Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide

Carbon Dioxide: A Double-Edged Sword in Environmental & Water Treatment

Carbon dioxide (CO2), a colorless and odorless gas, plays a significant role in both the challenges and solutions to environmental and water treatment. While its presence in the atmosphere contributes to climate change, it also offers unique opportunities for cleaning our water and enhancing resource recovery.

Carbon Dioxide: A Greenhouse Gas with Consequences

As a byproduct of respiration, combustion, and decomposition, CO2 is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. This gas traps heat in the atmosphere, leading to rising global temperatures, erratic weather patterns, and significant environmental consequences.

Utilizing CO2 for Water Treatment

Despite its role in climate change, CO2 is surprisingly valuable in water treatment applications. Here's how:

  • pH Adjustment: CO2 dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, lowering the pH. This property is crucial for neutralizing alkaline water, preventing corrosion, and optimizing the effectiveness of other treatment processes.
  • Enhanced Coagulation: Carbon dioxide can be used in conjunction with coagulants to improve the removal of suspended solids from water. It helps to destabilize the particles, promoting their aggregation and subsequent sedimentation.
  • Desalination: Carbon dioxide plays a crucial role in membrane desalination processes. It reacts with hydroxide ions, forming bicarbonate, thus reducing the pH and improving the efficiency of membrane filtration.
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): While not directly a water treatment technique, CCS aims to capture CO2 emissions from industrial processes and store them underground or utilize them for other purposes, like enhanced oil recovery. This could reduce the overall environmental impact of CO2.

Carbon Dioxide: A Tool for Resource Recovery

In addition to its role in traditional water treatment, CO2 is being explored for its potential to enhance resource recovery.

  • Algae Production: Carbon dioxide can be used as a feedstock for growing algae, which can be processed into biofuels, food supplements, and other valuable products. This method offers a sustainable way to utilize CO2 while reducing its atmospheric concentration.
  • Mineral Carbonation: This process involves reacting CO2 with minerals like magnesium and calcium oxides to form stable carbonates. This technology has the potential to permanently sequester CO2 while producing valuable materials.


Carbon dioxide is a complex molecule with both detrimental and beneficial implications for environmental and water treatment. Recognizing its unique properties allows us to utilize it for water purification, pH regulation, and resource recovery while simultaneously mitigating its impact on climate change. The future holds great potential for innovative applications of CO2 in this field, paving the way towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Carbon Dioxide Quiz: A Double-Edged Sword

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of carbon dioxide's contribution to the greenhouse effect?

a) Rising global temperatures b) Increased rainfall c) Erratic weather patterns d) Ocean acidification


b) Increased rainfall

2. How does carbon dioxide help in adjusting the pH of water?

a) It reacts with water to form a basic solution. b) It dissolves in water to form an acidic solution. c) It neutralizes the alkalinity of water directly. d) It acts as a buffer to maintain a neutral pH.


b) It dissolves in water to form an acidic solution.

3. In which water treatment process does carbon dioxide play a role in improving membrane filtration?

a) Coagulation b) Desalination c) Disinfection d) Sedimentation


b) Desalination

4. Which of these is NOT a potential application of carbon dioxide in resource recovery?

a) Growing algae for biofuels b) Producing fertilizer from nitrogen in the air c) Mineral carbonation for permanent CO2 storage d) Enhancing oil recovery through carbon sequestration


b) Producing fertilizer from nitrogen in the air

5. What is the main goal of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology?

a) To remove pollutants from wastewater b) To reduce atmospheric CO2 emissions c) To increase the efficiency of water treatment processes d) To create new energy sources from CO2


b) To reduce atmospheric CO2 emissions

Carbon Dioxide Exercise: Designing a Water Treatment Process

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a water treatment plant for a small community. The water source is a river with high alkalinity and a significant amount of suspended solids. You have access to carbon dioxide, coagulants, and traditional water treatment technologies.


  1. Identify the specific water treatment challenges presented by the river water.
  2. Propose how you would use carbon dioxide in the treatment process. Explain the specific benefits it would bring.
  3. Outline the steps of your proposed water treatment process, including the role of carbon dioxide and other technologies.

Exercice Correction

**1. Water Treatment Challenges:** * **High Alkalinity:** The water requires pH adjustment to prevent corrosion and optimize other treatment processes. * **Suspended Solids:** The water needs effective coagulation and sedimentation to remove these particles. **2. Role of Carbon Dioxide:** * **pH Adjustment:** CO2 can be used to lower the pH of the water, neutralizing its alkalinity and preparing it for further treatment. * **Enhanced Coagulation:** Carbon dioxide can enhance the coagulation process by destabilizing suspended solids, promoting their aggregation and sedimentation. **3. Proposed Water Treatment Process:** 1. **Pre-treatment:** Screening to remove large debris. 2. **Coagulation and Flocculation:** Adding coagulants and using carbon dioxide to promote efficient coagulation and formation of larger flocs. 3. **Sedimentation:** Allowing the flocs to settle to the bottom. 4. **Filtration:** Removing any remaining suspended solids. 5. **Disinfection:** Using chlorine or other disinfectants to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. 6. **Post-treatment:** pH adjustment if necessary. **Benefits of Using CO2:** * **Cost-effective:** CO2 can be readily obtained as a byproduct of other industrial processes. * **Effective pH Control:** Provides precise and efficient pH adjustment. * **Enhanced Coagulation:** Improves the efficiency of particle removal, reducing water turbidity.


  • "Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage" by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change): This comprehensive report by the IPCC covers various aspects of CO2 capture and storage, including its role in climate change mitigation.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Davis and Cornwell: This textbook covers a wide range of water treatment technologies, including the use of CO2 for pH adjustment and coagulation.
  • "Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design" by Davis and Masten: This book provides a holistic approach to environmental engineering, including sections on the impact of CO2 on the environment and its potential for resource recovery.


  • "Carbon Dioxide: A Versatile Tool for Water Treatment" by American Water Works Association: This article explores the various uses of CO2 in water treatment, highlighting its benefits and limitations.
  • "Carbon Capture and Storage: A Key Technology for Climate Change Mitigation" by Energy Technology Institute: This article discusses the technology and potential of CCS for reducing CO2 emissions.
  • "Algae Biomass Production for Biofuels and Bioproducts: A Review" by Chisti: This review paper explores the potential of utilizing CO2 as a feedstock for algae production and its applications.

Online Resources

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): EPA's website provides extensive information on greenhouse gases, including CO2 emissions, regulations, and research efforts.
  • Global CCS Institute: This organization provides resources and information on carbon capture and storage technology, including its potential for water treatment and resource recovery.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA): IEA's website provides data and analysis on global energy trends, including the role of CO2 in climate change and its potential for utilization.

Search Tips

  • "CO2 water treatment" OR "carbon dioxide water treatment": This search will return articles and resources specifically on the use of CO2 in water treatment.
  • "CO2 capture and storage" OR "CCS technology": This search will provide information on the technology and potential of CCS for reducing CO2 emissions.
  • "CO2 algae production" OR "carbon dioxide algae cultivation": This search will focus on research and applications of using CO2 as a feedstock for algae production.
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