Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: color units (CU)

color units (CU)

Understanding Color Units (CU) in Water Treatment

Water quality is paramount for human health and environmental integrity. One of the key parameters measured to assess water quality is its color. While seemingly aesthetic, water color can be an indicator of potential contamination and, thus, is a significant factor in water treatment processes. The standard unit used to report the color of water is Color Units (CU).

What are Color Units (CU)?

Color Units are a measurement of the intensity of color present in water, compared to a standard reference solution. The measurement is based on the absorbance of light by the water sample, with higher absorbance corresponding to deeper color.

How are Color Units Determined?

The most common method for determining CU is the platinum-cobalt method. This method involves comparing the color of the water sample to a series of standard solutions prepared with platinum and cobalt salts. The CU value is assigned based on the closest match to the standard solution.

Why are Color Units Important?

Water color can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Dissolved organic matter (DOM): Humic and fulvic acids contribute to the yellow-brown color of water.
  • Industrial wastewater: Industrial discharges containing dyes or pigments can significantly impact water color.
  • Algae blooms: The proliferation of algae can result in green, blue-green, or red coloration in water.
  • Iron and manganese: These metals can cause reddish-brown or yellowish coloration in water.

High CU levels can:

  • Impact water aesthetics: Discolored water is undesirable for drinking and can impact the appearance of swimming pools and other water bodies.
  • Interfere with water treatment processes: Color can interfere with disinfection processes and can affect the effectiveness of filtration systems.
  • Indicate potential contamination: Color can be a sign of other contaminants such as organic compounds, pathogens, or heavy metals.

Treating Colored Water:

Water treatment processes for removing color can include:

  • Coagulation and flocculation: These processes remove suspended particles, including those contributing to color.
  • Filtration: Filtration systems can remove color-causing substances based on size, including dissolved organic matter.
  • Activated carbon adsorption: Activated carbon effectively adsorbs color-causing compounds, removing them from the water.
  • Oxidation: Oxidation processes can break down organic compounds and reduce color intensity.

Understanding CU is crucial for managing water quality. Monitoring and treating colored water ensures its safety and aesthetic appeal for various uses. While CU measurement is a valuable tool in water quality assessment, it is crucial to consider other parameters and factors in determining the overall health and safety of water.

Test Your Knowledge

Color Units (CU) Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of measuring Color Units (CU) in water? a) To determine the amount of dissolved minerals in the water. b) To assess the intensity of color present in water. c) To measure the level of turbidity in water. d) To test the water's pH level.


b) To assess the intensity of color present in water.

2. Which method is commonly used to determine Color Units (CU)? a) Spectrophotometry b) Titration c) Platinum-cobalt method d) pH measurement


c) Platinum-cobalt method

3. Which of these factors can contribute to high Color Units in water? a) Presence of dissolved oxygen b) Excess chlorine levels c) Industrial wastewater containing dyes d) High levels of dissolved calcium


c) Industrial wastewater containing dyes

4. Why is high color in water problematic for water treatment processes? a) It makes water taste better. b) It can interfere with disinfection processes. c) It increases the pH of water. d) It makes water less dense.


b) It can interfere with disinfection processes.

5. Which of these treatment processes is NOT commonly used to remove color from water? a) Coagulation and flocculation b) Filtration c) Reverse osmosis d) Activated carbon adsorption


c) Reverse osmosis

Color Units (CU) Exercise

Scenario: A water treatment plant has been receiving complaints about the yellowish color of the water supply. The plant manager suspects the high color is caused by dissolved organic matter (DOM) from nearby agricultural runoff.


  1. Explain how DOM can cause color in water.
  2. List two water treatment processes that could be used to remove the DOM and reduce the color of the water.
  3. Explain why monitoring Color Units is important in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. How DOM can cause color in water:** Dissolved organic matter (DOM), particularly humic and fulvic acids, are naturally occurring substances that can impart a yellow-brown color to water. These substances are often present in agricultural runoff, as they leach from decaying plant matter and soil. **2. Water treatment processes for DOM removal:** * **Coagulation and Flocculation:** This process involves adding chemicals to the water that bind to the DOM, causing it to clump together into larger particles (flocs). The flocs are then removed through sedimentation and filtration. * **Activated Carbon Adsorption:** Activated carbon is a porous material that effectively adsorbs organic compounds, including DOM, from water. The water is passed through a bed of activated carbon, where the DOM binds to the carbon's surface. **3. Importance of monitoring CU:** Monitoring Color Units (CU) in this scenario is crucial for the following reasons: * **Assessing the effectiveness of treatment:** Tracking CU values before and after treatment can determine how well the selected processes are removing color. * **Detecting potential problems:** Sudden increases in CU could indicate a problem with the treatment process or a new source of DOM contamination. * **Maintaining public perception:** Discolored water is aesthetically unappealing and can lead to public concern. Regular CU monitoring helps ensure the water meets acceptable color standards.


  • "Water Quality: Examination and Control" by AWWA (American Water Works Association): This comprehensive book provides a detailed overview of water quality parameters, including color, and the methods used for their determination.
  • "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" (23rd Edition) by AWWA, WEF (Water Environment Federation), and APHA (American Public Health Association): This authoritative manual presents standard methods for analyzing water quality, including color measurement.
  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.: This book covers the design of water treatment plants and includes sections on color removal processes.


  • "Color Removal from Water Using Different Coagulation-Flocculation Methods: A Review" by El-Qada et al. (2019): This article provides a comprehensive review of different coagulation-flocculation methods for removing color from water.
  • "The Role of Activated Carbon in Water Treatment" by Summers (2009): This article discusses the use of activated carbon for removing color and other contaminants from water.
  • "Color Removal from Water by Oxidation: A Review" by Gzara et al. (2014): This article focuses on the application of oxidation processes for removing color from water.

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): - This website offers resources, publications, and educational materials on water treatment and water quality.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - This website provides resources on water and wastewater treatment, including information on color removal.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - This website offers information on drinking water regulations and water quality standards.

Search Tips

  • "Color units water treatment" - Use this term to find general information about color units in water treatment.
  • "Color removal water treatment methods" - This query will lead you to information on specific methods for removing color from water.
  • "Platinum-cobalt method color measurement" - This search will provide resources on the standard method used to measure color in water.
  • "Dissolved organic matter water color" - This term will help you understand the link between dissolved organic matter and water color.
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