Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: coal pile runoff

coal pile runoff

Coal Pile Runoff: A Silent Threat to Water Quality

Coal piles, ubiquitous features of power plants and industrial facilities, are often overlooked as potential sources of environmental contamination. However, the runoff generated from these piles, known as coal pile runoff, poses a significant threat to water quality and ecosystems.

Understanding Coal Pile Runoff:

Rainfall runoff from or through a coal storage pile carries with it a cocktail of pollutants, primarily due to the inherent nature of coal itself. These pollutants include:

  • Heavy Metals: Coal often contains significant levels of heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium. These metals are toxic and can bioaccumulate in the food chain, posing risks to human health and wildlife.
  • Sulfates and Sulfides: Coal contains sulfur, which can be oxidized to sulfates and sulfides. These compounds contribute to acidification of water bodies, harming aquatic life.
  • Organic Compounds: Coal contains a variety of organic compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known carcinogens.
  • Suspended Solids: Coal dust and fine particles are easily carried by rainwater, increasing turbidity in waterways and impacting aquatic life.

Impacts on the Environment:

Coal pile runoff can contaminate surface water sources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. This contamination can:

  • Impair aquatic life: Heavy metals, sulfates, and low dissolved oxygen levels can kill fish and other aquatic organisms.
  • Affect drinking water quality: Runoff can contaminate drinking water sources, requiring expensive treatment processes.
  • Harm ecosystems: The pollutants in coal pile runoff can have detrimental effects on vegetation and wildlife habitats.

Mitigation Measures:

While coal pile runoff is a complex issue, there are various measures that can be implemented to mitigate its impacts:

  • Proper site design: Selecting suitable locations for coal storage and employing drainage systems can minimize runoff generation.
  • Covering the coal pile: Using tarpaulins or other protective coverings can prevent rainwater from directly contacting the coal.
  • Coal washing: Washing coal before storage can reduce the amount of pollutants in runoff.
  • Water treatment: Installing treatment systems can remove pollutants from runoff before it is discharged.
  • Best management practices: Implementing practices like regular inspections, spill prevention, and proper waste disposal can further minimize the risk of contamination.


Coal pile runoff is a serious environmental issue that demands attention. By understanding the sources of contamination and implementing appropriate mitigation measures, we can minimize the impact of coal storage on water quality and protect our ecosystems for future generations.

This is a topic that requires ongoing research and development to find effective solutions. As we transition towards cleaner energy sources, addressing the legacy of coal pollution is critical for environmental sustainability.

Test Your Knowledge

Coal Pile Runoff Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a major pollutant found in coal pile runoff?

a) Heavy metals


This is a common pollutant from coal pile runoff.

b) Sulfates and Sulfides

This is a common pollutant from coal pile runoff.

c) Nitrogen

This is the correct answer. While nitrogen can be a water contaminant, it's less directly associated with coal pile runoff compared to the other options.

d) Organic Compounds

This is a common pollutant from coal pile runoff.

2. How can coal pile runoff affect aquatic life?

a) Increase dissolved oxygen levels


This is incorrect. Coal pile runoff often leads to lower dissolved oxygen levels, harmful to aquatic life.

b) Enhance nutrient availability

This is incorrect. While some nutrients can be present, the overall impact is detrimental due to pollutants.

c) Impair growth and survival

This is the correct answer. Pollutants in runoff can poison aquatic life, disrupting their growth and survival.

d) Increase biodiversity

This is incorrect. Coal pile runoff usually leads to a decrease in biodiversity due to pollution.

3. Which mitigation measure involves reducing pollutants in coal before storage?

a) Proper site design


This focuses on minimizing runoff generation, not reducing pollutants in the coal itself.

b) Covering the coal pile

This prevents direct contact with rainwater but doesn't reduce pollutants in the coal.

c) Coal washing

This is the correct answer. Coal washing removes some pollutants before storage, reducing contamination.

d) Water treatment

This treats the runoff after it's formed, not the coal itself.

4. Which of the following is NOT a best management practice for mitigating coal pile runoff?

a) Regular inspections of the storage area


This is a crucial best management practice.

b) Proper waste disposal

This is a crucial best management practice.

c) Increased coal production

This is the correct answer. Increasing production doesn't address the environmental issue of runoff.

d) Spill prevention measures

This is a crucial best management practice.

