Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: coliphage


Coliphage: Tiny Warriors in the Fight for Clean Water

The world of viruses is often associated with illness and disease. However, some viruses, known as coliphages, play a crucial role in environmental and water treatment, acting as tiny warriors against harmful bacteria.

Coliphage: What is it?

Coliphages are bacteriophages, viruses that infect and destroy bacteria. As their name suggests, coliphages specifically target Escherichia coli (E. coli), a common bacterium found in the environment and human gut. While some E. coli strains are harmless, others can cause severe illness, making coliphage control crucial in water safety.

The Power of Coliphage

Coliphages work by attaching to the surface of E. coli, injecting their genetic material into the bacterial cell. This material then takes over the bacterium's cellular machinery, forcing it to produce more coliphages. Eventually, the infected E. coli cell bursts, releasing new coliphages to infect more bacteria. This process effectively eliminates harmful E. coli from the environment.

Coliphage in Environmental and Water Treatment

Coliphages have emerged as a powerful tool in environmental and water treatment:

  • Water Quality Monitoring: Coliphages are excellent indicators of fecal contamination in water. Their presence suggests the potential for harmful bacteria like E. coli, allowing for early detection and prevention of waterborne illnesses.
  • Bioremediation: Coliphages can be used to specifically target and eliminate harmful E. coli strains in contaminated water sources, reducing the risk of infection.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Coliphages can be utilized in wastewater treatment plants to break down E. coli and other harmful bacteria, improving the quality of discharged water.

Advantages of Coliphage-based Treatment:

  • Specificity: Coliphages target only specific bacteria, minimizing harm to beneficial microorganisms.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Coliphages are naturally occurring and do not pose significant environmental risks.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Coliphage-based treatment can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods like chlorine disinfection.

Future Potential

Research into coliphage application continues to expand, exploring new possibilities in water treatment and sanitation. Scientists are investigating the use of coliphages to:

  • Develop novel antibiotics: By studying the mechanisms of coliphage infection, scientists can potentially develop new antibiotics against drug-resistant bacteria.
  • Enhance food safety: Coliphages can be used to reduce E. coli contamination in food production, ensuring safer and healthier food for consumers.


Coliphages are not just microscopic viruses; they are powerful tools in the fight for clean water and a healthy environment. Their ability to target harmful bacteria like E. coli makes them invaluable in water quality monitoring, bioremediation, and wastewater treatment. As research continues, coliphages have the potential to revolutionize environmental and water management, offering a sustainable and effective approach to safeguarding public health.

Test Your Knowledge

Coliphage Quiz: Tiny Warriors in Action

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are coliphages?

a) Bacteria that cause illness b) Viruses that infect bacteria c) Chemicals used to purify water d) A type of antibiotic


b) Viruses that infect bacteria

2. Which bacterium do coliphages specifically target?

a) Salmonella b) Staphylococcus aureus c) Escherichia coli d) Pseudomonas aeruginosa


c) Escherichia coli

3. How do coliphages destroy bacteria?

a) They produce toxins that kill bacteria. b) They consume bacteria as food. c) They inject their genetic material into bacteria, causing them to produce more coliphages and eventually burst. d) They absorb harmful substances from bacteria, neutralizing them.


c) They inject their genetic material into bacteria, causing them to produce more coliphages and eventually burst.

4. What is a key advantage of using coliphages for water treatment?

a) They are very expensive to produce. b) They can harm beneficial bacteria. c) They are highly specific, targeting only harmful bacteria. d) They are not effective in treating contaminated water.


c) They are highly specific, targeting only harmful bacteria.

5. What is a potential future application of coliphage research?

a) Developing new antibiotics to combat drug-resistant bacteria. b) Creating synthetic fertilizers for agriculture. c) Designing biofuel from algae. d) Building faster computer processors.


a) Developing new antibiotics to combat drug-resistant bacteria.

Coliphage Exercise: Water Safety

Scenario: You are a water quality inspector investigating a potential contamination incident at a local swimming pool. The water samples show high levels of E. coli bacteria.


  1. Explain how coliphages could be used to determine the source of the E. coli contamination.
  2. Describe how coliphages could be used to treat the contaminated pool water to make it safe for swimming again.

Exercice Correction

**1. Source of contamination:** - Coliphages can be used as indicators of fecal contamination. Different types of coliphages are associated with different sources (human, animal, etc.). - By analyzing the specific types of coliphages present in the pool water, inspectors can determine the likely source of the E. coli contamination (e.g., human sewage, animal waste). **2. Treating contaminated pool water:** - Coliphages can be added to the contaminated pool water to specifically target and destroy the harmful E. coli bacteria. - This bioremediation approach can effectively reduce E. coli levels, making the water safe for swimming. - The use of coliphages as a bioremediation agent offers a natural and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chemical disinfection methods.


  • Bacteriophages: Biology and Applications (2015) by D.A. Kropinski, D.H. Gorski, & K. Lejeune. This book offers a comprehensive overview of bacteriophages, including coliphages, and their applications in various fields.
  • Phage Therapy: The Next Revolution in Medicine? (2019) by D.J. Smith. This book explores the potential of phages, including coliphages, in treating bacterial infections.


  • Coliphages as indicators of faecal contamination in water (2007) by J.S. Springthorpe, et al. This article discusses the use of coliphages as indicators of fecal contamination in water and their importance in water quality monitoring.
  • Bacteriophage therapy for waterborne bacterial infections (2016) by S. Abedon, et al. This article explores the potential of phage therapy using coliphages to treat waterborne bacterial infections.
  • Coliphage: A powerful tool for environmental and water treatment (2022) by M. K. Dutta, et al. This article examines the potential of coliphages in various water treatment applications.

Online Resources

  • The Phage Directory: This online directory provides information on phages, including coliphages, their research, and applications.
  • The Bacteriophage Ecology Group: This website provides resources and information on phage ecology, including research on coliphages.
  • The International Society for Phage Therapy: This website focuses on phage therapy, including research and applications using coliphages.

Search Tips

  • "coliphage" + "water treatment": Find articles and research papers related to using coliphages in water treatment.
  • "coliphage" + "environmental monitoring": Find information on using coliphages as indicators of environmental contamination.
  • "coliphage" + "bioremediation": Explore articles on using coliphages for bioremediation purposes.
  • "coliphage" + "wastewater treatment": Discover research on using coliphages in wastewater treatment processes.
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