Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Contac-Pac


Contac-Pac: A Legacy in Wastewater Treatment

The Contac-Pac, a circular steel contact aeration package waste treatment plant, was a prominent offering from USFilter/Envirex, a leading name in water and wastewater treatment technologies. Though no longer actively produced, the Contac-Pac remains a significant piece of history in the field, leaving behind a legacy of reliable and efficient treatment solutions.

What was the Contac-Pac?

The Contac-Pac was a self-contained, pre-engineered wastewater treatment plant designed for a wide range of applications. It utilized a unique contact aeration process, combining:

  • Circular basin: This provided ample space for biological treatment, allowing for extended aeration times and efficient sludge settling.
  • Diffused aeration: Air was injected into the basin via diffusers, promoting efficient oxygen transfer and fostering healthy microbial activity for organic matter breakdown.
  • Clarifier: A separate section within the basin facilitated the settling of treated effluent, resulting in cleaner water.

Advantages of the Contac-Pac:

  • Compact and efficient design: The self-contained, modular structure made installation and operation simple, minimizing footprint and maximizing treatment capacity.
  • Reliability and durability: The robust steel construction ensured long-lasting performance, capable of handling diverse wastewater conditions.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: The Contac-Pac could be customized to meet specific flow rates and treatment requirements, catering to various industrial and municipal needs.
  • Low operating and maintenance costs: The efficient design and reliable components minimized energy consumption and required minimal maintenance, contributing to cost-effectiveness.

The Contac-Pac's Impact:

The Contac-Pac became a cornerstone for many wastewater treatment projects, serving a diverse range of industries including food processing, manufacturing, and municipal water systems. It helped achieve high-quality effluent discharge, meeting stringent environmental regulations and contributing to water resource protection.

The Legacy of the Contac-Pac:

While the Contac-Pac is no longer manufactured, its legacy lives on. Its innovative design principles and technological advancements paved the way for the development of future wastewater treatment technologies. The Contac-Pac's success underscores the importance of robust, reliable, and efficient solutions for wastewater treatment, a vital element in achieving sustainable water management.

Looking Forward:

The Contac-Pac stands as a testament to the evolution of wastewater treatment technology. Modern innovations build upon the principles pioneered by such systems, offering even greater efficiency, sustainability, and environmental protection. As the field continues to progress, the legacy of the Contac-Pac will serve as a reminder of the ongoing commitment to clean water and a healthy environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Contac-Pac Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was the primary purpose of the Contac-Pac?

a) To treat drinking water b) To treat wastewater c) To generate electricity from wastewater d) To store wastewater


b) To treat wastewater

2. Which of the following was NOT a key feature of the Contac-Pac?

a) Circular basin b) Diffused aeration c) Clarifier d) Reverse osmosis membrane


d) Reverse osmosis membrane

3. What made the Contac-Pac a "compact and efficient design"?

a) Its small size and high energy consumption b) Its modular structure and high treatment capacity c) Its reliance on natural processes and low maintenance d) Its ability to be customized for any application


b) Its modular structure and high treatment capacity

4. Which of the following industries did the Contac-Pac NOT serve?

a) Food processing b) Manufacturing c) Municipal water systems d) Agriculture


d) Agriculture

5. What is the primary legacy of the Contac-Pac?

a) Its innovative design principles b) Its low operating costs c) Its availability in a wide range of sizes d) Its ability to treat all types of wastewater


a) Its innovative design principles

Contac-Pac Exercise


Imagine you are a consultant working with a small manufacturing company that needs a wastewater treatment solution. They have a limited budget and space. Explain how the Contac-Pac's design features could have been beneficial to them, considering their constraints.

Exercice Correction

The Contac-Pac would have been a good fit for this company due to its compact and efficient design. Here's how its features would have addressed their needs:

  • **Limited space:** The self-contained, modular structure of the Contac-Pac would have minimized the footprint required for the treatment plant, making it suitable for their limited space.
  • **Limited budget:** The Contac-Pac's efficient design, including the use of diffused aeration, would have minimized energy consumption and required less maintenance, ultimately resulting in lower operating costs and aligning with their budget constraints.
  • **Flexibility:** The Contac-Pac could have been customized to meet their specific flow rate and treatment requirements, ensuring a tailored solution.

While the Contac-Pac is no longer manufactured, its legacy highlights the importance of considering compact, efficient, and cost-effective solutions for wastewater treatment, especially for smaller businesses with limited resources.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of wastewater treatment processes, including aeration technologies. While it might not specifically mention Contac-Pac, it offers valuable context on the broader field.)
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by James M. Symons (This book delves into the design and operation of various water treatment plants, including those with contact aeration systems. It could provide insights into the principles behind the Contac-Pac's design.)


  • "Contact Aeration: A Review" by [Author Name] (This article could offer a technical analysis of contact aeration technology, potentially including references to the Contac-Pac or similar systems.) - Note: This is a suggested title; you would need to find an existing relevant article.
  • "History of Wastewater Treatment in [Specific Region]" by [Author Name] (Local publications or historical accounts might mention specific wastewater treatment plants in a region, potentially including Contac-Pac installations.) - Note: This is a suggested search strategy; you would need to tailor the search to your desired region.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Envirex website (archived): If the website is still available through the Wayback Machine (, it may contain information about their products, including the Contac-Pac.
  • Industry publications and journals: Search for articles in publications like "Water Environment & Technology" or "Journal of Environmental Engineering" using keywords like "Contac-Pac", "contact aeration", "wastewater treatment", "USFilter", or "Envirex."
  • Water treatment equipment suppliers: Look for information about similar technologies offered by current manufacturers, such as Evoqua Water Technologies, Xylem, or other leading companies.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use a combination of terms like "Contac-Pac", "USFilter", "Envirex", "contact aeration", "wastewater treatment", "circular basin", "package plant".
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific terms in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Include "PDF" in your search: This can help you find downloadable documents that may contain valuable information.
  • Search for specific industry websites: Use "" to search within a specific website, such as a water treatment supplier's website.
  • Check online forums and discussion boards: Look for forums dedicated to wastewater treatment or environmental engineering. People might have shared experiences or knowledge about Contac-Pac systems.
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