5. Why is addressing coal pile runoff important for environmental sustainability?

a) It reduces reliance on fossil fuels


While important for the long term, this doesn't directly address the immediate issue of coal pollution.

b) It protects water resources and ecosystems

This is the correct answer. Coal pile runoff contaminates water sources and harms ecosystems, impacting sustainability.

c) It promotes the development of renewable energy

This is a related but separate issue. Addressing coal pollution is crucial regardless of renewable energy development.

d) It decreases the cost of electricity generation

This is incorrect. Addressing coal pollution might increase costs initially but is essential for long-term sustainability.

Coal Pile Runoff Exercise:

Scenario: A local power plant has a large coal storage pile adjacent to a river. The plant is considering installing a new water treatment system to mitigate runoff contamination. However, they are unsure if this is the most effective approach.


  1. Identify three other mitigation measures that the power plant could implement, besides the water treatment system. Explain how each measure would help reduce coal pile runoff.
  2. Discuss the potential drawbacks of each measure, and how they might be overcome.
  3. Explain why a multi-faceted approach is likely more effective than relying solely on a water treatment system.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

1. Three other mitigation measures:

  • Proper Site Design: The power plant could re-evaluate the location of the coal storage pile. If possible, relocating it further away from the river or to a location with better drainage could significantly reduce the amount of runoff reaching the river.
  • Covering the Coal Pile: Implementing a covering system like tarpaulins or a roof over the pile would prevent direct contact between the coal and rainwater, minimizing the amount of pollutants that wash off.
  • Coal Washing: The plant could consider washing the coal before it is stored to remove some of the pollutants. This would significantly reduce the amount of contaminants available to leach into runoff.

2. Drawbacks and Solutions:

  • Proper Site Design: Relocation may be expensive or infeasible due to land constraints. If relocation is not possible, the plant could improve existing drainage systems to divert runoff away from the river.
  • Covering the Coal Pile: Covering systems can be costly to install and maintain, and may not be entirely waterproof. Regular inspections and repairs are crucial. Additionally, they might not be suitable for all types of coal storage.
  • Coal Washing: Coal washing can be expensive and requires additional infrastructure. However, advancements in washing technologies are becoming more cost-effective and efficient.

3. Multi-faceted Approach:

  • A multi-faceted approach is more effective because it tackles the problem from multiple angles, reducing runoff generation at its source, minimizing the amount of pollutants in the runoff, and addressing remaining contamination through water treatment.
  • Each measure complements the others, leading to a more comprehensive and sustainable solution. Relying solely on water treatment might not be enough to prevent the contamination of the river, especially if the source of pollution is not adequately addressed.


  • "Coal: A Global Resource" by Daniel A. Moore (2011): Provides a comprehensive overview of coal, including its environmental impacts. While not specifically focused on coal pile runoff, it offers valuable context.
  • "Environmental Impacts of Coal Combustion" by Thomas E. Graedel (2012): This book delves into the environmental consequences of coal combustion, providing insights into the pollutants released from coal and their impact on water quality.
  • "Handbook of Environmental Engineering" by A.K. Jain (2018): This resource offers a broad perspective on environmental engineering and includes information on managing coal-related pollution.


  • "Coal Pile Runoff: A Silent Threat to Water Quality" by [Author Name] (Year): This specific article, if it exists, would be an ideal starting point for further information.
  • "Assessing the Impacts of Coal Pile Runoff on Water Quality" by [Author Name] (Year): This type of article focusing on assessment methods and case studies would be valuable.
  • "Mitigation Strategies for Coal Pile Runoff" by [Author Name] (Year): Articles focusing on solutions and best practices for minimizing runoff would be relevant.

Online Resources

  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): The EPA website provides information on coal-related pollution and environmental regulations, including guidance on managing coal pile runoff.
  • USGS (United States Geological Survey): The USGS website offers data and research reports on water quality, including studies on the impact of coal mining and coal storage.
  • US Department of Energy (DOE): The DOE website offers information on coal-related technologies and research, including resources on pollution control and environmental remediation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "coal pile runoff," try "coal pile runoff impact," "coal pile runoff mitigation," "coal pile runoff regulations."
  • Include location: If you are interested in specific regions, include location terms like "coal pile runoff Ohio" or "coal pile runoff Kentucky."
  • Combine terms: Try using "coal pile runoff + water quality" or "coal pile runoff + heavy metals" to narrow your search.
  • Use advanced search operators: Operators like "site:" and "filetype:" can help you find specific websites or documents. For example, " coal pile runoff" will search only the EPA website.
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