Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: centigrade


Centigrade: A Familiar Term in Environmental and Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, precision is paramount. Accurate temperature measurements are crucial for a variety of processes, from monitoring wastewater treatment to ensuring the effectiveness of water purification systems. While the official term for the metric temperature scale is Celsius, the term "centigrade" remains widely used, especially in colloquial settings.

What is Centigrade?

Centigrade is a colloquial term for the Celsius temperature scale. It derives from the Latin "centum" (one hundred) and "gradus" (degree), referring to the scale's division into 100 degrees between the freezing point (0°C) and boiling point (100°C) of water at standard atmospheric pressure.

Centigrade in Environmental and Water Treatment:

Centigrade plays a vital role in environmental and water treatment applications, as temperature impacts various processes:

  • Wastewater Treatment:
    • Digestion: Anaerobic digestion, a crucial process in wastewater treatment, relies on specific temperature ranges for optimal bacterial activity. Centigrade helps monitor and control these temperatures.
    • Sludge Treatment: Temperature affects the efficiency of sludge thickening and dewatering processes.
  • Water Purification:
    • Disinfection: Disinfection processes like chlorination and UV treatment are highly temperature-dependent. Centigrade measurements ensure optimal disinfection effectiveness.
    • Filtration: Water filtration processes, particularly membrane filtration, are influenced by temperature, affecting flow rates and filtration efficiency.
  • Water Quality Monitoring:
    • Temperature as an Indicator: Temperature can indicate the presence of pollution sources, such as industrial discharges, or the health of aquatic ecosystems.

The Importance of Accuracy:

Accurate temperature measurements are crucial in environmental and water treatment. Centigrade, while a colloquial term, remains widely used and understood in this field. Using precise temperature measurements ensures:

  • Effective Process Control: Maintaining optimal temperature ranges in various processes maximizes efficiency and minimizes risks.
  • Accurate Data Collection: Precise temperature measurements are essential for accurate monitoring and analysis of environmental and water quality.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Many environmental regulations set specific temperature limits for discharges and water quality parameters.


While the official term is Celsius, "centigrade" remains a familiar and widely accepted term in environmental and water treatment. Its usage reflects the importance of accurate temperature measurements for ensuring efficient and effective processes, monitoring water quality, and maintaining environmental compliance. As we strive for a cleaner and healthier environment, understanding and utilizing this simple yet crucial measurement is essential.

Test Your Knowledge

Centigrade Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the official term for the temperature scale commonly known as Centigrade?

a) Fahrenheit


Incorrect. Fahrenheit is a different temperature scale.

b) Celsius

Correct! Celsius is the official term for the Centigrade scale.

c) Kelvin

Incorrect. Kelvin is another temperature scale used in scientific applications.

d) Reaumur

Incorrect. Reaumur is an older temperature scale that is rarely used.

2. What is the freezing point of water on the Centigrade scale?

a) 0°C


Correct! The freezing point of water is 0°C on the Centigrade scale.

b) 32°C

Incorrect. 32°C is the freezing point of water on the Fahrenheit scale.

c) 100°C

Incorrect. 100°C is the boiling point of water on the Centigrade scale.

d) 212°C

Incorrect. 212°C is the boiling point of water on the Fahrenheit scale.

3. Which of the following processes in wastewater treatment is directly impacted by temperature, as measured in Centigrade?

a) Sludge digestion


Correct! Anaerobic digestion, a key part of sludge treatment, is temperature-dependent.

b) Water filtration

Incorrect. While water filtration is impacted by temperature, it is not the primary process affected.

c) Chemical precipitation

Incorrect. While chemical precipitation is influenced by temperature, it is not a direct result of it.

d) Aeration

Incorrect. While aeration is affected by temperature, it is not the primary process affected.

