Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: coalesce


Coalescence: A Key Player in Environmental and Water Treatment

The term "coalescence" might sound like a concept from a fantasy novel, but it plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment processes. In essence, coalescence is the merging of two or more droplets into a single, larger droplet. This simple phenomenon holds the key to efficient removal of contaminants and pollutants from our water sources.

How Coalescence Works in Water Treatment:

Coalescence is often employed in coalescers, which are devices designed to separate dispersed liquids or solids from a continuous phase. Here's how it works:

  • Dispersed Phase: Imagine tiny droplets of oil suspended in water. These droplets are the dispersed phase, and they need to be removed for clean water.
  • Coalescence Media: The coalescer uses specialized media, like fibrous materials or mesh screens, to capture the dispersed droplets.
  • Merging: The media promotes coalescence by providing a surface where the dispersed droplets can come together and merge, forming larger droplets.
  • Separation: These larger droplets are more easily removed from the continuous phase due to their increased size and weight.

Applications of Coalescence in Environmental and Water Treatment:

  • Oil-Water Separation: Coalescers are widely used in oil-water separators, which remove oil spills from water bodies. They capture the oil droplets, promoting coalescence and allowing for easier separation.
  • Treatment of Industrial Wastewater: Industries like manufacturing and mining generate wastewater containing suspended solids or oil droplets. Coalescers help remove these pollutants before the wastewater is discharged.
  • Air Pollution Control: Coalescers can be used in scrubbers to remove fine particles like dust or mist from industrial exhaust gases.
  • Water Softening: In water softening systems, coalescers can enhance the removal of hardness-causing minerals like calcium and magnesium by promoting their coalescence.

Advantages of Coalescence-Based Technologies:

  • Efficient Removal: Coalescence enables the removal of a wide range of contaminants, from small oil droplets to solid particles.
  • High Throughput: Coalescer systems can handle large volumes of liquid, making them suitable for industrial applications.
  • Low Energy Consumption: Coalescence processes often require minimal energy compared to other separation methods.

Challenges and Future Directions:

While coalescence offers numerous advantages, challenges remain in optimizing its use. For example, selecting the appropriate coalescence media for specific applications is crucial. Additionally, research is ongoing to develop novel materials that enhance coalescence efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint of coalescence technologies.

In conclusion, coalescence is a fundamental principle in various environmental and water treatment processes. Understanding this phenomenon and leveraging its power through advanced technologies can lead to cleaner water sources and a healthier environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Coalescence Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is coalescence?

(a) The process of separating two liquids (b) The merging of two or more droplets into a larger droplet (c) The breakdown of large droplets into smaller ones (d) The dissolving of one substance into another


(b) The merging of two or more droplets into a larger droplet

2. Which of the following is NOT a common application of coalescence in environmental and water treatment?

(a) Oil-water separation (b) Treatment of industrial wastewater (c) Air pollution control (d) Water purification through reverse osmosis


(d) Water purification through reverse osmosis

3. What is the role of coalescence media in a coalescer?

(a) To dissolve the dispersed phase (b) To provide a surface for droplets to merge (c) To filter out contaminants (d) To create a vacuum for separation


(b) To provide a surface for droplets to merge

4. Which of the following is an advantage of coalescence-based technologies?

(a) High energy consumption (b) Limited application range (c) Inefficient removal of contaminants (d) Low energy consumption


(d) Low energy consumption

5. What is a key challenge in optimizing coalescence technology?

(a) Finding efficient ways to separate large droplets (b) Selecting the appropriate coalescence media for specific applications (c) Increasing the energy required for the process (d) Developing technologies that produce more waste


(b) Selecting the appropriate coalescence media for specific applications

Coalescence Exercise:

Scenario: Imagine a wastewater treatment plant receiving runoff from a manufacturing facility. This runoff contains tiny oil droplets suspended in water.

Task: Explain how coalescence could be used to remove the oil droplets from the wastewater. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role of coalescence media
  • The process of droplet merging
  • The final outcome of the coalescence process


Exercice Correction

Here's a possible explanation:

A coalescer could be implemented in the wastewater treatment plant to remove the oil droplets. The coalescer would contain specialized media, like fibrous materials or mesh screens, designed to capture the oil droplets. These media provide a surface where the dispersed oil droplets can collide and stick together. The surface tension between the oil droplets is reduced, allowing them to merge into larger droplets. These larger droplets, due to their increased size and weight, are more easily separated from the water by gravity or other separation methods. This results in cleaner wastewater with reduced oil contamination.


  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by W. Wesley Eckenfelder (A comprehensive overview of various water treatment technologies, including coalescence.)
  • "Handbook of Environmental Engineering" by M. L. Davis and J. A. Cornwell (Covers a wide range of environmental engineering topics, including coalescence for air and water pollution control.)
  • "Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry" by P. C. Hiemenz and R. Rajagopalan (Explores the fundamental principles of surface chemistry and colloid science, providing insights into coalescence phenomena.)


  • "Coalescence of Water Droplets in Oil" by R. J. Hunter and R. A. S. Wright (A classic study examining the mechanism of water droplet coalescence in oil.)
  • "Coalescence of Droplets in Liquid-Liquid Dispersions" by A. K. Chesters (Provides a detailed overview of coalescence processes in liquid-liquid dispersions, including its role in water treatment.)
  • "Application of Coalescence Technology for Oil-Water Separation" by Y. Li et al. (A recent review of coalescence technology for oil-water separation, highlighting its advantages and challenges.)

Online Resources

  • "Coalescence" on Wikipedia: ( Provides a basic definition and explanation of the phenomenon.
  • "Coalescence Technology" on the EPA website: ( Includes information on coalescence applications for oil-water separation.
  • "Water Treatment Technology" on the US Geological Survey website: ( Offers resources on various water treatment methods, including coalescence.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "coalescence water treatment," "coalescer oil-water separation," "coalescence wastewater treatment."
  • Combine keywords with technical terms: "coalescence droplet size distribution," "coalescence media efficiency," "coalescence kinetics."
  • Utilize Boolean operators: "coalescence AND oil spill," "coalescence OR emulsion separation."
  • Explore academic databases: Use search engines like Google Scholar, PubMed, and Scopus to find scientific articles and research papers.
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