Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: blanketing gas

blanketing gas

Blanketing Gas: A Silent Shield Against Contamination in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, preventing unwanted reactions and preserving the integrity of sensitive processes is paramount. Here, blanketing gas emerges as a vital tool, often employed as a silent guardian against contamination.

What is Blanketing Gas?

Blanketing gas refers to an inert gas, primarily nitrogen (N2) but sometimes argon (Ar) or carbon dioxide (CO2), used to create a protective layer over a liquid or solid material. This layer, known as a "gas blanket," acts as a barrier against the ingress of oxygen or other reactive gases, ensuring the stability and purity of the target substance.

Applications of Blanketing Gas in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  1. Preventing Oxidation:

    • In water treatment, blanketing gas is crucial for preventing the oxidation of dissolved iron and manganese, crucial for maintaining water quality.
    • In wastewater treatment, it helps prevent the oxidation of sulfide ions, minimizing the production of unpleasant odors and promoting efficient treatment processes.
  2. Maintaining Anaerobic Conditions:

    • In anaerobic digestion, where microorganisms break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, blanketing gas prevents the entry of oxygen, ensuring optimal digester performance and biogas production.
  3. Protecting Reactive Chemicals:

    • In chemical storage tanks, blanketing gas safeguards reactive chemicals from atmospheric oxygen, preventing hazardous reactions and explosions.
  4. Improving Safety:

    • In hazardous waste management, blanketing gas can suppress flammable vapors, reducing the risk of fire or explosion.
    • In water treatment plants, blanketing gas can prevent the formation of explosive gas mixtures during chemical disinfection processes.

Advantages of Using Blanketing Gas:

  • Reduced Oxidation: Protects against oxidation and maintains the desired chemical composition of the target substance.
  • Improved Efficiency: Ensures optimal performance of processes like anaerobic digestion by maintaining anaerobic conditions.
  • Enhanced Safety: Prevents hazardous reactions and explosions by minimizing contact with air and reducing the presence of flammable vapors.
  • Extended Shelf Life: Preserves the quality and stability of reactive chemicals, extending their storage duration.

Considerations for Selecting Blanketing Gas:

  • Purity Requirements: The purity of the blanketing gas should be appropriate for the specific application.
  • Cost: Nitrogen is typically the most economical choice, while argon and carbon dioxide may be used for specific purposes.
  • Compatibility: The gas chosen must be compatible with the target material and not cause any adverse reactions.


Blanketing gas plays a crucial role in environmental and water treatment by providing a protective barrier against unwanted reactions and contamination. By using inert gases like nitrogen, operators can maintain the integrity of sensitive processes, ensure optimal efficiency, and prioritize safety in the treatment of our precious resources. As we strive for a cleaner and healthier environment, blanketing gas remains a silent yet powerful tool in our arsenal.

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