4. Why are accurate Centigrade measurements important in water purification?

a) To ensure optimal disinfection effectiveness


Correct! Disinfection processes like chlorination and UV treatment depend on specific temperature ranges.

b) To determine the pH of water

Incorrect. pH is measured separately and not directly related to Centigrade measurements.

c) To measure the turbidity of water

Incorrect. Turbidity is measured using a separate process.

d) To calculate the amount of water treated

Incorrect. Water volume is calculated through different means and not directly related to Centigrade.

5. What is the significance of Centigrade measurements in water quality monitoring?

a) To identify potential pollution sources


Correct! Temperature can be an indicator of pollution, like industrial discharges.

b) To determine the concentration of dissolved oxygen

Incorrect. Dissolved oxygen is measured separately and not directly related to Centigrade.

c) To assess the biological oxygen demand

Incorrect. While temperature affects BOD, it is not directly measured in Centigrade.

d) To measure the conductivity of water

Incorrect. Water conductivity is measured using a separate process.

Centigrade Exercise


A wastewater treatment plant uses an anaerobic digester to break down organic matter in sludge. The optimal temperature range for this process is between 30°C and 37°C. Today, the digester temperature is measured at 25°C.


  • Explain the potential consequences of the digester operating at 25°C.
  • Propose a solution to bring the digester temperature back within the optimal range.

Exercice Correction

Potential Consequences:

  • Slower Digestion Rate: The bacteria responsible for anaerobic digestion work less effectively at lower temperatures, leading to slower breakdown of organic matter.
  • Reduced Methane Production: Methane, a valuable energy source, is produced as a byproduct of anaerobic digestion. Lower temperatures reduce methane production, impacting energy recovery.
  • Increased Sludge Volume: Slower digestion results in less breakdown of organic matter, leading to an increase in sludge volume.
  • Potential for Odor Problems: Incomplete digestion can increase odor production, creating nuisance for nearby residents.


  • Heat Exchange System: Install a heat exchanger to circulate warm water or steam through the digester, raising the temperature to the optimal range.
  • Solar Heating: Utilize solar panels to generate heat for the digester, reducing reliance on external energy sources.
  • Insulation: Improve insulation of the digester to minimize heat loss and maintain a more stable temperature.
  • Adjusting Feed Rate: Temporarily reducing the amount of sludge fed into the digester can allow the bacteria to catch up and raise the temperature more efficiently.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer and Michael J. Hammer: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of water treatment, including temperature-dependent processes.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy: This classic resource provides detailed information on wastewater treatment, including the role of temperature in different processes.
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective by McGraw-Hill: This book offers a broad overview of environmental engineering principles, including temperature measurements and their significance in environmental monitoring and treatment.


  • "The Impact of Temperature on Wastewater Treatment Processes" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: This article could delve into the specific influence of temperature on different wastewater treatment processes, including anaerobic digestion, sludge treatment, and disinfection.
  • "The Role of Temperature in Water Quality Monitoring" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: This article could explore how temperature is used as an indicator of pollution sources, water quality, and overall environmental health.
  • "Temperature Control in Water Treatment: Ensuring Process Efficiency and Safety" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: This article could focus on the importance of accurate temperature control in various water treatment processes and discuss the technology used for achieving optimal temperature ranges.

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): EPA's website contains a vast library of resources on water quality, wastewater treatment, and environmental regulations. Search for "temperature" or "centigrade" to find relevant information on the importance of temperature measurements.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF is a professional organization dedicated to advancing water quality. Their website provides technical resources, research, and publications related to water treatment and environmental engineering.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): AWWA focuses on the safe and reliable provision of drinking water. Their website includes information on water treatment processes, regulations, and best practices, which might discuss the role of temperature in water quality management.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use "centigrade" along with specific topics like "wastewater treatment," "water purification," or "environmental monitoring."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing your search term in quotation marks ("centigrade") will ensure Google returns results that contain the exact phrase.
  • Target specific websites: Use " centigrade" or " centigrade" to focus your search on specific websites relevant to environmental and water treatment.
  • Explore academic databases: Utilize research databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar to access peer-reviewed articles related to your topic.
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