Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: capillary


Capillary Action: A Tiny Force with Big Implications in Environmental & Water Treatment

The term "capillary" carries with it two distinct but related meanings, each playing a crucial role in the field of environmental and water treatment.

1. Capillary as a Physical Structure:

Imagine a slender hair-like structure or a very fine, small bore tube. This is the essence of the first meaning of "capillary," referring to a physical structure. In the context of environmental and water treatment, capillary action – the movement of a liquid within a narrow space – is a powerful force driven by surface tension.

How Capillary Action Works:

When a liquid comes into contact with a solid surface, the forces of adhesion (attraction between the liquid and the solid) and cohesion (attraction between liquid molecules) determine the shape of the liquid interface. If the adhesive forces are stronger than cohesive forces, the liquid will "wet" the surface and rise up within the narrow space, defying gravity.

Applications in Water Treatment:

Capillary action is utilized in a range of water treatment technologies:

  • Soil and Groundwater Remediation: Capillary action helps draw contaminants from soil into remediation systems.
  • Water Filtration: Capillary action is employed in filter media like activated carbon, allowing water to flow through tiny pores and capture contaminants.
  • Bioreactors: Capillary action assists in the distribution of water and nutrients throughout bioreactors, enhancing microbial activity for wastewater treatment.

2. Capillary as a Blood Vessel:

In the realm of human physiology, a capillary refers to a blood vessel with extremely fine openings. These tiny vessels act as bridges, connecting the smallest arteries to the smallest veins, facilitating the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products between blood and tissues.

Relevance to Environmental & Water Treatment:

While the biological definition of capillary may seem unrelated to environmental applications, it actually offers valuable insights:

  • Understanding Biological Processes: By analyzing how capillaries function in the human body, we can gain a better understanding of the complex biological processes involved in wastewater treatment, particularly in the realm of bioremediation.
  • Developing Biofiltration Systems: Insights into the capillary structure and function can inspire the design of biofiltration systems, optimizing the exchange of oxygen and nutrients within microbial communities.


The multifaceted concept of "capillary" plays a crucial role in the field of environmental and water treatment. From the physical phenomenon of capillary action to the biological insights derived from capillary structures in the human body, understanding these concepts is essential for developing effective and sustainable solutions to water-related challenges.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Soil Physics" by Daniel Hillel (Provides in-depth coverage of capillary action in soil and its influence on water movement)
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Mark J. Hammer (Explains the role of capillary action in various water treatment technologies)
  • "Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design" by David A. Cornwell (Discusses the application of capillary action in environmental remediation and water treatment)


  • "Capillary action in environmental remediation" by C.J. Werth et al. (Journal of Contaminant Hydrology)
  • "Capillary action in water filtration" by M.A. Ismail (Desalination)
  • "Bioreactors: Engineering, Design, and Applications" by R.A. Aullo (Reviews the role of capillary action in bioreactor design for wastewater treatment)
  • "The Role of Capillary Action in Blood Flow" by R.M. Nerem (Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics)

Online Resources

  • "Capillary Action" by the University of California, Berkeley (Excellent overview of the phenomenon with interactive simulations)
  • "Capillary Action" by Khan Academy (A clear explanation of capillary action with examples and applications)
  • "Water Treatment Technologies" by the US Environmental Protection Agency (Provides comprehensive information on various water treatment methods, including those that utilize capillary action)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "capillary action" + "water treatment", "capillary action" + "environmental remediation"
  • Include specific technology types: "capillary action" + "activated carbon filtration", "capillary action" + "bioreactors"
  • Combine with other relevant terms: "capillary action" + "surface tension", "capillary action" + "porous media"
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