Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: chimney effect

chimney effect

The Chimney Effect: A Powerful Force in Environmental and Water Treatment

The chimney effect, also known as stack effect, is a natural phenomenon that describes the tendency of air or gas in a vertical passage to rise when heated. This occurs because hot air or gas is less dense than cold air or gas, causing it to rise due to buoyancy. This principle has profound implications in various fields, including environmental and water treatment.

Understanding the Chimney Effect

Imagine a chimney connected to a fireplace. When the fire burns, it heats the air inside the chimney. This hot air rises, creating a low-pressure area at the bottom of the chimney. The cooler, denser air outside rushes in to fill the void, creating a continuous flow of air upwards. This is the chimney effect in action.

Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment

The chimney effect plays a vital role in several environmental and water treatment processes:

  • Ventilation and Air Pollution Control: In industrial settings, chimneys are used to exhaust pollutants and unwanted gases. The chimney effect ensures efficient removal of these pollutants by creating a continuous upward draft. This minimizes ground-level air pollution and helps maintain safe working environments.
  • Natural Ventilation in Buildings: The chimney effect can be harnessed for natural ventilation in buildings. By creating vertical shafts or air vents, buildings can utilize the natural temperature difference between inside and outside air to promote air circulation and reduce reliance on mechanical ventilation systems.
  • Wastewater Treatment: The chimney effect is crucial in anaerobic digesters, used to treat organic wastewater. The rising gases produced during digestion create a pressure difference, drawing fresh wastewater into the digester and facilitating the breakdown of organic matter.
  • Water Treatment Towers: Chimney-like structures in water treatment plants enhance the efficiency of sedimentation and filtration processes. The draft created by the chimney effect draws air through the tower, improving aeration and facilitating the removal of impurities.
  • Solar Chimney Power Plants: The chimney effect forms the basis for solar chimney power plants, which generate electricity using the natural temperature difference between the inside and outside of a large, enclosed chimney.

Challenges and Considerations

While the chimney effect offers numerous benefits, its application comes with challenges:

  • Wind Effects: Strong winds can disrupt the natural draft, affecting the efficiency of the chimney effect.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: Extreme temperature variations can impact the effectiveness of the chimney effect.
  • Structural Design: Proper design and maintenance of chimney structures are crucial to ensure their stability and prevent potential hazards.


The chimney effect is a powerful natural force with significant applications in environmental and water treatment. By understanding its principles and potential challenges, we can harness its power to create cleaner and more sustainable environments.

Test Your Knowledge

Chimney Effect Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary cause of the chimney effect?

a) Wind currents b) Air pressure differences c) Gravity d) Humidity


b) Air pressure differences

2. Which of the following applications does NOT utilize the chimney effect?

a) Industrial pollution control b) Refrigerator cooling system c) Wastewater treatment d) Solar chimney power plants


b) Refrigerator cooling system

3. How does the chimney effect contribute to natural ventilation in buildings?

a) It forces warm air out of the building through vents. b) It pulls cool air into the building through lower vents. c) It creates a continuous circulation of air within the building. d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which of the following is a potential challenge associated with the chimney effect?

a) Lack of available space for chimney structures. b) High cost of building chimney structures. c) Wind effects disrupting the natural draft. d) Limited applications in environmental engineering.


c) Wind effects disrupting the natural draft.

5. What is the key principle behind the chimney effect?

a) Hot air is less dense than cold air. b) Warm air is heavier than cool air. c) Air pressure is constant at all temperatures. d) Wind speed influences air temperature.


a) Hot air is less dense than cold air.

Chimney Effect Exercise:

Scenario: You are designing a ventilation system for a new greenhouse using the chimney effect. The greenhouse is 10 meters tall and has a large opening at the top for ventilation. You need to determine the best way to utilize the chimney effect for optimal air circulation within the greenhouse.


  1. Identify the factors that will influence the effectiveness of the chimney effect in your greenhouse.
  2. Propose a design for the ventilation system that takes these factors into account.
  3. Explain how your design will utilize the chimney effect to achieve optimal air circulation.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:


  • Greenhouse height: 10 meters provides a good vertical space for the chimney effect.
  • Temperature differences: Daytime heating within the greenhouse will create a warmer internal environment compared to the outside air, driving the chimney effect.
  • Wind conditions: Wind can influence the draft, so consideration for windbreaks or adjusting the ventilation opening might be necessary.
  • Greenhouse material: The material and its heat absorption/reflection properties will affect the internal temperature and thus the chimney effect.


  • Use a vertical shaft or duct inside the greenhouse extending from the ground to the ventilation opening at the top.
  • Ensure the shaft is smooth and free of obstructions to allow for efficient airflow.
  • Consider incorporating a heat source at the bottom of the shaft (e.g., a solar-powered fan) to amplify the temperature difference and enhance the draft.
  • Provide adjustable vents at the bottom of the shaft to control the airflow and prevent excessive air loss.


  • The design creates a vertical chimney that traps warm air from the greenhouse interior, making it rise through the shaft.
  • This rising warm air creates a low-pressure area at the base of the shaft, drawing in cooler air from outside through the bottom vents.
  • This continuous cycle of air circulation provides ventilation and maintains a comfortable temperature inside the greenhouse.


  • "Air Pollution Control Engineering" by Kenneth W. Ragland - A comprehensive textbook covering air pollution control technologies, including chimney design and operation.
  • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy - Discusses the role of the chimney effect in anaerobic digestion and other wastewater treatment processes.
  • "Solar Energy Technology" by John A. Duffie and William A. Beckman - Provides insights into the design and operation of solar chimney power plants.


  • "The Chimney Effect: A Natural Phenomenon with Applications in Environmental Engineering" by [Author Name] - A review article focusing on the chimney effect's applications in various environmental engineering fields. (Search for this title in relevant journals like Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Environmental Engineering, or similar publications.)
  • "Modeling the Chimney Effect in Buildings for Natural Ventilation Design" by [Author Name] - An article exploring the application of the chimney effect in building design for natural ventilation. (Search for this title in journals like Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, or similar publications.)
  • "The Impact of Wind on Chimney Performance: A Numerical Study" by [Author Name] - An article analyzing the influence of wind on the effectiveness of chimney draft. (Search for this title in journals like Atmospheric Environment, Wind Energy, or similar publications.)

Online Resources

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) website: NREL provides extensive information on renewable energy technologies, including solar chimney power plants.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website: The EPA website offers resources on air pollution control technologies, including information on chimney design and operation.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) website: ASCE provides technical resources on building design, including information on natural ventilation and the chimney effect.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use combinations of "chimney effect," "stack effect," "natural ventilation," "air pollution control," "wastewater treatment," "solar chimney," etc.
  • Add "PDF" to your search: This will primarily show you research papers and technical reports.
  • Use "site:gov" or "site:edu" to narrow your search: This will focus your search on government or academic websites.
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