potential alternative treatment method that might be more effective, considering the critical temperature of the VOC.

Exercice Correction

1. The current treatment method may not be effective because the VOC's critical temperature is relatively low. At temperatures above 25 °C, the VOC will remain in a gaseous state, making it difficult to adsorb onto the activated carbon. The existing system may not be able to provide sufficient cooling to reduce the temperature below the critical point. 2. A potential alternative treatment method could be a membrane separation process. Membrane separation technologies can effectively separate gases based on their molecular size and properties. A membrane designed to selectively remove the VOC from the wastewater could be more effective than activated carbon adsorption, especially considering the VOC's low critical temperature.


  • Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula: This comprehensive textbook provides a thorough understanding of the principles of thermodynamics, including critical temperature, and its implications.
  • Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, and Design by Davis and Masten: This textbook discusses the principles of environmental engineering, including the role of critical temperature in various treatment processes.
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Metcalf & Eddy: This classic text on water treatment covers topics related to the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the importance of understanding critical temperatures.


  • Critical Phenomena in Fluids by J.S. Rowlinson: This review article provides a comprehensive overview of critical phenomena, including critical temperature, and its impact on fluid behavior.
  • The Critical Temperature of Water: A Review by P.H. Gleiser: This paper delves into the history and experimental determination of water's critical temperature and its significance in different fields.
  • Critical Temperature and Its Relevance to Wastewater Treatment by A. Kumar: This article specifically explores the implications of critical temperature in the context of wastewater treatment, focusing on VOC removal.

Online Resources

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Chemistry WebBook: This website provides a database of physical and chemical properties of various substances, including critical temperatures.
  • Wikipedia: Search for "Critical point (thermodynamics)" to find a detailed explanation of the concept, including critical temperature and its relevance to different applications.
  • ChemWiki: This website offers a concise and clear explanation of critical temperature and its implications in different contexts, including environmental science.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "critical temperature" with terms like "environmental," "water treatment," "wastewater," "VOCs," "refrigeration," and "gas separation."
  • Include specific substances: Search for "critical temperature of carbon dioxide," "critical temperature of water," etc.
  • Use advanced search operators: Try using operators like "site:gov" or "site:edu" to limit your search to websites of government agencies or educational institutions.
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