Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: BGS2


BGS2: A Sludge Revolution in Environmental & Water Treatment

The BGS2, formerly offered by Wheelabrator Water Technologies, Inc., represented a revolutionary advancement in sludge drying and pelletizing, significantly impacting environmental and water treatment practices. This technology addressed critical challenges associated with conventional sludge disposal methods, offering an efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective solution.

Understanding the BGS2:

BGS2 stood for Bio-Granulation Sludge System, a two-stage process designed to transform wet, problematic sludge into a stable, granular form. This process involved:

Stage 1: Bio-Drying: The sludge was fed into a rotating, heated drum where the moisture content was reduced through a combination of thermal drying and biological activity. The heat source could be natural gas, fuel oil, or biogas, offering flexibility depending on the location and available resources.

Stage 2: Granulation: The partially dried sludge then entered a dedicated pelletizing section where it was further processed, resulting in uniform, high-density pellets. These pellets possessed superior handling properties, allowing for easier storage, transportation, and disposal.

Benefits of the BGS2:

The BGS2 offered numerous advantages over traditional sludge disposal methods:

  • Reduced Volume: The pelletizing process significantly reduced the volume of sludge, minimizing transportation and disposal costs.
  • Improved Handling and Storage: The granular form facilitated easier handling, storage, and transport compared to bulky, wet sludge.
  • Enhanced Disposal Options: The pelletized sludge could be used as a soil amendment or fuel source, reducing reliance on landfills.
  • Environmental Benefits: The BGS2 significantly decreased emissions, improved air quality, and reduced reliance on landfilling, contributing to sustainable waste management.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Lower transportation and disposal costs coupled with potential revenue generation from selling the pellets resulted in significant cost savings for treatment plants.

Applications of the BGS2:

The BGS2 found widespread applications in various environmental and water treatment sectors, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Effectively managing large volumes of sludge generated from urban wastewater treatment processes.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Handling sludge from industries such as food processing, paper mills, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Agricultural Runoff Treatment: Managing excess sludge generated from agricultural operations.

The Legacy of BGS2:

While Wheelabrator Water Technologies, Inc., is no longer in operation, the BGS2 technology remains a significant milestone in sludge management. Its innovative approach to sludge drying and pelletizing paved the way for more efficient and sustainable waste management practices. The principles and innovations of the BGS2 continue to influence the development of modern sludge treatment technologies, ensuring that the legacy of this groundbreaking system lives on in the ongoing efforts towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Note: While the BGS2 is no longer offered by Wheelabrator Water Technologies, Inc., similar technologies and principles are still employed by other companies in the environmental and water treatment sector.

Test Your Knowledge

BGS2 Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does BGS2 stand for? a) Bio-Gas Sludge System b) Bio-Granulation Sludge System c) Bio-Grinding Sludge System d) Bio-Gasification Sludge System


b) Bio-Granulation Sludge System

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the BGS2 technology? a) Reduced sludge volume b) Improved handling and storage c) Increased reliance on landfills d) Enhanced disposal options


c) Increased reliance on landfills

3. What are the two stages of the BGS2 process? a) Bio-drying and granulation b) Bio-drying and filtration c) Bio-drying and incineration d) Bio-drying and composting


a) Bio-drying and granulation

4. What are the potential heat sources for the bio-drying stage of the BGS2 process? a) Only natural gas b) Only fuel oil c) Only biogas d) Natural gas, fuel oil, or biogas


d) Natural gas, fuel oil, or biogas

5. Which of the following sectors did the BGS2 technology find applications in? a) Municipal wastewater treatment plants b) Industrial wastewater treatment c) Agricultural runoff treatment d) All of the above


d) All of the above

BGS2 Exercise:

Scenario: A municipality is considering implementing a new sludge management system to replace its current landfilling practice. They are evaluating the BGS2 technology as a potential solution.

Task: Based on the information provided about the BGS2, list at least three potential advantages and three potential challenges of implementing this technology for the municipality.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Advantages:** * **Reduced landfill reliance:** BGS2 significantly reduces sludge volume, minimizing the need for landfill space and associated costs. * **Improved disposal options:** The pelletized sludge can be used as a soil amendment or fuel source, generating revenue and promoting sustainable waste management. * **Environmental benefits:** BGS2 reduces emissions, improves air quality, and contributes to a cleaner environment compared to landfilling. **Potential Challenges:** * **Initial investment:** Implementing the BGS2 technology requires a significant upfront investment compared to traditional landfilling. * **Technical expertise:** Operating and maintaining the BGS2 system requires specialized knowledge and trained personnel. * **Market for pellets:** Finding a consistent and reliable market for the pelletized sludge is crucial for economic viability.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (Covers comprehensive sludge management practices and technologies, including drying and pelletizing)
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by David A. Cornwell (Focuses on various aspects of water treatment plant design, including sludge handling and disposal)


  • "Bio-Granulation Sludge System: A New Approach to Sludge Treatment" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] (Search for articles on BGS2 specifically or similar sludge treatment technologies)
  • "The Future of Sludge Management" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] (Explore current trends and advancements in sludge treatment)

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (WEF is a leading organization in water quality and wastewater treatment, providing resources and information on sludge management)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (AWWA provides resources and information on water treatment, including sludge management practices)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): (EPA website offers information on regulations and best practices for sludge management)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "BGS2," "Bio-Granulation Sludge System," "sludge drying," "sludge pelletizing," "sludge management"
  • Include company names: "Wheelabrator Water Technologies," "BGS2 technology"
  • Combine keywords and company names: "BGS2 Wheelabrator"
  • Specify publication date range: "sludge drying technology since 2000" (to focus on recent developments)
  • Use advanced search operators: "" (for academic resources), "filetype:pdf" (for downloadable documents)
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