Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: biocriteria


Biocriteria: Guiding the Health of Our Waters

The health of our aquatic ecosystems is fundamental to the well-being of our planet. We rely on these systems for clean drinking water, recreational opportunities, and vital food sources. However, human activities often threaten these precious resources, leading to pollution and degradation. To effectively protect and restore aquatic ecosystems, we need tools to assess their health and guide management decisions. Enter biocriteria, a powerful tool in the arsenal of environmental and water treatment professionals.

What are Biocriteria?

Biocriteria are scientific standards that use biological indicators, such as the presence, abundance, and diversity of aquatic life, to assess the health of water bodies. They offer a holistic view of ecosystem health, reflecting the cumulative impact of stressors like pollution, habitat degradation, and climate change.

Unlike traditional water quality monitoring, which focuses on chemical and physical parameters, biocriteria evaluate the response of living organisms to environmental pressures. This approach offers a more comprehensive understanding of the overall health of the ecosystem.

Quantitative Goals: Measuring Ecosystem Health

Biocriteria use quantitative goals to define desired conditions for aquatic life. These goals are based on scientific research and establish numerical targets for key biological indicators. Examples include:

  • Species richness: The number of different species present.
  • Abundance: The population size of specific species.
  • Community composition: The relative proportion of different species in a community.
  • Trophic structure: The balance of producers, consumers, and decomposers in the food web.
  • Biotic indices: Measures of the overall health of the aquatic community based on species sensitivity to pollution.

Narrative Goals: Capturing the Bigger Picture

Quantitative goals are crucial, but they only tell part of the story. Narrative goals complement these quantitative targets by providing qualitative descriptions of desired ecological conditions. These descriptions focus on the overall structure and function of the ecosystem, including:

  • Habitat quality: The suitability of physical features for aquatic life, such as suitable substrate, vegetation, and water flow.
  • Ecological processes: The natural processes occurring within the ecosystem, such as nutrient cycling and food web interactions.
  • Resilience: The ability of the ecosystem to withstand disturbances and recover from stressors.

Implementing Biocriteria in Water Programs

Biocriteria play a vital role in water resource management programs. They provide a framework for:

  • Setting water quality standards: Biocriteria help define acceptable levels of pollution and other stressors that can impact aquatic life.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of water treatment technologies: By monitoring biological indicators before and after treatment, we can assess the effectiveness of remediation efforts.
  • Developing restoration plans: Biocriteria provide targets for restoration efforts, ensuring that we are working towards a healthy and thriving ecosystem.
  • Guiding sustainable development: Biocriteria can help minimize the environmental impact of human activities, ensuring the long-term health of our aquatic resources.


Biocriteria represent a crucial shift in water quality management, moving beyond traditional chemical and physical parameters to encompass the broader health of the aquatic ecosystem. By integrating quantitative and narrative goals, biocriteria provide a robust framework for assessing, protecting, and restoring the lifeblood of our planet - our precious water bodies. As we face increasing pressure on water resources, the implementation of biocriteria is essential for ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of our aquatic ecosystems.

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