Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: contact condenser

contact condenser

Contact Condensers: A Simple and Effective Solution for Environmental and Water Treatment

Contact condensers, also known as direct contact condensers, are a key component in many environmental and water treatment processes. They operate on a simple yet effective principle: direct contact between steam and a cooling liquid. This design allows for highly efficient heat transfer, making them an ideal choice for a variety of applications.

How Contact Condensers Work:

Steam, typically generated from industrial processes or waste heat recovery systems, enters the condenser. It then comes into direct contact with a cooling liquid, usually water. This contact causes the steam to condense, releasing its latent heat to the cooling liquid. The condensed water, now in liquid form, is collected and typically used for other purposes or discharged.

Advantages of Contact Condensers:

  • High Efficiency: Direct contact between steam and cooling liquid leads to excellent heat transfer, resulting in high condensation rates.
  • Simple Design: Contact condensers are relatively simple to construct and maintain compared to other types of condensers.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: They offer a cost-effective solution due to their simple design and high efficiency.
  • Versatile Applications: Contact condensers can be adapted for various applications, including:

Environmental Applications:

  • Waste Heat Recovery: Recovering waste heat from industrial processes for use in other applications or to reduce energy consumption.
  • Air Pollution Control: Condensing steam from exhaust gases to remove pollutants and reduce emissions.
  • Desalination: Using steam to evaporate seawater and produce fresh water.

Water Treatment Applications:

  • Cooling Towers: Condensing steam to cool water used in industrial processes.
  • Water Distillation: Distilling contaminated water to produce pure water.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Condensing steam to remove volatile organic compounds from wastewater.

Types of Contact Condensers:

There are various types of contact condensers, each suited to specific needs. These include:

  • Spray Condensers: Steam is sprayed into a chamber with a cooling liquid, allowing direct contact for condensation.
  • Barometric Condensers: Utilize the atmospheric pressure to create a vacuum that draws steam into a chamber where it is condensed by contact with water.
  • Jet Condensers: Utilize a jet of water to draw steam into a chamber where they mix and condense.


Contact condensers are a valuable tool in environmental and water treatment. Their efficiency, simplicity, and versatility make them an attractive choice for various applications. Whether recovering waste heat, controlling air pollution, or producing clean water, contact condensers offer a reliable and sustainable solution.

Test Your Knowledge

Contact Condensers Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the operation of contact condensers?

(a) Indirect heat transfer between steam and cooling liquid (b) Direct contact between steam and a cooling liquid (c) Condensation through pressure changes (d) Chemical reaction between steam and cooling liquid


(b) Direct contact between steam and a cooling liquid

2. Which of these is NOT an advantage of contact condensers?

(a) High efficiency (b) Complex design (c) Cost-effectiveness (d) Versatile applications


(b) Complex design

3. Which of these is a common environmental application of contact condensers?

(a) Water filtration (b) Waste heat recovery (c) Food preservation (d) Metal processing


(b) Waste heat recovery

4. What type of contact condenser utilizes a jet of water to draw steam into a chamber?

(a) Spray condenser (b) Barometric condenser (c) Jet condenser (d) Surface condenser


(c) Jet condenser

5. In which water treatment application are contact condensers used to remove volatile organic compounds?

(a) Cooling towers (b) Water distillation (c) Wastewater treatment (d) Water softening


(c) Wastewater treatment

Contact Condensers Exercise

Scenario: A factory generates a significant amount of steam as a byproduct of its manufacturing process. The factory wants to implement a sustainable solution to recover this waste heat and reduce energy consumption.

Task: Design a system using a contact condenser to recover the waste heat. Consider the following factors:

  • Type of condenser: Which type of contact condenser would be most suitable for this application?
  • Cooling liquid: What type of cooling liquid would be appropriate?
  • Application of recovered heat: How can the recovered heat be used to benefit the factory?

Exercise Correction


**Type of Condenser:** A spray condenser or a barometric condenser could be suitable. The choice depends on specific factors like steam flow rate, desired temperature, and available space.

**Cooling Liquid:** The most common cooling liquid is water. Depending on the factory's location and water availability, alternative cooling liquids like air or a closed-loop water system could be considered.

**Application of Recovered Heat:** The recovered heat can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Preheating incoming process water: This can significantly reduce the energy required for heating the water.
  • Space heating: The hot water can be used to heat the factory buildings during colder months.
  • Operating other equipment: The hot water can be used to power turbines or other heat-driven equipment.

The specific application will depend on the factory's needs and the amount of heat recovered.


  • Heat Transfer by J.P. Holman - Covers the fundamentals of heat transfer, including condensation, and provides insights into various condenser types.
  • Process Heat Transfer by D.Q. Kern - Delves into the design and operation of heat exchangers, including contact condensers, with practical applications in various industries.
  • Handbook of Heat Transfer edited by W.M. Rohsenow, J.P. Hartnett, and E.N. Ganic - A comprehensive resource with detailed information on heat transfer phenomena, including condensation and condenser design.


  • "Design and Performance of a Direct Contact Condenser for Waste Heat Recovery" by J.C. Li, Y.L. Huang, and C.Y. Wang (Energy Conversion and Management, 2012) - A study on a specific application of contact condensers for waste heat recovery.
  • "The Development of a New Type of Direct Contact Condenser for Desalination" by S.K. Sharma and A.K. Goswami (Desalination, 2008) - Discusses the design and application of a contact condenser for desalination.
  • "Performance Analysis of a Direct Contact Condenser for Cooling Tower Applications" by A.S. Rao, B.S. Reddy, and K.R. Reddy (International Journal of Refrigeration, 2011) - Analyzes the performance of a direct contact condenser in cooling tower systems.

Online Resources

  • Heat Transfer Research, Inc. ( - Offers various resources, including technical documents, on heat transfer and condensation.
  • Thermopedia ( - Provides comprehensive definitions and explanations of thermal engineering concepts, including contact condensers.
  • Wikipedia - Condenser ( - A general overview of condensers, including contact condensers, with relevant links to other resources.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "contact condenser", "direct contact condenser", "spray condenser", "barometric condenser", "jet condenser".
  • Combine keywords with application areas: "contact condenser wastewater treatment", "direct contact condenser desalination", "contact condenser heat recovery".
  • Use boolean operators: "contact condenser AND desalination" to narrow down the search results.
  • Explore specific websites: "contact condenser", "direct contact condenser".
  • Check for scholarly articles: "contact condenser PDF" to find downloadable research papers.
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