Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: bioaccumulative


The Silent Threat: Bioaccumulation in Environmental and Water Treatment

The Earth's ecosystems are intricate webs of life, interconnected by the flow of energy and matter. However, this delicate balance can be disrupted by the introduction of persistent pollutants, particularly those with the ability to bioaccumulate. Bioaccumulation describes a process where chemicals build up in organisms over time at a rate faster than they can be eliminated. This phenomenon can have devastating consequences for both individual organisms and entire ecosystems.

A Chemical's Fate in the Food Chain:

Imagine a small fish ingesting a minuscule amount of a bioaccumulative chemical. While this single exposure might be negligible, the fish itself becomes a reservoir for that chemical. As larger fish consume the smaller ones, the chemical concentration increases at each trophic level, leading to a phenomenon known as biomagnification. This means that top predators, such as birds of prey or large fish, can accumulate incredibly high concentrations of pollutants, even if the initial contamination levels were low.

The Unseen Dangers of BCCs:

Chemicals known as bioaccumulative chemicals of concern (BCCs) represent a significant threat to environmental health. These include:

  • Mercury (Hg): A potent neurotoxin that can damage the brain and nervous system.
  • Dioxins: A group of persistent organic pollutants that can interfere with hormone function and cause reproductive problems.
  • Chlordane: A pesticide that has been linked to liver cancer and immune system deficiencies.
  • DDT: A pesticide that has been banned in many countries due to its detrimental effects on wildlife.
  • PCBs: Industrial chemicals that are known to cause a range of health problems, including cancer.

These BCCs can persist in the environment for decades, accumulating in soil, water, and living organisms. Their presence in the food chain poses a serious threat to human health, as well as the health of aquatic life and wildlife.

Environmental and Water Treatment: A Critical Role:

Addressing bioaccumulation requires a multi-pronged approach:

  • Preventing Pollution: Minimizing the release of BCCs into the environment is crucial. This involves implementing stricter regulations for industrial processes, promoting sustainable agriculture practices, and ensuring responsible disposal of hazardous waste.
  • Water Treatment Technologies: Advanced water treatment technologies are essential for removing BCCs from contaminated water sources. Techniques like activated carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis, and bioremediation can effectively remove these pollutants.
  • Monitoring and Research: Continuous monitoring of BCC levels in the environment and in organisms is critical to track their accumulation and assess potential risks. Ongoing research is essential to develop new and improved methods for preventing, controlling, and removing these hazardous chemicals.

By understanding the mechanisms of bioaccumulation and implementing effective measures to prevent and mitigate its effects, we can protect both human health and the delicate balance of our natural world.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Bioaccumulation and Environmental Health

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is bioaccumulation? a) The process by which chemicals break down in the environment.


Incorrect. This describes biodegradation.

b) The buildup of chemicals in organisms over time.

Correct! This is the definition of bioaccumulation.

c) The movement of chemicals from the soil to the air.

Incorrect. This describes volatilization.

d) The decrease in chemical concentration at higher trophic levels.

Incorrect. This describes biodilution, which is the opposite of biomagnification.

2. What is biomagnification? a) The process by which chemicals become more concentrated in organisms at higher trophic levels.


Correct! Biomagnification is the increasing concentration of chemicals up the food chain.

b) The process by which chemicals are broken down by microorganisms.

Incorrect. This describes biodegradation.

c) The ability of chemicals to move through the environment.

Incorrect. This describes chemical mobility.

d) The process by which chemicals are released from organisms.

Incorrect. This describes excretion.

3. Which of the following is NOT a bioaccumulative chemical of concern (BCC)? a) Mercury (Hg)


Incorrect. Mercury is a well-known BCC.

b) Dioxins

Incorrect. Dioxins are persistent organic pollutants and BCCs.

c) Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Correct! Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas but not considered a BCC.

d) PCBs

Incorrect. PCBs are industrial chemicals and BCCs.

4. What is the primary reason for concern about BCCs in the environment? a) They contribute to global warming.


Incorrect. While some BCCs may have climate implications, this is not the primary concern.

b) They can cause health problems in humans and wildlife.

Correct! The potential for harm to living organisms is the main concern.

c) They deplete the ozone layer.

Incorrect. This is primarily associated with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

d) They cause acid rain.

Incorrect. Acid rain is primarily caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

5. Which of the following is NOT a strategy to address bioaccumulation? a) Preventing pollution at the source.


Incorrect. This is a key strategy for preventing bioaccumulation.

b) Developing new water treatment technologies.

Incorrect. Advanced treatment technologies are important for removing BCCs from water.

c) Increasing the use of pesticides.

Correct! Increasing pesticide use would worsen the bioaccumulation problem.

d) Monitoring BCC levels in the environment.

Incorrect. Monitoring is essential for understanding and managing bioaccumulation.

Exercise: Bioaccumulation Scenario

Scenario: Imagine a lake contaminated with a BCC called "Pollutoxin". A small fish ingests 1 unit of Pollutoxin. A larger fish eats 10 of the small fish. A bird of prey then eats the larger fish.

Task: Calculate the concentration of Pollutoxin in each organism, assuming no breakdown of the chemical.

Hint: Consider how the concentration changes at each trophic level.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

Here's the calculation of Pollutoxin concentration in each organism:

  • Small Fish: 1 unit of Pollutoxin
  • Larger Fish: 10 small fish * 1 unit/small fish = 10 units of Pollutoxin
  • Bird of Prey: 1 larger fish * 10 units/larger fish = 100 units of Pollutoxin

This illustrates how biomagnification significantly increases the concentration of a BCC as you move up the food chain.


  • Environmental Chemistry by Stanley E. Manahan (Focuses on the fate of pollutants in the environment, including bioaccumulation)
  • Principles of Ecotoxicology by R. J. Kendall and T. L. Forbes (Detailed coverage of bioaccumulation and its effects on ecosystems)
  • Bioaccumulation of Toxic Chemicals in the Environment: Principles and Methodology edited by P. M. Chapman (Provides a comprehensive overview of bioaccumulation processes and research methods)


  • Bioaccumulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Marine Ecosystems by J. S. Hines (Published in the journal "Marine Pollution Bulletin")
  • The Impact of Bioaccumulation on Human Health: A Review by M. A. Pinto (Published in the journal "Environmental Science and Pollution Research")
  • Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Metals in Food Chains by J. L. Wang (Published in the journal "Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety")

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): (Search for "bioaccumulation" or "persistent organic pollutants" on the EPA website for relevant resources and regulations)
  • The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants: (Provides information on a global treaty to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants)
  • Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES): (Provides data and tools for monitoring environmental changes, including bioaccumulation)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "bioaccumulation," "biomagnification," "persistent organic pollutants," "BCCs," "toxic chemicals"
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms: "bioaccumulation in fish," "biomagnification of mercury," "environmental impacts of bioaccumulation"
  • Specify the scope of your search: "bioaccumulation in the Great Lakes," "bioaccumulation of pesticides in agriculture"
  • Use advanced search operators: " bioaccumulation" or "filetype:pdf bioaccumulation"
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