Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: broad-crested weir

broad-crested weir

Broad-Crested Weirs: A Reliable Tool for Flow Measurement and Water Treatment

Broad-crested weirs are essential structures in environmental and water treatment applications, playing a vital role in flow measurement and control. They are characterized by a substantial crest width parallel to the flow direction, which allows them to handle large flow rates while providing precise and accurate measurements.

Here's a closer look at their key features and applications:

Understanding Broad-Crested Weirs:

  • Structure: Unlike sharp-crested weirs with a narrow crest, broad-crested weirs feature a wide, flat crest. This design minimizes the influence of the weir's shape on the flow, ensuring a more predictable and stable flow regime.
  • Flow Characteristics: The broad crest creates a smooth and uniform flow profile over the weir. This results in a more predictable and reliable flow measurement compared to other weir types.
  • Head-Discharge Relationship: The head-discharge relationship for broad-crested weirs is well-established and can be described by a relatively simple formula. This allows for accurate flow calculation based on the measured water level upstream of the weir.

Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment:

  • Flow Measurement: Broad-crested weirs are widely used for measuring flow rates in channels, rivers, and wastewater treatment plants. They provide accurate and reliable flow data crucial for managing water resources and monitoring treatment processes.
  • Flow Control: By adjusting the height of the weir, flow rates can be controlled. This is particularly useful in applications like irrigation systems, where precise water delivery is essential.
  • Sediment Control: Broad-crested weirs can be used to control sediment transport in channels and rivers. The broad crest helps to dissipate the energy of the flow, reducing erosion and sediment deposition.
  • Water Level Control: They can effectively control water levels in ponds, reservoirs, and other water bodies. By creating a controlled discharge, the weir helps maintain desired water levels for various purposes.

Advantages of Broad-Crested Weirs:

  • Accuracy: The stable and predictable flow profile ensures accurate flow measurements.
  • Reliability: They are robust and durable, with a long lifespan, making them a reliable tool for long-term monitoring and control.
  • Versatility: They can be adapted to various flow conditions and water depths.
  • Simplicity: The design is relatively simple, leading to easy construction and maintenance.


  • Limited Flow Range: While capable of handling large flows, they may not be suitable for very low flow rates.
  • Space Requirements: They require a larger footprint compared to other weir types.

Overall, broad-crested weirs are a valuable tool for environmental and water treatment applications. They offer reliable flow measurement, control, and sediment management capabilities, contributing to efficient water resource management and treatment processes.

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