Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Chloropac


Chloropac: A Powerful Tool for Water Treatment

Chloropac is a widely recognized term in the environmental and water treatment industry, referring to a hypochlorite generation system developed and marketed by USFilter (now part of Veolia Water Technologies). This system leverages the power of electrocatalytic oxidation to produce sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) on-site, providing a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly solution for water disinfection and oxidation.

How it Works:

The Chloropac system utilizes a unique combination of electrolysis and catalytic technology. Essentially, it involves passing a direct current through a specially designed cell containing a saltwater solution. The electrical energy breaks down the salt (NaCl) into its constituent ions, with sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-) migrating to the anode and cathode respectively.

At the anode, the chloride ions are oxidized to form hypochlorite ions (ClO-), which are then combined with sodium ions to create sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). This process is enhanced by the use of a catalytic electrode designed to promote the oxidation reaction, ensuring efficient hypochlorite generation.

Advantages of Chloropac:

  • On-Site Generation: Chloropac eliminates the need for storing and handling hazardous chlorine gas, reducing transportation risks and storage concerns.
  • High Efficiency: The system offers high hypochlorite production rates with minimal energy consumption, translating to cost-effectiveness.
  • Precise Control: The system allows for precise control over hypochlorite concentration, ensuring optimal disinfection levels and reducing the risk of over-chlorination.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Eliminating the use of chlorine gas reduces the potential for harmful emissions and minimizes environmental impact.
  • Versatile Application: Chloropac can be used in a wide range of applications, including municipal water treatment, industrial wastewater disinfection, swimming pool sanitation, and food processing.

Hypochlorite Generation System by USFilter/Electrocatalytic:

USFilter (now Veolia Water Technologies) offers a comprehensive range of Chloropac systems, each tailored to specific application requirements. These systems are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and ease of operation.

Key features of the USFilter/Electrocatalytic Chloropac system include:

  • Durable and Corrosion-Resistant Materials: The system utilizes high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for long-lasting performance.
  • Advanced Control Systems: Sophisticated control systems provide precise control over hypochlorite generation, ensuring consistent output and optimal disinfection.
  • Easy Maintenance: The system is designed for easy maintenance, minimizing downtime and ensuring reliable operation.


Chloropac represents a significant advancement in water treatment technology. By providing on-site generation of a powerful disinfectant, it offers a safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chlorine-based systems. Its versatility and proven performance make it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, contributing to cleaner water and a healthier environment.

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